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  1. H

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    You're not alone here. I've had almost the exact same experiences with ND and jealousy/insecurity with my wife. Even jealous/insecure about past relationships she had before we ever even met, which I never cared about before (plus, that was a very long time ago). I've read about others...
  2. H


    Something I’ve wondered about with 1x daily cream: Suppose I apply cream in the morning before work (around 7am). Shower after work at 5pm. Has the cream been fully absorbed by that time (5pm), or would I be washing off residue that would otherwise have continued to be a reservoir until the...
  3. H

    Results: SubQ vs IM @ 70mg/week

    I’m interested in hearing more about the impact of different dosing protocols on dopamine. What, in your opinion, would be an ideal protocol for someone who is interested in achieving levels sufficient for symptom resolution and who is also interested in having the least impact on dopamine...
  4. H

    Cream - Hallandale Versa Base vs Empower HRT Base?

    I really liked the Empower Hydrogel cream, but unfortunately it was discontinued. Has anyone tried both Hallandale’s Versa base and Empower’s standard cream (HRT base) and have any comparisons?
  5. H

    Difference between daily IM vs daily SubQ?

    Would a 5/16 needle be long enough for IM in delt for an average sized man?
  6. H

    Testosterone Propionate - Still Compounded In Dallas

    Sorry for the delayed reply. I have not looked for another provider yet.
  7. H

    Testosterone Propionate - Still Compounded In Dallas

    Doesn't Defy read ExcelMale lol? It seems like prop was just about to hit its stride in terms of popularity. Of course I don't see the numbers of what it costs Empower to produce prop vs sales, etc, but this seems like it could be a good opportunity for a competitor to pull patients away from...
  8. H

    Testosterone propionate supposedly the best ester?

    Yes, though I’ve been on TRT for 8 years and don’t think it’s changed my face any in that regard.
  9. H

    Testosterone propionate supposedly the best ester?

    I am also a member of the post Accutane club. Regarding your comment about enanthate/cypionate...what doses/lab results did you experiment with? The reason I ask is because I've only experienced improvements while at higher levels.
  10. H

    High blood pressure from Hematocrit and Hemoglobin

    In my case, there has not been a clear correlation between high HCT and high BP. For example, on 60mg TC E3.5D (120/wk), my HCT was about 47, yet I experienced elevated BP and symptoms of high BP too. On 44mg TE EOD and 22mg TE daily (154/wk), my HCT is about 54, but my BP is in the healthy...
  11. H

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    Nandrolone Decanoate. I tried a lot of different combos. 150 TE 100 ND, 100 TE 100 ND, 120 TE 60 TE, 90 TE 50 ND, etc. My concerns are mainly that it doesn't seem healthy or natural (yes, I'm aware that "natural" is loosely defined when we're replacing our hormones lol). My more immediate...
  12. H

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    How did this work out for you in the long run? @DixieWrecked
  13. H

    My hematocrit came back at 55.5

    Have you tried cream?
  14. H

    TRT Effect on 5 Alpha Reductase and Upstream Hormones- Cause of Low Mood and Anxiety?

    It was so long ago I don't remember exactly, but I am certain that I was applying at least some (possibly all?) to my inner forearms/wrists when those labs were drawn.
  15. H

    TRT Effect on 5 Alpha Reductase and Upstream Hormones- Cause of Low Mood and Anxiety?

    I can’t say whether or not it’s more or less suppressive, but I can say that levels on 2x/day cream are flatter than people might think. I once had two consecutive blood draws done. One about 4-5 hours after morning application, then another the following morning before my next morning...
  16. H

    TRT Effect on 5 Alpha Reductase and Upstream Hormones- Cause of Low Mood and Anxiety?

    Are you applying all of your clicks to the scrotum?
  17. H

    Testosterone Propionate Discontinued by all pharmacies

    Please post an update after you speak with Defy.
  18. H

    My first 4 months - what next?

    Thank you for the clarification. That does change my view - in that case I would probably opt for returning to the lower dose. Which brings a question...if you were feeling good on your initial dose, why did the provider suggest increasing your dose? Was that suggestion based on lab numbers alone?
  19. H

    My first 4 months - what next?

    A couple of thoughts: If you're not already aware of this, when you first start administering exogenous testosterone there is a dopamine boost. Most feel great in the first few weeks of beginning TRT, whether or not the dosage is correct for them. This is commonly referred to as the "honeymoon"...
  20. H

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    I went through this several times with nandrolone. Admittedly, with each trial of nandrolone my test dose was such that my E2 was already high before adding nandrolone. Interestingly, each time I have added nandrolone I always feel fantastic for the first week or two. Then at about 3 or 4 weeks...
  21. H

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    I've had similar effects from nandrolone. Have you ever tried decreasing your test dose and increasing your nandrolone dose to see whether or not those mental side effects persist?
  22. H

    Initial reaction?

    My experience has been the opposite. If keeping total weekly dose the same, my SHBG goes down with more frequent injections.
  23. H

    Acne on TRT, accutane cause erectile dysfunction

    Interesting, I have experienced that too. Though for whatever reason I find that cream greatly reduces sensation. I would also say that I’ve felt the most “normal” on cream. That said, I find that I need twice daily application, which is a PITA, and I also find that the evening application...
  24. H

    Acne on TRT, accutane cause erectile dysfunction

    I realize you didn't direct this question to me, however I'm in the accutane club too. I believe that acctuane is the reason that I am now on TRT. The negative impact was pretty dramatic for me - ED, loss of sex drive, odd depressive thoughts, anxiety. A very obvious before and after. I say it...
  25. H

    Acne on TRT, accutane cause erectile dysfunction

    Please be more specific about the protocols you have tried. What is "low dose 20mg"?
  26. H

    What happened to empowers version of atrevis base (hydro gel)

    I liked it too. I didn’t get an explanation either…was just told that it was discontinued.
  27. H

    Testosterone Propionate

    What sort of a schedule do you use to rotate dosing? Do you mix it up daily, weekly, every few months?
  28. H

    Site Reaction

    SubQ injections in the abdominal area often result in painful lumps. I’ve experienced this myself and read about it on the forums frequently. I use the fat pad on my hip/ventrogluteal area. Also, you didn’t mention the volume of your injections, but IMHO there is a volume threshold for SubQ...
  29. H

    At home Thyroid Panel?

    It is $100 for TSH, T3, T4, and TPO.
  30. H

    At home Thyroid Panel?

    My wife is considering getting an at home full thyroid panel from a company called Paloma. They send a kit in which you use a finger prick and it tests TSH, T3, T4, TPO and optional Vitamin D and Reverse T3. You then mail the kit back and they send you results. My initial thought on this was...