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  1. Crom_is_good

    Opinions on TRT Dosages for Exercise Training.

    Is it your opinion that 100x2 has the potential to place testosterone at 900 to 1000? my 160mg on day of shot had me at 700. Of course anything is better than my 120 testosterone. I've been sick for so long though that I don't wanna feel okay, I wanna feel fantastic!
  2. Crom_is_good

    Opinions on TRT Dosages for Exercise Training.

    Hi, my doc is covered by my insurance , my script is not. Thanks for your advice, going to look up your suggestion.
  3. Crom_is_good

    Opinions on TRT Dosages for Exercise Training.

    Last night I had to take my shot. did my 160mg and took .5 AI. I didn't want to but I've been retaining water some and not getting morning erections. Had erections in the night and morning and pissed my brains out when i got up. I know that sounds gross, but I haven't had a good piss in a bit. I...
  4. Crom_is_good

    Opinions on TRT Dosages for Exercise Training.

    160mg and 40mg is what my doc told me to do.
  5. Crom_is_good

    Opinions on TRT Dosages for Exercise Training.

    I'll keep it simple. Looking to get the most out of the gym. Currently on 160mg Thursday and 40mg Monday. Do you guys think the 160mg would spike levels higher initially or would 100x2 be more effective for gaining muscle and overall health? Thanks.
  6. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    Thinking about learning how to do this. I'm still very new. Twice a week with my size needle sucks pretty bad.
  7. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    I haven't jerked myself into a stupor since my teens. I wouldn't be able to keep up with my wife's current needs if I did. Masturbation doesn't even cross my mind, hasn't in a lot of years. :)
  8. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    You feel good on that much AI?
  9. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    So how do you know if the Cyp you're getting is good. Do you contact the pharmacy and ask where they get it?
  10. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    Sorry man, it really sucks. Unfortunately for me, they just didn't catch it fast enough. Years of inflammation, chronic illness, palpitations and other BS just destroyed my hormones. My numbers are rebounding, but somethings haven't returned yet. One of those being sex drive. I'm going to take...
  11. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    That helps a lot. Thanks for all the information.
  12. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    I'll definitely look into ordering some 27 or 29. Can you still inject in the ass with those or are they too small? My doctor made me nervous about injecting in the thigh. I couldn't imagine sticking my long ass needle in my thigh or shoulder. Holy cow!
  13. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    Hey called both my Endo and T doctor. last April my Prolactin was at 8.1 also my SHBG on my recent blood work was 28. My T doc did not check my prolactin. Hope that helps
  14. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    I use to do the 18 hour fast and eat a primarily high fat and veggies diet. I got kinda shredded from that diet hit 159lbs @ 5'11 with some lean muscle. Eventually I went to OMAD and had little desire for food. My blood work looked perfect while fasting on OMAD. That was back in my 200mg DHEA a...
  15. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    I extract with an 18 and inject with a 23. So it's your opinion then that daily injections could help with SHGB. Most information I find is on Lowering SHGB not raising. So higher SHBG better sex drive, lower is worse for sex drive?
  16. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    Damn, right now I doing 2 injections a week. My ass cheeks already hate me. I can't imagine injecting every day. :( I don't want to sound like a little bitch, but everyday is so much. No other way around it huh?
  17. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    I'm 43 currently. My wife and I manage about three times a week for about 30 - 45 minutes. First time has to be a charm because I have zero refractory. Even on TRT it takes me days to recover. Thing is, I don't really get that urge for sex. Once I'm in the act I want it but Very seldom do I...
  18. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    I don't believe I've ever had this tested. I'm writing this down for my next appointment.
  19. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    The 160mg and 40mg is what my doctor told me to do. I'll talk to my doctor next appointment and based on my numbers I'll do either 100x2 or just 160mg or possible 80x2.
  20. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    Another small observation I found interesting. I was a bit more vascular on the 160mg dose. The veins in my forarm and bicep were more pronounced. Guess I'll be in guinea pig mode while getting this all dialed in.
  21. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    I'm pretty sure my estrogen test wasn't the super sensitive one. I'm going to try and make sure I have blood work handy when asking specific questions in the future. Thanks again!
  22. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    Thanks for the reply. So changes to dose, higher or lower require an adjustment period? Yikes, kinda worried about dropping back down now. When I was on 100mg 2x a week I didn't feel as good. I thought it was due to the fact my body was liking that initial dose of 160mg. Now I'm thinking I...
  23. Crom_is_good

    After the TRT Honeymoon

    Hello knowledgeable ones! Well its been over two months since I started my TRT journey. Hope you guy's don't mind me asking you a few questions. I was reading over the How long does TRT take to show effects thread and it would appear I'm already past some of the weeks to see certain...
  24. Crom_is_good

    Dosing question

    Thanks for the reply. Gonna call doc and ask switch back. 100 at twice a week had nowhere near the 160 once a week.
  25. Crom_is_good

    Dosing question

    Hello everyone! As some of you know I started my 160mg of cypionate once a week on Oct 3. I was very receptive to the treatment. Morning erections came back the second week and mood really improved. No more hitting the snooze button in the morning and so on...
  26. Crom_is_good

    TRT and AI

    This is all great information. After getting my Lyme under control I've been on this quest to become stronger. The one thing that has been a huge struggle for me has been sex drive and morning erections. No matter how many pull ups, tire tosses, sprints, squats or other I do the drive and...
  27. Crom_is_good

    TRT and AI

    Thanks! Why I asked. ;)
  28. Crom_is_good

    TRT and AI

    If things got bad and I was having symptoms like nipple swelling or sensitivity I would consider it. I just really didn't see the point early on. It worries me though how adamant they are about me taking it. They only pulled my blood once. I would preffer to see how my body is responding to the...
  29. Crom_is_good

    TRT and AI

    I'm pretty sure it was just the standard. I can call the office later today to confirm.
  30. Crom_is_good

    TRT and AI

    Hi! Yea, two days after my Saturday dose I got a terrible headache and could not concentrate. I felt like crap. My doc already suggested moving to twice a week. After the 31st I start injecting myself and plan to do so. Thanks again.
  31. Crom_is_good

    TRT and AI

    Thanks again! This is a fascinating read. This forum has been pretty good to me. I'm learning a lot.