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  1. M

    Testosterone Injection Site Reactions: Grapeseed Oil, Sesame Oil, and Cottonseed Oil Carriers.

    Great information. Over the years I have definitely developed some sort of reaction to cottonseed oil, but that's the only carrier I can get through my pharmacy. Are there brands of testosterone that sell a grapeseed oil version, or do you have to get it from a compounding lab?
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    Best Sleep Supplements

    Melatonin has never worked for me. Ambien and xanax work great, but I hate to use them regularly. I've found low dose of edible THC (or THC with CBC) works great. They take about 2 hours to kick in, so I eat one between 9-10:30PM. That gets me through that dreaded 2:30AM wake-up, and I have no...
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    cheap HCG (23usd/10k IU) - reliableRX - experience

    Hmmm...I still get marketing emails from them.
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    Unexpected blood pressure drop with Semaglutide

    Great reference, Nelson. In my case, I'm not (and wasn't) obese...not really even overweight. And my blood sugar levels were pre-diabetic and not treated. So I fall a bit outside of this study. It would be great to hear from others to know if I'm just an outlier.
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    Unexpected blood pressure drop with Semaglutide

    I have always had high blood pressure, even as a child. Since my BP spikes up and down, seemingly randomly, it's very difficult to control. And in the past few years the highs have been 200+/100+, high enough for one doctor to refuse to treat me anymore, and another doc wanted me to go the ER...
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    HCG Timeline and Dosage

    A bit off-topic, but related question. My last vial of reconstituted HCG was cloudy. Is it OK to use it or should I throw it away??
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    So who is happy with TRT? Who wish they never started?

    Certainly give it a try! If it doesn’t work for you then stop and you will quickly go back to baseline. I’ve been on TRT for about 10 years, and following this forum 3 years. One factor to consider when reading other people’s experiences here is that many of them are taking way more T than what...
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    Reaction to Bacteriostatic Water

    I've been on TRT for about 10 years. I never added HCG until the last 3 months. At first I used the saline solution that came with the HCG, but I wanted to keep the HCG longer so I switched to bacteriostatic water. I'm having an allergic reaction (hard, sore, itchy lump at injection site) to the...
  9. M

    Firm, painful knot at injection site

    I've been on TRT for 10 years. I inject 0.2 ml (40mg) of testosterone cypionate twice per week. A few months ago I started injecting HCG (200mg) at the same time. I first draw the testosterone into the syringe, and then draw the HCG into the same syringe. I use a new needle when drawing each...
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    Will HCG work after 10 years of TRT?

    That is an interesting study, but my interpretation of the results is that (assuming the results would be the same in humans) you pick up where you left off. My body was producing very little T by the time I started picking up where I left off is not a very good place to be.
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    Will HCG work after 10 years of TRT?

    Thanks for the input everyone. I'll just start with a low dose and see how it goes. I do have watch my RBC, and I am on meds for high BP, so I appreciate the warnings and I know what to watch. I've been fine without HCG, so I won't be disappointed if it doesn't work for me.
  12. M

    Will HCG work after 10 years of TRT?

    If you don't mind, can you share with me the side effects that caused you to stop the HCG? I don't know what to expect...and probably need to do some more homework before I give myself the first shot. How long did it take for the side effects to manifest and how long did you tough it out, hoping...
  13. M

    Will HCG work after 10 years of TRT?

    Thanks for the reply, Nelson. I'm 59, so I don't know if I fall into your "older guys" category. As you age, you never really consider yourself to be old! But I have been on TRT for a decade. I ordered some HCG from Reliable and I'll give it a try. I'm assuming you can't draw the HCG into the...
  14. M

    Will HCG work after 10 years of TRT?

    I think my title pretty much says it all. I've been on TRT for about 10 years for secondary hypogonadism. I don't take any other hormones or substances, just T (50 mg injected 2X week). My testicles are miniscule, as would be expected. Is it too late to add HCG to my regimen?
  15. M

    Beta-blocker responsible for significant ED, searching for BP meds that don’t cause ED.

