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  1. I

    Lab Results - Suggestions?

    Thanks for all the responses. I forgot to mention in my original post that I am taking omeprazole daily, along with a daily multivitamin, iron, vitamin D, fish oil, a digestive probiotic, and ZMA. Based on the results I posted above, what follow-up tests (if any) should I request from my doctor?
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    Lab Results - Suggestions?

    Thanks! Any idea if my B12 level of 327 is low? I heard somewhere that it should be around 700 for optimal.
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    Lab Results - Suggestions?

    I'm 6'2" and 215lbs. I haven't had body fat percentage done but I would guess I'm somewhere between 20 and 25% (could stand to lose 15 or so pounds around the waist). My diet isn't the greatest......probably to much meat and beer and not enough vegetables. I'm really just trying to optimize...
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    Lab Results - Suggestions?

    I recently just received my test results back (see attached). I am a 48 year old male and in good health. I had the tests run after I had fasted for approximately 10 hours. Any suggestions on areas for improvement/optimization? Thanks in advance!
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    What tests should I request before TRT?

    Thanks! Does it matter what time of day any of the tests I've mentioned are performed? My annual exam is scheduled for the afternoon. Thanks!
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    What tests should I request before TRT?

    Is this one called "Testosterone Free and Total by ED/LC-MS/MS (Free) and LC-MS/MS (Total), Adult Males" better:
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    What tests should I request before TRT?

    Thanks! I'm assuming this is the same test from ARUP called Testosterone, Bioavailable and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (Includes Total Testosterone), Adult Male: So if I asked for the test above along with the following, I should be covered pretty well: Ultrasensitive Estradiol - CPT...
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    What tests should I request before TRT?

    Thanks! If I go to my regular doctor is there a test number for the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration tests that I can ask for?
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    Can Omeprazole- Acid Reflux Medication Decrease Ferritin and Cause ED?

    I currently have acid reflux and am taking Omeprazole. I have read on here that Omeprazole (Proton Pump Inhibitors) can adversely affect Ferritin, cause ED, etc. so I would like to try something else. Can anyone recommend a probiotic, supplement, or other med to treat my acid reflux? Thanks!
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    What tests should I request before TRT?

    Thanks! So I have a couple of follow-up questions: 1. Would a doctor even put me on TRT based on the levels from my last test? 2. Should I ask my general General Practitioner run tests again (insurance covers) or should I go somewhere like 3. When I do get tested...
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    What tests should I request before TRT?

    I have my annual physical coming up and am trying to come up with a list of tests I should request. My General Practitioner has always done the tests I've requested and my insurance usually covers the majority of tests. Here our my stats: 46 year old male 6'2" 215 lbs Decent shape. I have...
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    Ferritin Low

    Since I started taking the Ferrous Sulfate (Iron Chelated won't arrive until tomorrow) my acid reflux has been worse. I have been taking Ferrous Sulfate first thing in the morning (around 5 AM) with a small glass of water. My acid reflux if fine until I eat my first meal (usually around...
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    New Vitamin/Supplement/Nootropic Suggestions

    Thanks Vtail. It's hard to say how much the Tadalafil helps. I would say it has been minor so far but I only started it in the last month or so and forget to take it some days. I also may try taking a higher dose (maybe 10mg).
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    New Vitamin/Supplement/Nootropic Suggestions

    I am looking for a couple of vitamins/supplements/nootropics to try. I am 44 male, 6'2", 215lbs, and in decent shape. I recently had a full battery of tests done and the the only significant finding was low ferritin (see test results in "Blood Test Discussion" section). Here is a list of what...
  15. I

    Lab Results - How did I do?

    Thanks guys. Ideally I am just looking to improve my overall health. Health issues include acid reflux (have been taking Omeprazole when it flares up but just started taking Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes Plus Prebiotics & Probiotics), minor fatigue, minor head fog, and anxiety. The fatigue...
  16. I

    Ferritin Low

    Thanks all! Iron Chelated and Vitamin C ordered.
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    Lab Results - How did I do?

    So what would you suggest I do? This is all new to me so I'm not sure how to proceed.
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    Lab Results - How did I do?

    No. I have never taken any TRT/testosterone in my life.
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    Lab Results - How did I do?

    Thanks Systemlord! So it sounds like I don't need any further tests at this time? Any thoughts on my Estradiol levels? This is the one I am most concerned about. Test results from 10-23-19: Test results from 10-29-15:
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    Lab Results - How did I do?

    Thanks! Would it be okay to start taking Ashwagandha? From what I have read it helps increase T3 and also reduces anxiety (which I think I suffer from sometimes).
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    Vitamins/Supplements to Increase Sleep

    I am looking for vitamins/supplements to increase my quality of sleep. I basically have two issues: 1. Some night I have issues with cramping. My arms and legs will get sore/cramped and I will be forced to move, resulting in a lot of tossing and turning. 2. Frequent urination - I will wake...
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    Lab Results - How did I do?

    Systemlord....can you please explain further? I have no idea what "Equilibrium Dialysis", "Ultrafiltration lab testing methods" and "Direct Immunoassay" is (I am new here). Do I need to have something retested? I am attaching a copy of the test for you reference.
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    Ferritin Low

    So does acid reflux, Omeprazole (Proton Pump Inhibitors), or both, cause reduced ferritin levels? Or do they just inhibit the absorption of ferritin into the body?
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    Ferritin Low

    So iron chelated along with the probiotic?
  25. I

    Lab Results - How did I do?

    Thanks Vince! I forgot to post the TSH: TSH - 1.410 mIU/mL - Range 0.358 - 3.740 mIU/mL
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    Ferritin Low

    Thanks! I had no idea Omeprazole could affect iron/ferritin. Doctor precribed 40 mg years ago but i only take them when acid reflux flares up (2 or 3 times a week on average). Pre/pro-biotics can help? Any one specifically?
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    Lab Results - How did I do?

    I added ranges. Sorry about that.
  28. I

    Ferritin Low

    I have acid reflux. I have been taking the Ferrous Sulfate for 5 days now. I take it in the morning, on an empty stomach, with a small glass of OJ. I had some acid reflux one day (had to take my Omeprazole prescription) but otherwise no issues.
  29. I

    Lab Results - How did I do?

    I just received all my tests results: CBC Tests - All within normal range CMP Panel - All within normal range with exception of Total Billirubin which was 1.3 mg/dL. Normal test range on the test said 0.1 - 2.0 mg/dL but say 0.0-1.0 mg/dl. Is this too high? Ferritin - 19.8...
  30. I

    Ferritin Low

    I just got a bunch of tests run (including hormones) and my ferritin level came back low at 19.8 ng/mL (standard range of test is 30.0 - 490.0 ng/mL). Both iron (84 ug/dL) and hemoglobin (16.0 g/dL) came back normal. What does this indicate? Should I have any other tests run? Doctor put me...