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  1. J

    Persistent Low E2 symptoms lasting long after crash- Possible Solution or a little relief.

    Can you link the original Reddit thread where you pulled that PDF from? There are some interesting ideas, but I don't know how much weight it holds. I would like to question the writer a bit.
  2. J

    Persistent Low E2 symptoms lasting long after crash- Possible Solution or a little relief.

    Can you link the original Reddit thread where you found that PDF? Thanks
  3. J

    Estrogen valerate injections for crashed e2 symptoms

    Well, it's not low in serum, and it's not a standard treatment option for men -- at all. Hell, even TRT is very conservatively prescribed unless you go to a clinic. Good luck explaining a "receptor" problem to a doctor who practices medicine from a playbook. I doubt they're going to want to...
  4. J

    Permanent Damage from Estradiol Crash

    I'm confused. I remember in the original knockout/desensitization thread, you were posting about how you were getting off TRT to attempt a natural recovery -- something you seem to be championing here. Then... you say you are on 800 mg of TRT? I'm confused. Do you mind providing a more...
  5. J

    Which "part" of the HPTA is the hardest to "turn on" during PCT?

    For anyone else curious: Madman states: "Even without the use of a PCT, the natural production of LH will kick in fairly quickly but natural endogenous production of testosterone can take much longer as the critical aspect of the recovery process is the responsiveness of the Leydig cells in...
  6. J

    Which "part" of the HPTA is the hardest to "turn on" during PCT?

    I am getting off testosterone after two years (if you want back story, you can read my previous posts, and I'm unable to perform any conventional PCT as I cannot tolerate SERMs. I have, however, been entertaining the idea of using GnRH or hCG as a way to "prime" the body before coming off TRT...
  7. J

    Pituitary restart while on TRT: promising initial results with GnRH plus enclomiphene

    The literature body on people who have experienced shutdown for a prolonged period (however, some of this is using GnRH analogues, as in the case of prostate cancer research). It does seem most people, anecdotally, recover more quickly than 9-12 months, but often these people were just cycling...
  8. J

    Pituitary restart while on TRT: promising initial results with GnRH plus enclomiphene

    I appreciate the thoughtful response. Nine to twelve months to get to a baseline level of HPTA function just sounds absolutely brutal, but perhaps it's the way to go in my case, where so many systems are completely out of whack. Maybe throwing it into a tailspin and letting it re-calibrate...
  9. J

    Pituitary restart while on TRT: promising initial results with GnRH plus enclomiphene

    By the way, is there ANY literature suggesting that GnRH/gonadorelin can be used as a substitute for hCG with respect to maintaining testicular function (while on TRT, ofc)? Maybe @readalot would know? I know a lot of clinics chose to switch over, but I can't find any of the clinics citing...
  10. J

    Pituitary restart while on TRT: promising initial results with GnRH plus enclomiphene

    Great stuff, @Cataceous I'd like to hear your opinion regarding using GnRH alone as a restart tool -- a potential application you referenced in your initial post. I've finally decided to get off TRT. I started exogenous T to see if it could help with symptoms of PSSD (post-SSRI...disaster)...
  11. J

    SERM "PCT" Alternatives

    Fair points. I read through your TRT protocol and the theory behind it. It was definitely interesting. If I recall correctly, you mentioned synthetic GnRH potentially being used as a PCT tool after long-term TRT. Do you see gonadorelin as being a viable PCT alternative in isolation? It is my...
  12. J

    SERM "PCT" Alternatives

    @BigTex The publication you sent me showed that a single dose 100 ug dose of trip caused a HUGE rise in LH, peaking at about 40 mIU/mL within 30 minutes, and then slowly falling back down. I've heard people mention the risk of irreversibly damaging the HPTA with tript, and giving the dosing...
  13. J

    SERM "PCT" Alternatives

    I'm going to read more literature before attempting it, and hopefully even get a script from the doc under whom I have been using TRT. Thanks for the link.
  14. J

