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  1. P

    Feel good physically but bad attitude.

    Thanks for the responses. Libido, energy, strength, mental clarity all good. The attitude isn't dangerous. Strange that it isn't a constant thing. Some days I'm normal and some days just pumped like 10 cups of coffee. By the time I get home from work I reflect on the day and realize I was...
  2. P

    Feel good physically but bad attitude.

    Yes. I realize now that if I'm happy at my current T dose, then I should assume the E is causing the issue and experiment with just lowering it. If trying to lower E naturally doesn't help my only option is a higher T dose to overcome the E symptoms. Treat symptoms not numbers. If high T is...
  3. P

    Feel good physically but bad attitude.

    I was at one dose for awhile and felt worse than before TRT to the point of not being able to continue so I bumped it a bit and felt great and I've been holding the course feeling great , but with some attitude issues. I was trying to emphasize if my next labs say my E is very high and my T is...
  4. P

    Feel good physically but bad attitude.

    Thanks. I'm on compound, which I equate to 150-200m injection protocol daily. Again, with a lower dose I lost some physical benefits, but some improvement in attitude. I'd rather keep the attitude and the physical improvements. Are you suggesting after more time, if I stay the course, the...
  5. P

    Feel good physically but bad attitude.

    TRT for a few months. No new labs yet. After incremental increases over time in t dosage- finally- Energy, stamina, mental clarity, strength, libido all good when they used to be all bad before TRT. But now, I'm often edgy, lack patience, not angry, but quick to anger if wronged when I used to...
  6. P

    High SHBG

    There is a YT video out there with Dr Crisler talking about his T protocol to bust through a high SHBG then how to maintain vs protocol for a low SHBG person. Obviously, they were polar opposite protocols. I don't have a link.
  7. P


    I click. Wait a few seconds. apply whats available then turn it upside down and lightly tap into my palm a few times until nothing comes out. I usually get an additional 1/3. The combination of these actions seems to give me a consistent amount of cream per dose. Note: It is my understanding...
  8. P

    Hard training and cutting on TRT

    Fair enough. I'm speculating. Well I'm stronger than I've ever been even on these low cals so I'm sure I'm not in a trough on that day. More experimentation required I guess.
  9. P

    Hard training and cutting on TRT

    I know other natural male BBer's right now 8 weeks out doing cardio daily, lifting 4 days per week as heavy as possible and cutting on 1600 cals. Like I used to feel when I cut, they have some fatigue, tiredness, often lack motivation and are grumpy, but do not crash physiologically such that...
  10. P

    Hard training and cutting on TRT

    I've been lifting 3-4 time a week for 20+ years. I'm at about 10% bf and my cals are now extremely low since I'm going lower. I suspect it is the low cals causing under recovery. If I don't lift I feel great on low cals. Since TRT I haven't tried eating high cals for a period and lifting in...
  11. P

    Scrotal Cream absorption in relation to dosage applied - seems high

    I'm not well educated on this, but to mimic 200m injections daily don't you click 2 x at 6am and 2 x at 6pm (50m per click)?
  12. P

    High T and High red blood count Q

    Thanks for that. The Dr's statements on NO lead me to beleive that daily supplementing with NO (beets, etc) help the vessels with plasticity to accommodate blood volume. Also, Vit E thins blood and provides other health benefits aspirin doesn't provide. Do many TRT patents take Vit E? When...
  13. P

    High T and High red blood count Q

    Interesting. Is this the definitive answer on the subject?
  14. P

    High T and High red blood count Q

    Young heathy men particularly athletes can have 1000 + T naturally. Young men with high T don't typically have high red blood count issues caused by their natural T. Why would young TRT patients or any age TRT patient with the same high T have issues with red blood count?
  15. P

    Hard training and cutting on TRT

    Very high. Maybe a little under 100.
  16. P

    Hard training and cutting on TRT

    Don't have new labs yet. Assuming I'm 1000 total/ 30 FT/ daily dosing (i.e. good #'s), is it possible you can crash your T while cutting and hard training similar to how you feel crashed/fatigued on a cut without TRT (i.e. as a natural)? I thought I would get an edge w TRT, but no go. This...
  17. P

    Hard training and cutting on TRT

    I'm on TRT. Taking days to revover. Sleep is good. Nutrition good, but cals well below maintenance for last 2 months. Training very intense, but can't seem to lift more than 2 days per week. Can't recover. Completely trashed 3 days after a hard work out - dead, multiple naps, lethargy. On...
  18. P

    Doctor gave great TRT advice

    Thanks. Most people seem to respond well to it. A few said it makes them more tired> Not sure why. That said, would higher (arguably unhealthier ) levels of T do the same thing for libido plus give you the additional benefits of more T?
  19. P

    Doctor gave great TRT advice

    What does Tadalafil do in the body that T alone can't do? Is it possible to overcome the issue with more and more T?
  20. P

    Doctor gave great TRT advice

    There's the rub with TRT. It seems many people can't feel great and have "good "numbers too.
  21. P

    Post honeymoon TRT crash period?

    So you may have a honeymoon, but not a crash? What does it feel like before the honeymoon? Do you feel better and better then hit a honeymoon then drop a bit? Or do you go from feeling bad straight to honeymoon?
  22. P

    Post honeymoon TRT crash period?

    I can't find much info on this. How long does it take to shut down natural T production after starting TRT? I'm assuming once your body senses outside T, it shuts down natural T. Right before this happens there should be high T levels, meaning natural T combined with outside T creating a...
  23. P

    Help with my protocol going forward (labs included)

    Will you add T3 to your protocol?
  24. P

    TRT vs Pro BBer's

    I follow many pro BBer's and I don't think they could get out of bed let alone work out like they do if they didn't feel pretty good. I'm sugesting there may be something we can learn from their use/abuse. Some on TRT who can't seem to dial in can't even get out of bed let alone train. Long...
  25. P

    TRT vs Pro BBer's

    Exactly what I was getting at. TRT patients who feel like they are dying or dead, but can't seem to dial in could possibly (finally) feel good by taking extreme doses of T, possibly to their long term detriment. Regarding AI, is that necessary to feel good if you are taking such extreme T...
  26. P

    TRT vs Pro BBer's

    Do pro BBer's who use much more T (often year around) than TRT patients, complain about the roller coaster symptoms and problems getting dialed in that TRT patients do? Many TRT patients state that too much T is giving them symptoms. Do the pros have these same symptoms using super high doses...
  27. P

    Low Total T - Is There an Option Other Than TRT?

    Is it typical to have free T in single digits and severe symptoms of low T, dial in the proper dose of TRT and feel worse? Scary. I've been told that Total T doesn't matter if you have very very low free T because all the remedies that fix SBGH achieve only a 20% increase max in free T, which...
  28. P

    When you first started TRT

    Thanks for the response. Assuming you're not measuring E, is the AI strictly in case you feel gyno or excessive water weight? How is your current protocol going? Do you feel significantly better?