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  1. M

    TRT monotherapy. 5 week lab check due to nipple symptoms. Thoughts/Guidance please.

    Excellent information! Thank you sir! Glad i found this site
  2. M

    TRT monotherapy. 5 week lab check due to nipple symptoms. Thoughts/Guidance please.

    Thank you! Do you think switching to a twice per week dosing might be advisable? Or will that muddy the water? A study i read showed that TC injected IM reached peaks serum levels between day 3 and day 5 post administration. I honestly did consider proceeding with twice per week dosing...
  3. M

    TRT monotherapy. 5 week lab check due to nipple symptoms. Thoughts/Guidance please.

    Thank you for sharing. I haven't heard of Jatenzo. I'll have to look into that! Wish i had the endless energy. My father is like that, goes hard all day everyday on minimal sleep, it's impressive. Sounds like you're on track and dialed in.
  4. M

    TRT monotherapy. 5 week lab check due to nipple symptoms. Thoughts/Guidance please.

    Thank you for the reply and information. -I chose MWF dosing based on trend. Alot of folks have shared that moving to everyday or every other day dosing helped with their symptoms management so i though i would start with more frequent dosing to avoid the possibility of unwanted symptoms...
  5. M

    TRT monotherapy. 5 week lab check due to nipple symptoms. Thoughts/Guidance please.

    Do you mind sharing you're TRT protocol. Height/weight. Test serum level ?
  6. M

    TRT monotherapy. 5 week lab check due to nipple symptoms. Thoughts/Guidance please.

    Well said Systemlord! Thank you for the reply and information. So do think i should just let it ride? Leave dose as-is, avoid temporary AI/SERM and let symptoms resolve on their own.
  7. M

    TRT monotherapy. 5 week lab check due to nipple symptoms. Thoughts/Guidance please.

    Hey guys, I've been on TRT monotherapy, no other drugs, for 5 weeks now. I went ahead and pulled some labwork at week 5 instead of waiting till week 12. Why did i pull labs early? Answer: I started to have bilateral axillary soreness about 2 weeks in. That subsided and was immediately...