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  1. M

    Anavar (Oxandrolone) Blood Levels Increased by Caffeine

    Know I'm responding to an old post and you may have already addressed this, but would taking the "Sarm" Cardarine, ( know it technically isn't a sarm), help with the lowering of HDL, Ive read that it increases HDL.
  2. M

    Testosterone dosing amounts in postmenopausal women?

    1 Yes, the cream has most definitely, according to her, made it easier/less painful...more enjoyable for us both. Not really much for libido, she's pretty good there. The cream is .1mg per gram which she uses 3×/wk. So really not a ton of estradiol. Think the DHEA and T help though...
  3. M

    Testosterone dosing amounts in postmenopausal women?

    Thanks for responding. No progesterone as of now. Has been using a estradiol vaginal cream 3x/wk .1/gm, but not sure how much she applies. Also takes DHEA 25mg 2× a day DIM 3×/wk. And started test cyp 4-5mg once a week about a month ago. Pretty happy with the results and are going to get...
  4. M

    Testosterone dosing amounts in postmenopausal women?

    I'm 66 and on TRT for 2 years with good results. Wife has been taking estrogen and both wonder if adding some T could help her. Would be Test cyp. From what I've read anywhere from 5-10mgs a week in one shot seems to be what most practices use. Would love to hear from the forum for...
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    Huge increase in libido with DIM

    So...after reading many threads on DIM as well as others sources of info, what is the current take on DIM...yeah or nay? And why?
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    Diets and the use of Metformin

    How do you get Metformin, do you need a script? Is it spendy?
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    Would grapefruit juice or bioperine increase Cialis effect?

    I take a 5mg daily of cialis which has been working fine. Just wondering if taking it with grapefruit juice or bioperine occasionally ( like on a Sunday morning), would increase its potency/effectiveness?
  8. M

    Long term testosterone use may increase risk of suicide

    Wonder what the suicide rate is for men with low T?
  9. M

    What is an Alpha?

    MSM tells us that being an Alpha= " toxic masculinity" and promotes for men ( especially if they are white), to shut-up and sit down. Rather be considered " toxic" by that crowd than to be other than I am...a man. Don't know if I'd classify myself as the stereotyped Alpha, but sure as hell...
  10. M

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    Interesting subject. Did you ever get your labs done?
  11. M

    Vastly different T levels between blood tests

    How much boron do you take? And do you cycle it, like 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, which I've heard is good for men?
  12. M

    8 Weeks In 7mg Daily

    IM or subQ?
  13. M

    help with BP/meds

    Enalapril seems to work well for me. 10mg doesn't seem to have any sides I notice. Stopped it for a month to see if noticed anything...nope...except higher BP. Without it I'm around 140ish/100. With it I'm good. Was on several of the others you listed, lisinopril was the worst. Am now on...
  14. M

    Feel very lightheaded after consuming creatine and protein powder!

    Don't know much about Gilbert's, but that might be at the root of the problem. Maybe 1/2 a gram 2x a day might help alleviate? I really don't know, creatine is generally regarded as very safe.
  15. M

    Feel very lightheaded after consuming creatine and protein powder!

    Only thing I can think of is some type of contamination in that batch.
  16. M

    Feel very lightheaded after consuming creatine and protein powder!

    Maybe try a different brand I case this creatine is contaminated some how. I would also use just plain old creatine monohydrate, if you arent already, and not the other forms that are more expensive
  17. M

    Feel very lightheaded after consuming creatine and protein powder!

    Just pure creatine, no other ingredients? Haven't ever heard of this reaction.
  18. M

    Reducing Testosterone Dosage

    Started low dose cialis (5mg) a week ago, haven't started trt yet ( hopefully next week). Positive results so far, getting some morning wood, am also taking 3g of citrulline and AAKG each a day as well, so that might also be helping. Have read studies that say the low dose cialis helps raise...
  19. M

    Feel very lightheaded after consuming creatine and protein powder!

    Hmmm. I've been using creatine and protein powder for about 30 years with no problems like that. They are two of the most studied sport supplements and considered safe and generally benign in any type of side effects. I'm assuming that the creatine and protein supps you are taking don't have...
  20. M

    2 years of insomnia on Test C- various dosages

    Wow! Nice numbers. Was planning on starting at 100mg on cyp a week, but maybe I'll start abit lower, at 80/ wk, pinning ED shallow IM
  21. M

    2 years of insomnia on Test C- various dosages

    Interesting. What are your FT, TT, E and SHBG numbers at 44mg a week?
  22. M

    Cypionate vs enanthate, is one better than the other?

    Thanks! I was planning on starting with 100mg. either 3x or EOD IM, no AI and go from there.
  23. M

    Cypionate vs enanthate, is one better than the other?

    Thanks for the reply! How much more E vs cyp for same levels, like 20%? I'm planning on pinning 3x a week or every other day to start.
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    Cypionate vs enanthate, is one better than the other?

    Understanding that the half- life of Enanthate is shorter than Cyp, if one is dosing 2 or more times a week IM, is one better than the other, less side effects etc...?
  25. M

    137ng/dL Testosterone blood test result, not good?

    Well that's not good! Got my doc to include T and SHGB with a bit of pressure. He wanted to make sure insurance would pay for it, which I assume is why the E wasn't tested. Hopefully with the numbers that came up he will be able to order more detailed and better tests. Regardless, I will be...
  26. M

    137ng/dL Testosterone blood test result, not good?

    Avoided biotin for several days before the blood test ( pretty much stopped most supps). Thought my T would be in the low range, but not that low! Working out has been a grind , but was still making progress and strength levels and muscle mass hadn't declined. Last week equaled my best trap...
  27. M

    137ng/dL Testosterone blood test result, not good?

    Got my GP doc to run a blood panel on me at my latest physical and got him to include tests forT, free T, SHBG, thyroid...couldn't get the estradiol included. Am 64, and laid out my situation in Introductions this week. Have the traditional low T symptoms and am going to get back on trt after...
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    64 and giving trt a second go

    Yeah, I want to try to start out where I was when I felt dialed in, save time and frustration.