    This has been an interesting thread for me to read. I've struggled with different BP meds for about a year now. So many adverse reactions. And many did little to bring down my very high BP. I also had ED issues on beta blockers, but settled on Nebivolol as well. My only complaint is that I have...
  16. M

    cheap HCG (23usd/10k IU) - reliableRX - experience

    For those of you who order from Reliable, how do you pay them? They ask for your bank account details, which makes me nervous.
  17. M

    Best Medications to improve Ejection Fraction in Testosterone Users?

    I have been trying every blood pressure med under the sun to try to find one that works, without serious side effect. I've found a number of them that will get my BP into a safe zone, but I play tennis and most of them make it impossible for me to be competitive. I am constantly gasping for...
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    Acid Reflux and GERD Treatement

    From reading all of the responses it seems there are as many methods for alleviating GERD as there are people suffering from it! I too suffered from GERD for many years. I have arthritis and I was taking a lot of ibuprofen. What I didn't realize is that ibuprofen increases acid production. So...
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    Testosterone “single use vial “

    If you want to use all of the T in the vial, be sure to wipe the rubber top with alcohol, before and after you withdraw your dose. Also, use a smaller gauge needle (like an insulin syringe) to minimize the chances of bacterial contamination. It takes a lot longer to withdraw the dose, but it's...
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    Estimating T-Level

    Very helpful! And it looks like my response is very typical.
  21. M

    Estimating T-Level

    I weigh 185 lbs and inject 130 mg per week, once per week. I recently tested to see what my level would be a week after the injection and I was still over 900 ng/dl. My Dr. would like to see me around 400-500 on the day of my shot, that's why I was wondering if there's a way to predict the...
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    Estimating T-Level

    Is there a formula that can be used to estimate the T level that will be achieved after injecting a specific amount of T? I'm assuming weight is an important variable. Or, does everyone metabolize T very differently so that a formula does not work? Is there also a way to predict T level at...
  23. M

    I have several small doubts...

    The immediate improvement you've noticed is not your imagination, it's real. TRT very quickly makes you feel better. In fact, I felt like superman during the first few weeks, particularly with my mood and energy, but unfortunately that did not last. But the improvements in libido and ED were...
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    High Erythropoietin

    I really appreciate you looking into my situation. I live on the Big Island, where health care is really poor. But it's a price we pay to live in paradise. I was put on Amlodipine. I was on it for two weeks and had to stop. It raised my pulse from a normal resting rate of 72 to near 100. I was...
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    High Erythropoietin

    I've attached my lab results. I've only had 2 phlebotomies. My doctor told me they were too invasive and he said I have to stop TRT. I disagreed. He dropped me. I just found a new doctor who seems more interested in trying to manage my health in a way that doesn't require me to walk around with...
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    High Erythropoietin

    I'm 58 and have been on TRT for 8 years. Currently using hydrogel from Empower. I've been struggling to manage high hematocrit caused by the TRT. I've been undergoing periodic phlebotomies. My lab results keep showing a high lever of Erythropoietin (33); I'm wondering if that's from the TRT or...
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    Testosterone in Atrevis hydrogel base = almost double test levels!

    I now have a prescription for this gel. Thanks for the suggestion! But I'm just doing 2-clicks, since I've seen results others are having with 4-clicks and I've been having problems with high hematocrit. I don't want to risk elevating them to where I need a phlebotomy...and I don't need the...
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    Testosterone in Atrevis hydrogel base = almost double test levels!

    Nelson, the prescription you suggest states 1ml per day. In this thread you said you're using "4 clicks per day;" is that the equivalent of 1 ml or 4 ml?
  29. M

    Testosterone Gel/Cream applied to scalp?

    I've been on TRT for nearly 10 years. In the past year I've had to switch from injections to a gel, because of problems with elevated hematocrit. I'm finding very poor absorption of androgel through the skin on my shoulders. I've read about good results people are getting with non-alcohol based...