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  1. T

    [Doubts] Hcg in TRT

    it is worth mentioning that I have been in the trt for 2 months practically. but I had a great atrophy. so I started using it, and yes, the medication in my body responds quickly shbg 14.
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    [Doubts] Hcg in TRT

    I'm very calm. There was no anxiety in the use of HCG, as when I started the trt. because I used hcg 10 years ago when I did a steroid cycle. and I also had a response from the balls, the bag is heavier hahaha. there have already been 3 applications, I believe so, an effect has already appeared.
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    [Doubts] Hcg in TRT

    Hey guys! I'm at TRT for 2 months. and starting from last week I started HCG 2x week shots of 300ui is hcg possible to cause sensitivity / gyno? I don't know if it's because I missed one of the doses of T these days, but I had a slight sensitivity in the nipple, and I already feel my balls...
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    TRT and anxiety

    i started trt less than 2 months ago. and with higher dosages, yes, increased blood pressure and anxiety. I realized that for me it doesn’t pay to make a dose in the week, so I’m dividing it in two, and thinking about playing up to 3x a week. smaller doses to not have so much peak. (sorry if my...
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    Is low Estradiol (Naturally) along low free T effectively hypogonadism?

    I'm 28, and hypogonadism. I have been using TRT for almost 2 months, with a dose of 60mg per week, and it was only at the beginning of the treatment that I got my morning erections or during the day. now I'm not having more, would it be time to increase this dose?
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    Application Spots (subQ) - cypionate

    Rock, subQ ? with insulin needles in the gluteus?
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    Application Spots (subQ) - cypionate

    I do it in the navel region. subq. I would like to know if I can use other points, if there is a video. just subq
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    Application Spots (subQ) - cypionate

    que pontos de aplicação do modo subcutâneo fora da região do umbigo? é possível fazer uma vasta região lateral ou da coxa? (desculpe inglês, usando o tradutor)
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    Testosterone and Insomnia

    which application points outside the navel region for subq? can I apply on the vast lateral subq?
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    Testosterone and Insomnia

    what good news stx359 !! do you use cypionate? I am now trying to do it twice a week, with 30mg every 3 ½ days. totaling 60mg week. I wanted to hit a low dose, so at least 2x a week. I believe that daily applications would not be necessary through the half-life of the drug
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    Testosterone and Insomnia

    I think so. I have to retake exams. my problem is not even losing sleep. but to be sleepy. when I increase the dose, I can't sleep, take naps during the night. and I wake up as if I hadn't even rested, but in a good mood. by decreasing the dose, and waiting 1 week, for the drug to practically...
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    Testosterone and Insomnia

    Vicente, qual dosagem posso manipular de melatonina + magnesio ?
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    Testosterone and Insomnia

    guys, I'm doing 100mg weekly. and I'm having insomnia, but I haven't tried any medication to induce sleep (and I don't intend to). it is very bad to go to sleep without sleep and jump out of bed as if you had not slept. strange body and mind. also retaining more liquid. trt would be for correct...
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    Low dose? 1 shot week or twice. TRT

    Yes Vince secondary hypogonadism.
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    Low dose? 1 shot week or twice. TRT

    the results were within the reference values
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    Low dose? 1 shot week or twice. TRT

    So, I've been thinking about doing 2x 50mg a week. So as not to fluctuate so much, because on the 7th, the testosterone application is already very low.
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    Low dose? 1 shot week or twice. TRT

    Vince , my testosterone was an average of 250 in the results. I've been measuring over the past 3 years. so I opted for trt.
  18. T

    Low dose? 1 shot week or twice. TRT

    hey guys! I still have doubts about TRT. I started with a 66mg weekly dose. I had some acne and increased libido. but I think I'm getting in the way with the drop in testosterone on day 7. However I have been studying the option of using 2x week 50mg. What do you recommend? what ideal range of...