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  1. S

    Hydrocodone and Male Libido

    The mechanism of action behind the boost in libido after the use of hydrocodone is more than likely it's propensity to increase Dopamine in an acute way.
  2. S

    PT-141 and Trimix?

    This is great feedback. There are def concerns with running them together but they both work on 2 different systems. One vascular and the other nervous. So I imagine they can be used together. For me Pt-141 worked for both libido and erections. It was like being 16 again. However the effects...
  3. S

    Finally found reason for my ED

    Did they say what treatment option are available?
  4. S

    PT-141 and Trimix?

    That's a really good call and I appreciate your comment. I'll wait about 4 days after my last PT-141 injection before using tri-mix. I may alternate the 2 compounds. Giving the penile tissue off a week or two and allowing myself not to down regulate the PT-141 as quickly.
  5. S

    PT-141 and Trimix?

    You said it brother.... When we were young we would blow off all that advice of the older guys until we became the older guys.
  6. S

    PT-141 and Trimix?

    Tri mix doesn't help with the urge or desire. PT-141 def does. I started the Trimix apart of a wave therapy protocol. However even with testosterone and Trimix sometime the desire isn't there like it is with PT-141.
  7. S

    PT-141 and Trimix?

    Just putting my feelers out there before I experiement myself. Has anyone used both PT-141 and Trimix? Since they work on seperate systems I don't think there will be much of a chance of complications but just curious what you guys think. Thanks!