I was using 120mg test Cyp pinning MWF. I waited two weeks for most of it to clear out my system and started using 200 NPP pinning EOD and 21mg test cyp pinning EOD.
With the goal of hoping it fixes my ED atleast to levels prior to TRT
Thanks Gman really appreciate the detailed response. I am inclined to beleive my ED is purely hormonal. Prior to TRT I was at 300-400 levels and while my libido was low but my erection quality was great. I live a super healthy lifestyle eating clean, doing cardio everyday and lifting weights 4-6...
Yeah, had problems with ED regardless of TRT dose from 70-200 mg trying out hcg / AIs. Guess I have nothing to lose.
Going to start out 60mg test - 140mg Deca. I have high SHGB and thus low aromatiser even with being on TRT for almost two years.
Thanks for the reply. I tried 77mg per week pinning daily and did not see any relief or change on erection quality.
I done everything from daily, EOD, twice a week. I seem to be a low aromatizer and have high SHGB.
Below was my last bloodwork on 120mg of Test c Pinned M,W,F. Would appreciate...
Can't contribute much as I am on the same boat. My erection quality even with ED meds on trt is about 60% of the erection strength off trt. I've tried mutiple protocols as well ranging from 80-200 test per week adding hcg etc. Without TRT, my levels are low 300s but no issues with erection...
Yeah it's been a bit frustrating seeing everyones fantastic results on trt while I do everything right from a life style perspective and still have issues. Such is life. I will attempt another 2-4 months of experiments and if all else fails PCT off and see how I feel.
I've actually tried prop in an attempt to find a correct dosage. From 175mg a week to as low as 77mg per week. Pinned daily. I think I got increased libido but still suffered from weak erections even with Cialis / Viagra
I done everything from daily, EOD, twice a week. I seem to be a low aromatizer and have high SHGB. Yes, I've tried AI and to be honest did not feel any difference.. Interesting enough never had any bloating, high blood pressure or increased heart rate even on 200mg of test with 1500 hcg.
Can't contribute much but my erection quality even with ED meds on trt is about 60% of the erection strength off trt. I've tried mutiple protocols as well ranging from 80-200 test per week adding hcg etc. Without TRT, my levels are low 300s but no issues with erection strength.
Wish I could...
I was thinking about trying a similar protocol, but I have a few questions.
Is this sustainable in the long term? The total androgens seems quite high, around 250-300. Do you think it would feel the similar with a testosterone at 50-60 and Nandrolone 100-140?
Also, I'm curious about how...
Hello everyone,
I'm considering changing my regimen from Test Propionate, which I take at 84mg per week with daily injections, combined with 250iu of HCG every other day, to Test Cypionate at 84mg per week with injections every other day, while maintaining the same HCG dosage.
I'd like to know...
So just to clarify since I'm low amortizer perhaps a higher dose of test will allow me to hit that E2 feel good threshold? Or is it more of a ratio? If its the latter I don't think this will help me.
Thanks JA. I'm not sure where I would get my hands on injectable e2. Would maybe a higher dose of HCG suffice to increase E2? The most I've used is 300 IU EOD maybe bumping that up to 500-750?
Are you still using HCG? And how's your erection quality? Also have you seen any noticeable hair loss shedding? I have been trouble dialing in on TRT and was thinking of trying this protocol.
Thanks Dixie much appreciated. My supplement list is pretty long already but I'll take a look at those links and order them. I heard about Nandrolone as HRT but that stuff scares me long term...
Anything you have tried that made a material difference? And can you get full erections using Cialis...
Ranged from 350-400. I was not hypogonadal, and while my energy and libido were on the low side I was still able to build muscle and my sexual function was perfect. I thought TRT would only be a boost to my QOL and in hindsight I was very wrong and ignorant.
I'm going to try for another 4-6...
Hi Funk, I've tried everything from ED, EOD, MWF, & every four days. TBH I don't think I could feel the difference. At the end of the day I'm more concerned about erection strength than libido...
So would you recommend I up the dose to 150mg per week and maybe one shot a week?
This was the trough tested before my Wednesday injection. And this is whatever Lab corp provides.
Of course not medical advice but is there a protocol you would advise?
I was pinning EOD for the Test C 100mg and pinning 300IU of hgh EOD. Yes, I have tried Cialis and Viagra to avail. Blood pressure is perfect and no other medications. I sleep 7-8 hours a day. No same problem with weak erections alone orwith a partner.
Note prior to TRT my libido was low but...
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