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  1. N

    Natural Test Shut Down

    Thanks for the info guys. After reading through the information provided by Madman and Voices, it appears that my hope to preserve my natural production (TT currently 586), drive down SHBG (currently 58), and bring my FT up (currently 5.3 on 6.6 to 18 scale) to a healthy level by injecting...
  2. N

    Natural Test Shut Down

    Howdy, Basic question--I tried the search feature but could not find definitive information on the following. The specific question: Is there a dosing of Testosterone Enanthate (in mg per week) below which you can expect to preserve what is left of natural testosterone production? Does the...
  3. N

    SHBG High

    Thanks for the reply and information guys. Cataceous--I had assumed that when introducing exogenous testosterone that your own production would actually shut down. It would seem that if I keep the dosage low, drop the LH to the mid range, that supplemental test would simply add to my own...
  4. N

    SHBG High

    First post and questions. First I would like to thank the contributors and organizers of this forum--it has been a valuable resource educating me on the subject of mens health. Now the questions posted here as I have similar questions as the OP. Seventy four years old, 45 years weight...
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