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  1. P

    Can’t get balanced

    I can empathize, exact same symptoms. haven't tried an AI though.
  2. P

    trt - negative side affects

    follow up: reduced scrotal test cream to .4ml/day split am/pm for last two weeks. started hcg @ 100/day. had bloodwork taken approximately 5 hours after applying scrotal cream and sub injection of 100iu hcg. total t - 40.3 mol/l - still high free t - 908pmol/l - still really high estrodial...
  3. P

    Heart Palpitations on TRT? The cause?

    I too had heart palpatations and booming sensation. started several weeks after beginning trt. tried numerous things including magnesium. cut test dose down in half, magically symptoms disappeared after few days.
  4. P

    trt - negative side affects

    Thank you all for your responses. Have cut my dose in half and symptoms are much better. Heart palpitations, and Gerd symptoms are mostly gone (approximately 80% better). having the odd erectile issue. Can get great erections a lot of the time, at different times I can't get a full erection or...
  5. P

    trt - negative side affects

    Newbie, first post. Started trt just over 3 months ago. 50 yo, slim and fit, 6-1" 180lbs. allways been on skinny side even after working out for years. had bloodwork done which showed tt low/mid end of range, free t was right at bottom of range. started transcrotal trt 20% cream 1ml/day split...