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  1. J

    Telmisartan for high bp causes fatigue

    Old reply but telmisartan is strong for me and I have similar issues if I take 40-80. I only take 10 but I may change to just nattokinase as it does similar effects, reduce blood thickness, blood pressure and removes plaque build up. If you use extra virgin olive oil, nattokinase or blood...
  2. J

    Telmisartan for high bp causes fatigue

    Yes telmisartan is known to reduce your red blood cell count. A lot of bodybuilders use this for this exact reason so they do not have to blood donate
  3. J

    Telmisartan for high bp causes fatigue

    Yes it does
  4. J

    Permanent ED from tamoxifen?

    Your taking sust every 10 days? It’s a multi ester so you’ll be constantly fluctuating with hormones. You need test E or test Cyp at the very least and taken minimum every 7 days. Twice a week or more to prevent further fluctuations and feeling better. Also tamoxifen destroys my libido and...