    SERM "PCT" Alternatives

    @Dicky And for anyone else curious, I have been running 22 mg EOD for several months and feel like shit. These are my blood results I recently received from Quest: DHT: 72 [12-65] -H E2, sensitive: 32 [ < 29 ] TT: 856 [250-1100 ng/dL] (lol did they finally raise the range) FT: 135 [35-155...
  15. J

    SERM "PCT" Alternatives

    What is the purpose of "NAD therapy"? I have not heard of this.
  16. J

    SERM "PCT" Alternatives

    Sorry if I wasn't clear in my post. I unknowingly crashed my E2 for prolonged periods (not with AIs, but with high-dose T and DHT derivatives, when I already had low e2), and ever since then, it seems I have been experiencing low e2 symptoms, in spite my e2 levels appearing normal on my labs. I...
  17. J

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    likely an extremely short half life, since the estrogen is not attached to an ester (like the orals or injectables).
  18. J

    SERM "PCT" Alternatives

    I'm strongly considering getting off TRT after being on 1.5 years and worsening my health tremendously. Since I'm suffering from an abundance of low E2 symptoms which I would probably exacerbate majorly if I were to use SERMs. Are there any other good alternatives? Anything that antagonizes...
  19. J

    Increased Dose / Switched to Daily Injections

    I remember you posting in some of the low e2 threads, experimenting with some phytoestrogens to try to get your e2 up and reduce anxiety. What other symptoms were you experiencing before (ED, brain fog, joint issues, loss of morning wood, etc.)? How are you feeling now? It would be great to...
  20. J

    Increased Dose / Switched to Daily Injections

    Have your low e2 symptoms gotten better since reducing your test dose? Seems the people with low e2/low e2 symptoms have high androgen : estro ratios, and they often have anxiety as a result.
  21. J

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    @Coconutz did you have any erections issues prior to starting exogenous estradiol? I know some guys have reported ED while others just report low libido and feeling like shit. It's a wide spectrum. From what I've read, it appears estrogen receptors (specifically, ER-alpha receptors) have some...
  22. J

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Wiki reports that estradiol valerate has an oral bioavailability of 3-5%, so if you're taking 2000mcg, you're getting 60 - 100 mcg of estrogen per day, thereby raising your e2 levels by about 60-100 pg/mL per day. Some other people around here have taken much higher doses (100-200 mcg / day...
  23. J

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Can you and everyone else reporting good results from exogenous E2 post their regimen (how much T they're taking, on what schedule, and how much E2 they're taking, in what form) Oh, and if anyone has bloodwork, that would be awesome too. Per my readings on the pharmacokinetics of E2 (at...
  24. J

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    What dose were you using and where were you applying it? What was your TRT protocol when using the e2 cream?
  25. J

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    @JA Battle I've started direct supplementation of E2 via transdermal gel (LifeFlo brand) at 5mcg per day (50mcg, with an assumed 10% absorption rate). I noticed immediate reduction in heat-induced rashes (was breaking out in hives from light exercise) and reduced CNS stimulation. Additionally...
  26. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    Wow. We have scarily similar response patterns. Have you tried exogenous estradiol (creams, patches, shots)? I’m scared to raise my T dose as well. It seems like once lowered the body needs far less (metabolism seems to slow). Very odd. It just doesn’t make a lot of sense. My total...
  27. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    Thanks for the info!
  28. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    I definitely felt much less anxiety and CNS stimulation when dosing EOD many months ago. The anxiety right now is unreal. What symptoms did you experience on daily injections? I only chose daily injections because I was previously running a blend to mimic diurnal variation, just as cataceous...
  29. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    @Cataceous I checked out that product from Amazon, and it appears it also contains 2mg estriol/E3 in addiction to the 500mcg of estradiol. Would this estriol pose any problems? Volumetrically dosing the solution seems easy enough, so long as the volume/pump is consistent. One other question...