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  1. S

    AIs and E2 from HCG

    I think the big swing in my E2 initially caused a drop in my libido/EQ. However, last night after some Viagra had some pretty decent sex. My libido is also coming back in waves, I feel more confident and alpha if that makes sense. I'm also taking 20mg ED of proviron which I know can reduce E2 a...
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    AIs and E2 from HCG

    Thought I'd post my second week blood results my E2 is now 27pg/mL this is down from 80pg/mL so I can say that Exemestane has lowered my E2 serum levels. Obviously I will need to work out whether this will result in a crash when I get a moment. Gut feel is I need to back off a little and monitor...
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    AIs and E2 from HCG

    I'll keep this simple, but I've read all sorts of things on this. Can the E2 increase experienced from adding HCG to your TRT be controlled via an AI? If not, then how an earth does anyone take HCG? My e2 shot up fom 35pg/mL to approx 80pg/mL. This has lead to an increase in libido but a...
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    Started HCG alongside TRT, docs say to wait 8 weeks for it to settle

    Thanks for the reply. Interestingly I was winning the fatigue battle with T(116mg) + DHEA(50) + Preg (25), Since adding HCG the tiredness came back.
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    Started HCG alongside TRT, docs say to wait 8 weeks for it to settle

    Yeah I understand fatigue is hard to track down. I have some days, even several in a row when my energy levels are great, and then some where I'm totally drained. I train hard 4-5 times a week, but I've been doing that most of my life. Unfortunately I cannot get e2 sensitive as I'm the UK. I...
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    Started HCG alongside TRT, docs say to wait 8 weeks for it to settle

    2 reasons, I was initially taking 25mg to help with energy and insulin sensitity. I'm a type 1 diabetic and DHEA hugely improves insulin sensitivity. Since being on TRT and DHEA my blood sugars are incredible which that alone is worth doing. I moved to 50mg because I was suffering from fatigue...
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    Started HCG alongside TRT, docs say to wait 8 weeks for it to settle

    I was struggling with my sexual function, had low energy, and mood. My blood results showed around 200-300 ng/dL, and my free T was in the gutter as my SHBG was 50-60.
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    Started HCG alongside TRT, docs say to wait 8 weeks for it to settle

    That's interesting about the pregnenolone. I was taking preg and dhea in an effort to backfill as I was feeling very tired and my bloods came back with extremely low progesterone, and dhea sulphate was also low. I'd been doing that for a couple of months and my energy had started to come back a...
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    Started HCG alongside TRT, docs say to wait 8 weeks for it to settle

    I'll keep this short and to the point. I've been on TRT for 2yrs and have as of 2.5 weeks ago added HCG 250iu E3D, with the shot the day before my T dose of 50mg also every E3D. I also take 50mg DHEA and 25mg Pregnenolone ED. Doctor told me to wait 8 weeks and see where I end up with next set...
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    Pramipexole instead of Cabergoline

    Thanks what would be a low dose in your opinion?
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    SteroidPlotter and mg/day

    Thank you, I had a feeling I was on too much. I want to be high end for sure but not above high normal.
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    SteroidPlotter and mg/day

    Recently discovered SteroidPlotter (SteroidPlotter - Graph your cycle) and thought wow that's so cool. I'm on trt and really keen on getting my dose correctly set. However, I have a quick question, does anyone know if the mg/day plots are mg of the ester or mg of testosterone, from my...
  13. S

    Do guys imagine other girls during sex?

    Sounds like it, but I’m 51 too late to change now, so onwards in this fucked up state I guess.
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    Do guys imagine other girls during sex?

    Interesting and I don't know your past, but I've not experienced any sexual trauma in my life at all. I'm not just in it for my orgasm, I make sure my partner is taken care of. For me this is about ensuring I come out of the sex thinking I did well and can hold my head high with pride. Its about...
  15. S

    Do guys imagine other girls during sex?

