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  1. R

    Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin): Effect on Lab Tests

    Curious what weekly doses mg’s of nandrolone Where added to trt protocol and injection frequency
  2. R

    IM Quad Injections

    For me it was like having a small ball under my skin and with shallow IM I have no negative side effects whatsoever. Especially in the delts they’re 100% pain free, and glutes are very fine too. So I rotate every injection left delt than left glute than right delt and right glute and so on.
  3. R

    IM Quad Injections

    And I backload the insuline syringes very carefully. As I get 1 ml small bottles of test E , I load about 10 syringes at the time. And use them as prescribed. So 25 mg per syringe and it works fine with me. I tried SC but didn’t liked it.
  4. R

    IM Quad Injections

    It is 1/2 inch long
  5. R

    IM Quad Injections

    I use insulin needle for shallow IM injections in the glute and delta. Since changed from deep IM I find it so much more comfortable and I have the same TT and FT levels on shallow IM as with deep IM
  6. R

    Lab Work - What to Track in the Future?

    Good morning Guys, In my search to find my sweetsport (and man, this is pretty difficult) i did another bloodtest to see where i'am on bloodwork and on feeling. First i would like to mention that i'am happy i switched over to shallow IM in the delts, it is so much more comfortable than deep IM...
  7. R

    Lab Work - What to Track in the Future?

    Thx for your quick reply, so could I assume it should be the same for test cyp. and test ent. Time wise to get back to previous levels. On the AI I see your point, obviously there many people against and pro AI. But I think we all should go by how we feel and possible side effects. In my case...
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    Lab Work - What to Track in the Future?

    Thank you, but is it to be expect that T levels will be somewhat returning to same as on IM ? How long I should expect to return? Could this drop in levels also be related to the fatigue or Muscle soreness I have right now? According my doctor optimal estradiol level should be arround 25, but...
  9. R

    Lab Work - What to Track in the Future?

    hi Guys, Just got my labs back (the blooddraw was done in the morning of injection, i normally inject sunday evening 20:00 and than thursday morning 08:00), 2 weeks before blood draw i stopped Aridimex completely and just after the blood draw i injected 60mg subq in my delts (so i switched from...
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    Lab Work - What to Track in the Future?

    Thx , will include this in bloodwork. What would be optimal level ?
  11. R

    Lab Work - What to Track in the Future?

    Clear, the last bloodwork with high free T was on my every 7 days / 125mg protocol and done the day before next injection. After that i started the every 3,5 days / 60mg. So just have to wait till next week lab work and see results and see from there. Will post lab work once I got them. And...
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    Lab Work - What to Track in the Future?

    Thx for reply, what would you suggest ? I thought that high free T was a good thing, but appearantly not
  13. R

    Lab Work - What to Track in the Future?

    Hi everyone, Also just new here and would like to have some advice, i am just about a year on TRT. Started out with compounded TD cream 10% (8 pumps per day = appr. 2,4 grams actual Test absorbed was 10%) in the beginning it raised my levels and felt good, after 7 months started to feel become...