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  1. R

    Sub-Q injections becoming more painful, why?

    Hi there, been injecting for about 5 weeks now, sub-q and abdominally with a 29g needle. At first, painless but injections this morning and Saturday were much more painful. I just found another injection site on my stomach which was much better after the initial painful prick. Is the pain due...
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    Travelling while on TRT to Australia - any advice?

    I will have a doctor's prescription with me and would like to know whether I should take my gel, or test. cypionate and syringes. I really can't afford to have my gear confiscated and not be able to dose for 2 weeks while on holiday there.
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    Muscle building and TRT / T levels

    Hi I have a very basic question: Assuming that through TRT I as a 46M gets my test levels to those of an 18 year old (something like Total T: 30 nmol/L and Free T 720 pmol/L), does this allow me to build muscle like an 18 year old could? Forget supraphysiological doses, I'm enquiring only for...
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    Increased test. dose and crazy anxiety - beware!!

    I read it on a forum, not sure if it was a reply to my OP.
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    Increased test. dose and crazy anxiety - beware!!

    Hi I read that increasing your dose of T too quickly acts on cortisol and epinephrine,which can cause panic and anxiety.
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    Increased test. dose and crazy anxiety - beware!!

    Hi, how much Proviron per day? Just out of interest.
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    Increased test. dose and crazy anxiety - beware!!

    Ok Madman, I'm listening. I have re-read your posts. Go low and go slow. Maybe I needed to have the experience I did to open my ears.
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    Increased test. dose and crazy anxiety - beware!!

    Hi, the test enth. I have is 1ml = 250mg test
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    Increased test. dose and crazy anxiety - beware!!

    Hi All, So firstly this is all on me as I messed with my weekly dosage and learnt a very, very hard lesson this past weekend. I doubled my dose from 100mg to 200 mg a week last week without increasing it slowly, as I've read that more androgens will hopefully lower my SHBG levels. From Thursday...
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    First sub-q pin this morning - advice please

    I started warming the vial by putting it in a vial of warm water. Works like a charm thanks!
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    First sub-q pin this morning - advice please

    Great post, thanks for the advice from a clearly experienced TRT patient.
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    First sub-q pin this morning - advice please

    I've been on gel for 7 months and progressed to subq this morning. Using Test-Enanthate and will pin EOD 0.25ml for a total of 1ml/200mg test per week. Yes 200mg is a lot to some but need to see if it will drive my SHBG down. So, using a 29g insulin needle, I battled to pull the esther into...
  13. R

    Anavar or Proviron to lower SHBG

    Hi, very helpful post thank you So my last bloods were as follows: E2 - 57 pmol/L TT 20.1 nmol/L (range 8-30) FT 296 pmol/L (range 180-739) SHBG 57.7 nmol/L (range 18.3-54.1) This was on 113 mg test per week via compounded gel available in my country (ethanol based applied on shoulders)...
  14. R

    Anavar or Proviron to lower SHBG

    Ok thanks, I'm taking 0.5mg Arimidex 3 x per week to prevent aromatisation and my E2 levels aren't too bad (57 pmo/L) so perhaps the red face or flushing is something else? Blood pressure?
  15. R

    Anavar or Proviron to lower SHBG

    Thanks Vince. Yesterday and today I dosed 35mg of test (double my normal) and I can feel a big rush (I'm also red faced and feel hot) the idea was to dose 220mg a week. How much test is considered safe to increase to, in order to raise Total Test? To recap was on 16.2 mg ED, for 113mg a week...
  16. R

    Anavar or Proviron to lower SHBG

    Hi there, since my SHBG is sitting at 58 nmol/L I am interested in lowering it and keeping my levels in check. I'm on Zinc, Vit D3, Boron and Magnesium and don't drink alcohol and it still keeps creeping upward. I'm considering a low dose (5mg ED) of Anavar which Dr Rand Mclain has used with...
  17. R

    DMSO Protocol for Test Gel suggest that I stay away from experimenting with Ostarine? I don't see it as a viable long term solution anyway, would be nervous of that.
  18. R

    Seroquel / Dopaquel and T, SHBG levels

    Anyone know if Seroquel/Dopaquel (Quetiapine) affects total, free T and SHBG levels? I take half a 25mg pill as off label use for sleep about 3 times a week as needed. It works really well, but my SHBG level is 63 nmol/L and wondered if it spiked due to the Seroquel.
  19. R

    DMSO Protocol for Test Gel

    Have you had any luck yourself with bringing SHBG down? I am supplementing Magnesium, Zinc, Boron and Vit D3. Will do bloods again in a month or so and will report back if my levels have come down.
  20. R

    DMSO Protocol for Test Gel

    02 May 2019 Total Testosterone – 25.4 nmol/L (range 8-30) Free Testosterone – 403 pmol/L (range 180-739) SHBG – 55.6 nmol/L (range 18.3-54.1) 17 July 2019 Estradiol (E2) – 57 pmol/L Total Testosterone – 20.1 nmol/L range 8-30) Free Testosterone – 296 pmol/L (range 180-739) SHBG – 57.7 nmol/L...
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    DMSO Protocol for Test Gel

    When I started in Feb my blood work was really good a month later, but since then my SHBG levels have climbed and my free test levels have come down. I managed my E2 levels with Arimidex half a tab twice a week. I am looking to get more of the test gel into my blood and hopefully get my free...
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    DMSO Protocol for Test Gel

    Hi, I have been experimenting with a daily moisturizer that has some SPF 15 in it. Can you apply the moisturizer like 20-30 mins after the test gel once its completely dry or do you have to wait the fully hour. Another member posed this question a while back but there wasn't a clear answer.
  23. R

    DMSO Protocol for Test Gel

    Hi, I’m looking for advice on how to dose my test gel while using DMSO topically to increase absorption. I’m on a 1.62% gel that amounts to 16.1 mg a day or 113 mg of test a week. In theory if I use DMSO to help absorption I can cut down my daily dose of gel as I understand, as you apparently...