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  1. J

    Empower vs Pregnyl HCG

    While on Empower hCG for 6 months, my testicles ended up having a volume of 5 CC, measured using Doppler ultrasound, which is equivalent to the size of a marble. I ended up going back to Pregnyl even though the cost was 50 percent higher. After 4 weeks at 500 units twice weekly, my testicles...
  2. J

    Purchase hormones via GoodRX

    Not true. The 35 dollar fee does not apply to testosterone, nandrolone, and hCG. I spoke directly with Defy’s General Manager, who said that the Medical Director does not want to support writing prescriptions for hormones.
  3. J

    Anyone supplementing estrogen?

    You are making the assumption that your ED is due to a hormonal problem. The false narrative often promoted in the TRT community is that estradiol or prolactin is the root cause of ED. I spent years going down this path before I decided to consult with a top ED doctor in New York. He conducted a...
  4. J

    Ended up in ER last month

    There is a high probability that you have Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia (PAT). Wearing a monitor for 2 weeks may not capture PAT since the period between episodes can be random and indeterminate. Shortly after I graduated from high school, I began having bouts of very rapid heartbeat, where my...
  5. J

    LabCorp Vs Quest free testosterone lab ranges: Why are they different?

    Not true. Lab Corp has more than six total and free testosterone assays. When my doctor writes a script for free testosterone, I always append the appropriate test number for the equilibrium ultrafiltration assay. Lab Corp also offers an equilibrium dialysis assay through an outside lab.
  6. J

    Following Up- Blood tesf results. 28M

    Before you make any decision to begin treatment at age 28, you need to run a valid free Testosterone (fT) test. The gold standard is the Equilibrium Dialysis assay; another alternative is Equilibrium Ultrafiltration, which is less expensive but correlates very well with Equilibrium Dialysis. The...
  7. J

    LabCorp vs Quest Total T: Why the Discrepancy?

    @Nelson and others: I want to throw one more monkey wrench into the discussion. My prolactin on April 24 was 49.7 ng/mL (LabCorp 4–15.2). I took cabergoline 0.5 mg weekly for 6 weeks and retested at Labcorp. The prolactin had dropped to 1.4 and I was told to discontinue cabergoline. For...
  8. J

    LabCorp vs Quest Total T: Why the Discrepancy?

    For simplicity, I will try to answer all the answers raised in one thread: (1) “Do you have full labs to post and where does your RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit sit on such protocol?” RBC 4.89 (4.40-6.00) Hemoglobin 10.3 (13.5-17.0) Hematocrit 33.3 (41-53) MCV 68.2 (80 – 100) MCH 21.0 (26 –...
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    Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) - Does Testosterone Impact It?

    No, the creatinine and CPK tests are totally different. CPK is a muscle enzyme that is increased when muscle is damaged. The "C in CPK stands for creatine, which is not the same as creatinine. However, a high CPK and high myoglobin can damage kidneys.
  10. J

    LabCorp vs Quest Total T: Why the Discrepancy?

    I have been following the same protocol for the last 12 months: 70 mg Test Cypionate twice weekly; 500 IU hCG twice weekly; 0.1 mg Anastrozole daily. I run blood tests just prior to the next injection cycle. TOTAL TESTOSTERONE 1204 ng/dL LabCorp (Immunoassay 264-916) April 24 1891 ng/dL...
  11. J

    Penile Implant For Young Patient Who Exhausted Usual Treatments. Advice.

    I had my implant done by Dr. Eid in New York last year. He is an exceptional surgeon who does a thorough physical examination during the evaluation process. I am very pleased with the results. My only regret is that I didn't have the surgery ten years ago, which would have prevented atrophy and...
  12. J

    Seeking Elevated Prolactin Treatment

    Date collected: 12/12/2019 TESTS RESULT UNITS REFERENCE Testosterone, Total 747 ng/dL 264 - 916 Testosterone, Free 33.47 ng/dL 5.00 - 21.00 (Equilibrium Ultrafiltration) % Free Testosterone 4.48...
  13. J

    Dialing In - Haematocrit & Estradiol Management

    Madman, you are absolutely correct! FT using direct (analog) immunoassay has been discredited by top researchers for over 30 years. Yet labs continue to offer it, and doctors, even endocrinologists, who should know better, are completely oblivious to the methods used to measure hormones. In...
  14. J

    Managing E2 without the use of AI: Suggestions?

    My functional and restorative medicine doctor recommends Estro Block Pro to maintain healthy estradiol levels. Developed by Dr. Nick Delgrado, "Estro Block Pro (triple strength) is designed to support the clearing of toxic estrogens, while supporting the production of healthy estrogens. Estro...