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  1. R

    Does FT have a greater impact on libido than TT??

    I have not experienced any negative effect from enclomiphene that I know of. Not really any other substantial positive effect other than increasing my Free T. I have used it for 4 months now. I am going to create a separate thread to report all the details of how it went, including before and...
  2. R

    Does FT have a greater impact on libido than TT??

    I wasn't on exogenous testosterone, I have never done TRT since my natural numbers aren't really that bad. I started with 12.5mg twice a week, that got my Free T up to 20. After 10 weeks I tried 12.5mg three times a week and that got my Free T up to 28 ng/dL, way above the reference range of...
  3. R

    Does FT have a greater impact on libido than TT??

    Yes it requires a prescription and isn't easily available anymore.
  4. R

    Interesting Initial Experience With an Emsella Chair

    I asked them about that as well. You can somewhat get your mind involved even though the contractions are involuntary. You can kind of follow the rhythm of the machine and contract your muscles along with it. I think you are right that manually contracting and releasing muscles would be better...
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    Interesting Initial Experience With an Emsella Chair

    I live in the US and I believe the Emsella chair is widely available.
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    Interesting Initial Experience With an Emsella Chair

    That's interesting, it's always nice to have competition for us consumers :) Yes, I agree the muscle contractions can be quite strong, it is not like a massage, it is like a workout for sure.
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    Interesting Initial Experience With an Emsella Chair

    Sorry for the delay getting back to you guys. I haven't been on here for the last few weeks. It's been almost two weeks since I finished the six Emsella chair appointments, so enough time for them to take effect. The treatment certainly gives the pelvic floor muscles a good workout. I feel like...
  8. R

    Does FT have a greater impact on libido than TT??

    I took nettle root for a few months but didn't see any increase in my Free T levels. We all can react differently though. I have read and also heard from several doctors that nettle root has worked for other people. I did increase my Free T substantially using enclomiphene. I took a small dose...
  9. R

    Interesting Initial Experience With an Emsella Chair

    I went to a clinic that has an Emsella chair. It is an FDA approved device to treat incontinence in women by strenghtening the pevlic floor. For men, it supposedly helps with erections, sensitivity, ejaculation/orgasm, and urinary issues too. You sit on it and it sends out electromagnetic pulses...
  10. R

    Thoughts about libido

    Thanks very much, helpful feedback from both of you. Aspects of Libido so far: Mental interest Physical urge/drive Ease of arousal Are there any other aspects of libido that would be worth including if you were assessing yourself?
  11. R

    Thoughts about libido

    I agree, that's a very good point, there is a positive feedback loop between libido and arousal. For those who say they have felt times of no libido, how would you describe that state? Were you still mentally interested in sex but didn't feel a physical urge and couldn't get aroused easily? Or...
  12. R

    Thoughts about libido

    This is why I wanted to bring up the topic to get on the same page with others regarding terms like this. I would say when a person is horny, they are not necessarily aroused (i.e. some degree of erection), but they have a strong subconscious desire or drive to pursue arousal and arousal...
  13. R

    Thoughts about libido

    When a doctor asks how your libido is, what do you think about when coming up with your reply and what do you say? For me currently, I would say my mental interest in sex is as strong as it's ever been, however I don't feel horny as strongly or as often as I used. And when I engage is sex...
  14. R

    Free Testosterone Results, Equilibrium Ultrafiltration vs Calculators

    That's interesting the doctor would used calculated instead of measured. Does anyone know the free testosterone reference range for the ISSAM calculator?
  15. R

    Free Testosterone Results, Equilibrium Ultrafiltration vs Calculators

    When measuring free testosterone, my understanding is the equilibrium ultrafiltration method is the most accurate and the calculators are much less useful. As you can see below, my free testosterone measured 20.23 ng/dL (ref range 5.00 to 21.00) using equilibrium ultrafiltration (Labcorp...
  16. R

    Relationship Between Higher PSA and Higher SHBG

    That's a good point, I neglected to include the "and". I meant that if my SHBG were 30 instead of 50 and my total testosterone remained constant, then the calculators would produce a higher Free T number. I think you are right that the body regulates for its preferred level of Free T. Are there...
  17. R

    Relationship Between Higher PSA and Higher SHBG

    Have you had your PSA checked? Do you mind me asking what the level is?
  18. R

    Relationship Between Higher PSA and Higher SHBG

    I am new here and others can correct me if I am off, but from what I have read SHBG in the realm of 30-35 nmol/L is "ideal". You see this in the Free T calculators that are available: Plug in a normal Total T value and higher range SHBG...
  19. R

    Enclomiphene in lieu of TRT: Realistic option or is it even available?

