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  1. C

    My fertility journey

    Hi. New blood sample in the books. Se attachment. I want to use as little testosterone as possible. Feeling good and healty. Lowered my dosage from 75mg to 60 mg EW. 9 units Mon/Tue/Friday, using insulin syringe. 500iu hcg on same days. 30mg Raloxifen. Gyno is less and less. Will continue...
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    Best Sleep Supplements

    Hi! For those using Melatonin as an antioxidant 5mg ++ (I am now at 8mg). Have anyone read any of Chris Masterjohns work on this? I just want to be safe regarding dosages and taking it ED or just sometimes. @Vince Thanks for reply
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    Melatonin: functional significance for optimal cellular physiology - Prof. Russel Reiter (14/11/19)

    Hi. I want to start experiencing with 10+mg for the antioxidant effect and not sleep. I can get hold on drops. These are not “time released” version. Is there a must for that of will mine do just fine? Hard to get time released in my country. Thanks.
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    My fertility journey

    Hi! No I did not. I should have, but since I already was years into my trt journey, and the cost of hcg being so low, I imagined that the counts wasn’t that good. I could absolutely been wrong about that, I would now newer know. This time also, the cost of seemen analysis is high and when I...
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    My fertility journey

    Hi. Long time since I have posted any.. We are now going for a second one. First one came on first try, so I am hoping for the same this time.. Crossing fingers :) Fist time: 115mg test enanthate Mon/Wed/Fri and 500IU HCG EOD (late December all the way to June (2022) when we started...
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    Shipping peptides abroad

    Hi. Does any of you know if some of the medical providers will send peptides to Europe? I have a dual citizenship and live abroad. I will check up with the different providers soon, but would like if any of you have experience. I am under doctor supervision (trt), but the country does not...
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    Melatonin usage during daytime

    Hi! Thanks for your reply. 200-60mg. That is an significant amount. 1mg- 0.2mg from drops is what I take. Must read more in order to fully understand the positive effects at different dosages. Any advice as to when to take during the day? I understand, from what you say, it can be taken...
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    Melatonin usage during daytime

    Hi. I want the benefits of using Melatonin as an antioxidant, but I can not take it pre bed. I get restless legs every time and it disturbs my sleep. I have read some information regarding use during the day on other sites, but can not find i anymore. Does anyone have experience with usage...
  9. C

    New Urologist wants to get me off testosterone cypionate for Clomid.

    Hi. I ran 100mg test per week alongside 500iu eod from January to April and got my girl pregnant. I did not come off.. Good luck mr
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    Dangers of Raloxifene / gyno

    Hi. I have been on TRT for some years now. Feeling great. My girl is days away from having our first child, looking forward to it. For those wondering, I was on 115 mg testosterone enanthate (split 2* week mondays am and thursdays pm) and 500iu hcg EOD from january to july. We first got...
  11. C

    Anyone had a son while taking hcg?

    100mg trt for years. 500iu eod from late dec to jun. girlpower first try :)
  12. C

    Optimal dose BUT... Need urgent help

    Hi team Excelmale! Long story short (I have done several post before); I have eventually found my dose where my severe symptoms are gone., I am so FU..ING happy. More time is needed but the effect have lastet for a long period now. 100mg Enanthate on Monday and Thursday with 200 iu HCG. (side...
  13. C

    Hcg on trt . Best time ?

    I pin 9IU enanthate mon/wed/fri (70mg pr week) and pin 400IU hcg om mondays and fridays with my test. I have 900 nmol/l reading on my total test (without hcg).
  14. C

    Gyno Lump management, help? nolva or not

    For me I know its working. 20mg ED works like a charm, but this time it really hurts mentally and sexually. Having a hard time at job as well. I am just not there at all.. Joints hurts also. 20mg ED for two weeks, lump is going down. But now I am considering going down to 10mg for one week and...
  15. C

    Gyno Lump management, help? nolva or not

    @HealthMan Would like to know this as well. Started using 20mg ED last friday. I have lump go a little too far after adjusting my TRT dosage in november. I do feel like HELL on it right now. Brainfog from hell and I was like not "there" at all at work today. Blue under eyes as well. I hope I...
  16. C

    Help me dial in my protocol Nebido

    correct sir. I do not want those big fluctatuions. I wil start using 30iu next Sunday.
  17. C

    Is HCG is still needed?

