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  1. M

    High ferritin after coming off trt?

    I kinda settled on testosterone being the explanation. It has been a slow downward trend on my ferritin over the past 3 bloodtests. 611, 589 and 571.
  2. M

    High ferritin after coming off trt?

    Thanks, mate! I am starting to think that it is a rebound too. I could find a study that showed a significant negative association between testosterone levels and ferritin (The Association between the Levels of Serum Ferritin and Sex Hormones in a Large Scale of Chinese Male Population) Doc...
  3. M

    High ferritin after coming off trt?

    Follow up with the doc today; He said that it is coming from my red meat consumption. I eat 5-600 grams of venison every day. He advised to cut the red meat out of thet diet. No word on phlebotomies. I think it was strange that he could be so certain that it actually is iron, and not due to...
  4. M

    High ferritin after coming off trt?

    Thank you! I do have some white coating on the back of my tongue. I want to get it tested to figure out if it is a yeast overgrowth. I also have some sinus pressure from time to time. These two could potentially explain the rise in ferritin while my other markers for iron are normal. However, I...
  5. M

    High ferritin after coming off trt?

    Aha, thanks for the insight! But would it be expected to be elevated to this extent? Considering that my ferritin prior to starting trt was 190. Is there a rebound effect when coming off trt?
  6. M

    High ferritin after coming off trt?

    Been on trt for 6 years. The last bloodwork I had done before going off was done 1.5 years prior to stopping trt and the ferritin at that time showed 315. Blodwork now done 6 weeks after stopping trt showed an ferritin of 530. Then a follow up test 5 weeks later showed 610. Is there a...
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