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  1. C

    Masturbation frequency

    Well. You've inspired me to try to cut back.... though I'm taking this stuff called testosterone that is going to make it damn hard (pun intended). Seriously though, my wife thinks my sex drive is excessive so sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. But I'll give it a try.
  2. C

    Deca (nandrolone) for joint pain

    Great advice. Thanks madman!
  3. C

    Masturbation frequency

    My wife and I have sex twice per week. We masturbate together once per week. And I do alone the other days.
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    Deca (nandrolone) for joint pain MHi all, I've been on TRT for 1.5 years now and absolutely love it. Mood, energy levels, libido, are all improved. In the case of libido, my wife says it is TOO improved but that's another story. I'm 48 years old and have been doing BJJ...
  5. C

    What purpose does DHEA serve in a TRT regimen?

    I took it daily for a couple of weeks but I started getting acne (back and face). That's why I dialed it back. I've been on TRT for 1.5 years and am dialed in as far as the T goes. My DHEA was a bit low which is why the doc prescribed it. Other than the acne, I didn't feel much of a difference...
  6. C

    What purpose does DHEA serve in a TRT regimen?

    I'm supposed to take it everyday but I've only been taking it twice per week. I wanted to confirm that there weren't any benefits to taking it. Just because I don't feel benefits doesn't mean there aren't any.
  7. C

    What purpose does DHEA serve in a TRT regimen?

    Does DHEA serve any purpose other than converting into estrogen and testosterone? If I'm on TRT, I don't really need an additional source of either of those. Does it do anything on its own? My doctor prescribed me some because it was low. But why? It did seem to increase my acne but I didn't...
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    Severe hamstring muscle cramps - HCG or Cialis?

    I take a lot of magnesium. I'm an insomniac and it helps with sleep. I also supplement with potassium less frequently.
  9. C

    Severe hamstring muscle cramps - HCG or Cialis?

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I took a more modest 300mg dose of HCG yesterday and no cramping yet so it does look like the Cialis may have been to blame. I'll try the Cialis again next week (when my wife returns from a trip) and see what happens. I don't often get cramps so I don't think it...
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    Severe hamstring muscle cramps - HCG or Cialis?

    Hi all. I've been on TRT for about a year. Officially, I'm at 120mg/week with a low dose AI for much of that period. Perhaps I'm misguided but I procured a UGL HCG source to periodically use in order to keep my testicles functional in case I ever have to stop TRT (supply chain issues, etc.). I...
  11. C

    Idiots will tell you AIs are bad for you

    My estrogen was a bit above range. I didn't feel anything good or bad. My doctor put me on a low dose AI (0.25mg x2 week) and it crashed my estrogen. I didn't feel bad with crashed estrogen either but I know that it also isn't good for me. I guess I need to choose between having an irritated...
  12. C

    Idiots will tell you AIs are bad for you

    My TRT doctor said that high estrogen irritates the prostate. That isn't something I will feel. Do you disagree with him?
  13. C

    Flaxseeds lower testosterone?

    It was my understanding that it limits conversion to DHT rather than reduces T outright. This would affect people on TRT. It wouldn't affect the anabolic side of things but would reduce the androgenic side. Could benefit people with prostate issues. I may be misinformed.
  14. C

    E2 and cancer

    Isn't that how HCG works? It increases LH? Does HCG use a different mechanism? If FSH doesn't affect hair growth, they should have named it something else ;)
  15. C

    E2 and cancer

    Correct. Faster for sure... thicker I think. Seems to be quite a few studies showing that AIs increase FSH.
  16. C

    E2 and cancer

    I don't notice much difference either. The one thing I did notice is that my beard grows like crazy. AIs do stimulate FSH. I guess for some people that would be a bad thing (shaving more) but I've always struggled growing a beard and now I have a pretty impressive one :)
  17. C

    E2 and cancer

    My estrogen was high and my doctor put me on a low dose AI because he said that high estrogen can irritate the prostate. I did some Googling and found this... "Estrogens are involved in local cell proliferation and prostate carcinogenesis in a manner analogous, yet different, to that of...
  18. C

    Supply Chain Issues - Need to Switch to Topical from Injections

    Six weeks ago I had to switch from enanthate to cypionate due to supply chain problems. Today I was informed by the pharmacy that they won't have either enanthate or cypionate until April 2022 and that I'd have to switch to a topical. I know in the USA, you have more supplier options. I don't...
  19. C

    Anyone used/using calcium d glucarate for estrogen control?

    It is well documented for helping the liver remove toxins from the body. This supplement seems to be very safe to take so I see little downside. I do take it on the day prior to an injection when I surmise that my estrogen is highest and my testosterone lowest. I figure that maximizes the amount...
  20. C

    Anyone used/using calcium d glucarate for estrogen control?

    I use it. I take it the day before an injection. No idea if it is effective for estrogen control but lots of sites claim it is. Sounds like it is good for liver health regardless. Do note that it also eliminates testosterone not just estrogen... those sites conveniently leave that part out.
  21. C

    Supplements I Take - Feedback Appreciated

    I'm on 60mg x 2 Test C (started with E but switched due to supply issues). I recently started a low dose AI (.25 x 2 Amiridex). These are my hormone labs... Let me start by saying that I take supplements for three reasons: 1. Recovery - I'm 46 and do BJJ 5 days per week. It is tough on the...
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    In Home Testing

    Just curious... when you say "piss poor" are we talking plus or minus 200 range? If I measured 1200, how much could it be off by?
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    In Home Testing

    I'm sure it is technically challenging and prohibitively expensive, but I wish there was a cost effective machine that could test TT, FT, and/or E2 at home. You can get a hematocrit testing machine for about $150 on Amazon. Obviously glucose testing. I would think the market for at-home T...
  24. C

    First labs after starting TRT - WOW!

    My hematocrit was 0.55 with a normal range of 0.40 to 0.54. It is only slightly too high. My doctor didn't seem concerned about it. I'll post my full labs in the future. Very much appreciate your feedback. I'm also a bit confused how a dose of 120mg/week can have such a dramatic effect. It...
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    First labs after starting TRT - WOW!

    Here is the rest of it. Note: I donated blood for the first time yesterday to get the hemoglobin down a bit.
  26. C

    First labs after starting TRT - WOW!

    Do you know what the options are for Canadians in this regard? Bloodwork seems to go through the state run system and they determine what tests and methods are used. They won't even test for Vitamin D levels any more. Are there private options in Canada?
  27. C

    First labs after starting TRT - WOW!

    Saturday morning at 7am and Tuesday at 5pm. Yes, I'm consistent.
  28. C

    First labs after starting TRT - WOW!

    Good point. I think it is pretty low dose AI (half mg per week I think 2x .25). I haven't filled it yet but I believe that is the dosage he prescribed. Certainly, if it makes me feel worse I will stop.
  29. C

    First labs after starting TRT - WOW!

    I'm on 120mg/week enanthate sub q (2 x 60mg/week) and nothing else (other than OTC supplements). I can't believe how much my T levels increased. I met with my doctor this morning and he is adding a low dose AI to bring down the E a bit but otherwise everything looks great. And most importantly...
  30. C

    Ended up in ER last month

    Did they check for WPW syndrome? My mom has it. Causes similar symptoms...