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  1. H

    Top Supplements That Improve Sperm Quality

    Hi Nelson. Another question: it’s really hard to get NAC now I think they are banning it. Would glutathione be a good substitute? If it is what is an effective dosage? Thanks for your help again!
  2. H

    Top Supplements That Improve Sperm Quality

    Hi Nelson. Quick question. Acetyl L Carnitine vs L carnitine. Is one better than the other for this purpose? Thanks for your help. I’ve started on the protocol.
  3. H

    Cycling Clomid, clomiphene vs enclomiphene

    Hi guys, thank you for accepting my membership. I’ve been on clomid for 1.5-2 years. 25mg 4-5x a week. It worked for a long time. Maybe a year. Then I stopped seeing results. So I got off for a few months and recently started back on. This time my endo recommended cycling it, 3 weeks on 1 week...
  4. H

    Enclomiphene WAS working fantastically. What todo now?

    Hi guys I’ve been on clomid 25mg about 4x a week and I also notice that after a few months the effects seem to plateau. So My endo recommended that I cycle it to get consistent results. 3 weeks on 1 week off. Can anyone knowledgeable chime in on this? Is this a good protocol?