    Hi. My concern while on trt is libido and sensitivity. I do not use HCG. I think it is a "hassle" and something I do not want to use (fridge, travel, x-times per week ++). But if it makes a world difference in regards to libido I will definitively give it a try. Been on trt for 1,5years +- and...
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    Memory Loss on TRT

    Hi. I have used Finasteride, but very long ago. Its been 10-12 years since I used it, can one have side efects from it still?
  19. C

    Help me dial in my protocol Nebido

    Hi. Today I received this Friday blood samle results. Short recap; To high testosterone back in April (see attachment). So I skipped two dosings (two Sundays) and went down to 40 iu every Sunday. Se sample in May (just wanted to see how low it became before the new adjusted dosage, not stable...
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    Dialing in right dosage/regiment on TRT

    That is so so true. I struggle with that my self. Libido is just not there. Trying to figure things out... Not a easy task.
  21. C

    Erectile Function After Starting TRT

    You may have read my thread? Help me dial in my protocol Nebido I think my hormones is starting to get stabilised, but will wait one month more before new sample. Libido is my only concern at the moment. My life is on "hold" when it comes to dating ++. Not fun at all, but I will give this a...
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    Erectile Function After Starting TRT

    Thanks for your reply. You say peaks is needed for such to happen (better libido). The tops I get when using Nebido every Sunday will be small. Hmm. I really whant to figur this out.
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    Erectile Function After Starting TRT

    it is the only choice in my country except from gels
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    Erectile Function After Starting TRT

    Hi. Do not want to hijack your thread but I must ask regarding "how long does TRT take to show effects? ". Is this the time it takes AFTER you are dialed in (stable levels)? I am on Nebido and starting to get dialed in. It might take 1-2 months before the values are completely stable. I do...
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    Help me dial in my protocol Nebido

    Hi. Got some of my newest labs in. Was supposed to only take the above mentioned (t3,t4, TPO ++), but I also checked the hormones I usually test for as well. Please see the picture attached. The test was taken on a Friday, after I skipped two Sundays of injecting, and injecting once 40iu...
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    Help me dial in my protocol Nebido

    Yes, me too. In my country the expertise in this field is very low. Sadly.. I have to do some research regarding this test. I really want to test for it. I do test for free t3 and t4 every time. My list of test should look like this? Free T3 Free T4 rT3 Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO)...
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    Help me dial in my protocol Nebido

    Hi. Little unsure who this was meant to, but I can say for me that 0,5ml is too much. I decreased my dosage to 0.4ml. Will test again in 3 months.
  28. C

    Help me dial in my protocol Nebido

    Hi. I have now skipped 2 shots of Nebido. Felt ok, but little libido. Startet 40 iu today and will continue this dosage and test again in mid July. Started taking 1 Brazil nut ED in the morning to check if it can help my t4/t3. I want to dig deeper into my possible hypothyroidism. Low t3...
  29. C

    Help me dial in my protocol Nebido

    I most certainly will. Btw. my T3 and T4 have always been very low. I do now, more than ever, want to take a closer look on those levels and see if they have contributed to me not feeling "optimal". Any thoughts?
  30. C

    Help me dial in my protocol Nebido

    So then I skip my dosage tomorrow, skip next Sunday, then the following Sunday I will start using 35iu (or 40 ish). Correct? I might even feel better during this "down" period. I think I feel better at a little lower dosage. Looking forward to it. When should I then plan to take a new sample...