    I agree, 12.5mg of enclomiphene twice a week is quite a small dose. However, my lab values are also really not bad, so I wanted to start with just a small dose to see what difference that would make. I am going to experiment with more frequent doses as well, but ultimately want to get by with...
  20. R

    Enclomiphene in lieu of TRT: Realistic option or is it even available?

    I don't have low T levels (just have higher range SHBG and maybe slightly lower range Free T), and like you I don't want to commit to full blown TRT. I am not even convinced yet that TRT would actually address my symptoms. However, similar to what you are thinking, I am trying some things out in...
  21. R

    Enclomiphene - Dose / Frequency / Follow Up Labs?

    Alfred, That's interesting you also started experiencing symptoms in your early 40s. Before this happened to me I would have thought these type of problems would occur much later in life since I am really quite healthy aside from this issue. I am coming to believe these problems in men are more...
  22. R

    Enclomiphene - Dose / Frequency / Follow Up Labs?

    aneuman, thanks for your reply, very helpful. It sounds like our symptoms and goals are similar. Also, if you are "the" Alfred Neuman, I have been a long time fan lol :) I am about 10 days into my enclomiphene trial. My plan is to try it for 2 or 3 months to see if it increases my Free T and...
  23. R

    Enclomiphene - Dose / Frequency / Follow Up Labs?

    I am starting a trial of enclomiphene. 12.5mg twice a week. Sunday morning and Wednesday evening to evenly split up the dose. The reason I am trialing enclomiphene is to see if it will raise my Free T and whether this will result in an improvement of my symptoms. I am 43, fit, healthy, never...
  24. R

    Do Labs Taken During Honeymoon Periods Tell You Your Sweet Spot For Levels or Anything Useful?

    Thanks for your feedback as well. I am new to all of this and have not tried TRT yet. I am planning to trial a few other things first (enclomiphene and then Natesto). If I do have a honeymoon period when taking those, I wanted to see if I should get some labs done during that period. It sounds...
  25. R

    Do Labs Taken During Honeymoon Periods Tell You Your Sweet Spot For Levels or Anything Useful?

    That make sense, I guess it's like drinking caffeine. Strong effect initially and then it settles down with a more moderate effect.
  26. R

    Do Labs Taken During Honeymoon Periods Tell You Your Sweet Spot For Levels or Anything Useful?

    Thanks for the feedback. Does anyone know of a clinic, lab, university, etc where individuals can get this test done?
  27. R

    Do Labs Taken During Honeymoon Periods Tell You Your Sweet Spot For Levels or Anything Useful?

    I don't have labs from when I was 25 or 30 or even 39 when things were awesome. Wish I did since perhaps it would help me know what to target now. Has anyone done labs during honeymoon periods when everything is great? Do honeymoon lab numbers tell you anything special or give you a glimse of...
  28. R

    Loss of sensitivity

    I am a similar age, 43, fit, healthy, not on TRT or any medication, no drugs, no smoking, no alcohol, and started noticing decreased sensitivity about age 41, so maybe it is just an aging thing? I have solid T levels, but might have low Free T and have higher range SHBG. While supplements don't...
  29. R

    Chronically high SHBG and low free test (not on trt yet )

    That's a very good point, thank you. Instead of saying this: "It's frustrating because we are healthy and our bodies are producing enough testosterone, maybe just not using as much as they used to even though it's available." I could have put it this way: "It's frustrating because we are...
  30. R

    Chronically high SHBG and low free test (not on trt yet )

    readalot referred you to a thread on this topic that I started a few weeks ago. There is very helpful feedback on that thread, but I don't know yet if there is a clear great solution for guys like us. You can see I am in a somewhat similar situation with normal T, higher range SHBG, and lower...
  31. R

    Does TRT reverse/improve sexual symptoms for most men with High Range SHBG / Lower Free T?

    I appreciate the feedback - it's very helpful in my process of trying to identify the cause of my symptoms, which maybe are just due to natural aging and probably not a hormone deficiency. Nice reminder that we have higher testosterone than a gorilla haha.