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  1. M

    Switching From Cream to Injectable T (subQ)

    [QUOTE="madman, Im confused right now, from what i've been reading the last few months is that high SHBG is a problem and goes hand in hand with low FT, the reason that men with elevated shbg have high T is that the testicels keep trying to make up for the lack of available T? Is this...
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    How long does it take to get to pre TRT levels!?

    [QUOTE="madman, i keep learning more and more...thanks for the info, Always thought it was weird that they didn't mention this on your bloodpanel when they need it to calculate, but now i understand.
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    How long does it take to get to pre TRT levels!?

    The more reactions, the more different things you will hear, Why? |Because we all react different. You can find horrorstory's online and others will feel better in the end, the only way you will know how you will react is by quiting. At first i thought it went pretty well, but after 2 months the...
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    How long does it take to get to pre TRT levels!?

    Ok, i could be wrong about this but shooting testosterone for 6 years or 10 years is something else then a bodybuilder taking a cycle, so i had no hope that some HCG or nolva would bring me back to normal. Your case and reasons are probably different then mine, my last 4 years of TRT allready...
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    How long does it take to get to pre TRT levels!?

    no PCT, didn't figure it would be of much use and was allready expecting the worse. Went to a endo 4 months later and they thought my bloodwork looked great? I start using Testosterone after i did 1 cycle when i was never able to gain musclle or strength, this was when i figured out there was...
  6. M

    How long does it take to get to pre TRT levels!?

    well my friend, guess i'm not the only stuppid one in this world ( no offence ment). Did my own TRT for 10 years and quited cold Turkey in august. We all react different, but nothing came back, infact i feel like crap. My advice to you, cause i expect that you didn't start messing around for...
  7. M

    not blood but urine secretion question?

    Thanks, i guess i just have to be patience until my visit with the clinic. All i can find on this, is that i'm secreting more then i should, sinds i had multiple bloodtest in the last couple of months its maybe better for me to focus on that. High SHBG is and was Always my problem ( turns out)...
  8. M

    not blood but urine secretion question?

    Sorry, didn't know where to post this, but hoping to get some answers. Had my latest blood and urine results yesterday, and what i allready knew was comfirmed once again. I'm a HIGH SHBG guy, test before showed 118 and this test 97, offcourse te free testosterone is to low so i've been...
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    Also new to this forum!!!

    Hello everybody, allready found tons of great info here, and see that there are other members here with loads of knowledge that allready helped me out on a other forum. Living in Europe ( Netherlands), male 44, 10 years struggling to get help from endo's in my country without any luck and...
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