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  1. T

    Testosterone dosing

    What would you guess that amount would contribute to labs? Sorry just genuinely interested. I pull them day 7 in the past low end
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    Testosterone dosing

    So that's the weird part sexual function is high I'm losing weight my body is running alongside it as well. Still fertile but how is that possible? Has to be my natural test or is it possible to find that magic dose where you and your body are both on. Last test I was bottom end ft tt around 200...
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    Testosterone dosing

    I'm curious if anyone else has done this. But I'm currently only taking 20mg cyp a week in 1 shot. Is this placebo or helping? My love and fsh are higher than before and numbers lower normal but feel good. Is the test doing this or had my body just recovered? Any feedback is appreciated
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    Can I pm you to discuss further. I have been to u of m but they gave me nothing added a loop recorder acknowledged the symptoms and now I switched insurance bc the electrophysiology dept referred me to cleveland clinic. I'm tapering diazepam currently at 16mg a day. I tried propranolol but it...
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    Most people don’t need TRT

    What is your protocol and esters now if you don't mind me asking?
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    Blood pressure meds causing fatigue

    What's your experience with that calcium channel blocker I'm looking to try it
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    Appreciate the reply what way would you consider raising these? I've tried progesterone and it just made me depressed and didn't raise numbers. I'm guessing raising my trt back up would be a good start. But pregnenolone gave me harsh sides. So would you consider actually taking cortisol or other...
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    That's what my doc thought at first just anxiety but tok many oddities have been uncovered. I never had anxiety in my life quite the opposite to be honest
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    My only guess is I had a blackout playing hockey when I felt well playing Goalie got hit hard on the head. Definitely a concussion. I didn't hyperbaric oxygen therapy and I felt amazing for 3 mo ths then nothing but down hill since but they only did a basic mri and that was year after. So maybe...
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    See that's the weird part xanax gives me erections. Not totally normal function but exact opposite effects. Other benzos don't and kill it. It's very weird. I do know I always have low progesterone but supplements made me depressed. I'm married very calm life not working currently I'm not even...
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    So I've had covid 3 times. No vaccine but this started minorly before covid began. Taking the test away has made it exponentially worse. Plus I started at 300 ng dl in my 20s perfect weight diet sleep. I also have aspergers. Ft was bare minimum. Started trt and my own super low dose proviron...
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    They always say thyroid is perfect. But my cortisol is either low or barely in range. Did the push test and caw response. It's so weird. Been gaining weight even with diet with such low test and exercise intolerance it's been a nightmare
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    Had a doc that thought my 150mg test was too high and that was cause of my symptoms. She gave me mucuna puritans and they messed me up bad. So my doc gave me xanax up to 2mg a day in 2021. I used them never more than .25 a day 1 or 2 times a week. But this last year I tried coming off test and...
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    Was on trt and a super low dose of proviron 12.5 mg a day sometimes 2 x a day. About 120mg test. Felt great for 5 years. Then all of a sudden I got heart racing headaches ect. Symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. So they tried taking me off the test but the lowest I can get to is 20mg a week in a...
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    Enclomiphene from Empower legit?

    Someone on reddit was saying it may just be clomid and hated it so I wanted people than can vouch for empowers that it both works and feels different. I got hcg from them and it only gave me anxiety but I never got that from pregnyl. So wasn't sure but appreciate the reply
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    Advise needed: after 6 months enclomiphene 12.5mg ED

    I don't think Pregnyl is discontinued. I still get mine at CVS no problem. Just certain sizes were taken away
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    Enclomiphene from Empower legit?

    Is this quality stuff? Apparently Defy can still order it. Debating Clomid vs Enclomiphene for fertility. Anyone have experience with empowers? Sometimes I wonder if it's just clomid packaged as Enclomiphene. Help appreciated thanks
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    Bystolic nebivolol giving me ED or Numb feeling at only 1.25mg

    Anyone else have this issue? Already had some ED issues but alot worse basicly impossible to get erections or climax since starting Bystolic. I have only been on it a few days but man it's definitely having an effect. What are other choices for heart rate management or does this get better with...
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    Mayo Clinic Minnesota TRT Endocrinologist

    I have been to U of M but the only option they give is 200mg or 150mg every 2 week shots or just come off. No hcg no seems nothing. I have been on trt for years through health clinics and my issue is the endo department doesn't respect them and when I go to other departments to get help with bp...
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    Mayo Clinic Minnesota TRT Endocrinologist

    Does anyone have any experience with the MAYO clinic? I have a variety of health issues and I'm trying to get it all under one place. Issue is most hospitals the endocrinologist suck or are outdated. Trying to get it all done in one place. If anyone has any experience here please let me know.
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    Starting back on TRT: Anxiety is real bad

    I got more heart palpitations. Barely touched my bp and I also got terribly sore muscles to the point getting up and down was tough. That coupled with anxiety and dizziness. It was the worst one for sure.
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    Starting back on TRT: Anxiety is real bad

    I am on 20mg a week now trying to taper off. I was fine for 4 years on trt test enanthate and cypionate both in the 150mg a week range. I'm tapering off after 5.5 years to see if it helps other issues. I developed high bp and chest pains. Now my bp is down resting but when I had my stress test...
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    Starting back on TRT: Anxiety is real bad

    That's what's crazy my thyroid numbers are solid. Here they are
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    Starting back on TRT: Anxiety is real bad

    Appreciate the reply. Yeah what's odd too is I had a stress test the other day on a bike and everything was perfect but I was getting dizzy lightheaded chest pain ect. Other thing that went nuts was bp and my hr was only 120. Target 160. My bp shot up to 300/120 and they had to stop the test...
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    Starting back on TRT: Anxiety is real bad

    So you found the sweet spot finally switching to enanthate? I'm on 20mg cyp per week now try to taper off and the crazy part is I feel worse the few days after injecting than when I get to day 5, 6, 7. Maybe it is cyp and I should try a new Ester after seeing how I recover or using the oral or...
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    It's time to come off the trt

    So you never ended up recovering your hpta?
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    AVOID Dr. Dana Ohl MD University of Michigan Urology

    Who did you end up switching too? I have him now he seems crazy
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    Defy Medical HCG Shortage?

    I got mine from Empower and FSH. Hallandale is as well but are just continuing on illegally from my understanding. I am kinda pissed bc they won't ship to MI and we haven't banned HCG or anything. Very weird
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    Defy Medical HCG Shortage?

    I thought the cutoff was November 4th?