    I take your point, but you don't think other men do that? I think you'll find its very common
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    Pramipexole instead of Cabergoline

    Cheers for that. I'm guessing then feeling tired is a known side-effect.
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    Pramipexole instead of Cabergoline

    I've been using cabergoline with some success as my prolactin is always high normal and not optimal. It works well, and allow me to cum quicker, and in a some cases multiple times. However I'm very risk adverse and don't like the effects caber can have on the heart value, so I wanted to give...
  18. S

    Do guys imagine other girls during sex?

    I always imagine other girls when I have sex. My focus is never on the girl I'm with, more I imagine someone else performing the act.
  19. S

    Can proviron suppress your normal dht?

    That's a fair comment. Funnily enough I've just ordered some proviron from a pharmacy in India. But back to the original question, does taking a dht suppress your own conversion?
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    Can proviron suppress your normal dht?

    Hi, Apologies if this is a silly question, but I think my theory is sound. I added 50mg of proviron to my current 120mg per week trt (35mg every 2 days) to increase libido, well being etc. I sourced some proviron through underground labs, can't know for sure its legit. However, it did work as...
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    Shortness of breath on 50mg test E every 3 days

    Just thought I'd follow up in case someone reads this thread. I can definitely confirm that my test and free test results were incorrect due to biotin interference. I repeated the tests and it came back stupidly high again, I spoke with the lab and they confirmed that biotin would definitely...
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    Shortness of breath on 50mg test E every 3 days

    I'm a type 1 diabetic hence the HBA1C result. I have now dropped my dose down to 50mg twice a week, so 100mg in total. This is drop down from 175mg a week. I don't supplement with creatine. However I do weight train, and have seem my egfr < 60 unless I stop training about 1 week before the test...
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    Shortness of breath on 50mg test E every 3 days

    I have given 1 pint of blood already yes. Subsequent blood tests show that my hematocrit and RBC are fine, even was check by a haematologist. My blood pressure is good and no issues. Also I'm 15st and very muscled.
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    Shortness of breath on 50mg test E every 3 days

    Sure - I've attached my complete bloodwork results in the PDF to this thread
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    Shortness of breath on 50mg test E every 3 days

    The ferritin is within normal range but low end
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    Shortness of breath on 50mg test E every 3 days

    Attached a screenshot of blood panel results showing the iron and ferritin levels
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    Shortness of breath on 50mg test E every 3 days

    My iron was elevated in my initial 6m blood results. Since then I've given 1 pint of blood. However my ferritin was 72ug/L (range is 300-400). Could I please ask if and how you fixed it?
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    Shortness of breath on 50mg test E every 3 days

    I've been on TRT for 6m now. Initially for about 3months life was good and had no issues apart from high oestrogen. However, I switched to enanthate 100mg every 4 days about 3months ago. This dose was far too high which my 6m bloods showed. It was a mess, I had total T of 88, and other markers...
  29. S

    Just got 6m blood results and they're insane - Free T 88 nmol/L or 2500 ng/dL - WTF!!!!

    So you think my results are bogus due to taking supplements containing biotin. I do take quite a few different supplements. However, I have taken the same ones for a while now and had bloods that weren't this high. This is my first bloods though on 100mg of enanthate every 4d. I did however pin...
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    Just got 6m blood results and they're insane - Free T 88 nmol/L or 2500 ng/dL - WTF!!!!

    You're probably right. They start everyone at this type of dose, get bloods and then go from there. Its clear from the comments, I'm on way too much. What would be the best way to drop down. Stick to every 4d but drop the dose, or just pin the 100mg every 5 or 6d ?
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    Just got 6m blood results and they're insane - Free T 88 nmol/L or 2500 ng/dL - WTF!!!!

    I draw the blood on the trough day, so 4th day after my last shot. I think I'm too much for sure. I'm going to start taking less. I also don't take hcg as it just spiked my oestrogen