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  1. J

    High estradiol even on anastrazole

    Since my wife started with Defy, she's questioning everything we used to accept. In retrospect, I should've questioned changing doses, levels and adding meds rather than blindly handing it off to my doctor. Thankfully the members on this site are pointing me in the right direction with some...
  2. J

    High estradiol even on anastrazole

    Agreed - the high T seems to be the most pressing issue and professional oversight from Defy would be best. Thank you for confirming!
  3. J

    High estradiol even on anastrazole

    Wow. Thank you for taking the time to explain all of this so thoroughly. I now understand how to correctly reference the dosage so currently I’m at 200mg injected once weekly. As suggested by someone else, I guess the HCG could be further exasperating the issue. I understand what you’re saying...
  4. J

    High estradiol even on anastrazole

    More and more I’m thinking my wife’s care with Defy outranks what I’m getting. (I just don’t want to admit to her she was right) The HCG was added because of my shrinking testicles and low sperm volume. It’s probably exasperating rather than correcting the issue
  5. J

    High estradiol even on anastrazole

    So I read your info and it's making some sense; forgive me for the following stupid questions but I'm really new getting hands on with my healthcare. I am at 200mg and what's interesting to me was that last fall I was at .5 T instead of 1mg weekly. My T level was 700 and my E was 40. I felt...
  6. J

    High estradiol even on anastrazole

    This is really interesting info; I'll read the links- thanks for posting them! I did not know that was an option for dosing - thank you!
  7. J

    High estradiol even on anastrazole

    I'm on a morphine pump for chronic back pain and my testosterone dropped to 190. For two years I've been on 1 mg of testosterone cypionate weekly (ships from Empower Pharmacy) and donate blood regularly to keep my hematocrit/hemoglobin levels in check. Last year my estradiol levels were...
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