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  1. K

    Best practice for keeping bacteriostatic water good over time?

    well even though the indications say 3 people here have already told me they keep theirs in the fridge. seems like thats what i'll do then :p thanks guys
  2. K

    Best practice for keeping bacteriostatic water good over time?

    Ok, one last question. Do you refrigerate it? I didn’t plan on it, just keeping it in a dark drawer but if it will help... I’ll just use it for about 6 months and then start buying 10ml bottles then. I appreciate the input. New territory for me here :)
  3. K

    Best practice for keeping bacteriostatic water good over time?

    So my HCG has arrived, but it arrived with sodium chloride and in glass ampules to boot. My time with them didnt go well. I have 4x5000iu vials which should last me awhile. I had to order some bacteriostatic water. Without thinking I ordered 30ml worth with the intention of using 2ml per...
  4. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    fair enough. I'm just becoming a bit "mid life crisis'ey" as i'm at the point where i think I can stop and eventually return to normalcy, but hold out hope that theres gain to be had by staying the course. I just dont want to spin my wheels for too long and cost myself the chance at the...
  5. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    okay. I was excited to start as it's my understanding that the longer you've been shut down has bearing on your chances of coming back. I imagine another week wont hurt though, especially since I didnt expect the hcg to come in so soon either way. I went ahead and ordered some bacteriostatic...
  6. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    well, hcg arrived. MUCH faster than I anticipated. Few questions if anyone cares to chime in. Is dosing 500iu 2x a week gonna be too much at once? Too infrequent? Trying to make it as unobtrusive as possible which means doing it alongside my testosterone. Also - whats the deal with the glass...
  7. K

    Adding hcg, can someone explain e2 conversion?

    oh i dont take anyones word or experience as gospel. I've been at it long enough that im well aware what goes for the goose doesnt go for the gander so to speak. still others experiences relative to my own, or what I'm already thinking gives me options or a starting point sometimes. i have...
  8. K

    Adding hcg, can someone explain e2 conversion?

    did you start without hcg then add it later then? Care to share your dose and how long it took for things down there to return to form?
  9. K

    Adding hcg, can someone explain e2 conversion?

    reaaaaally? I’ve struggled with energy almost the entire time I was on trt. I wonder if there’s a link somewhere. If that helps my energy levels id very likely be sold. did you find it helped with erectile function any? thanks for your input btw
  10. K

    Finasteride + TRT + drastic changes in semen consistency/volume?

    So anybody who's been active has probably noticed the sequential threads ive posted over the past couple of weeks. In short, i've been feeling for quite some time that the drawbacks of trt have far outweighed the benefits and am preparing to potentially stop. Two of the reasons for the...
  11. K

    Adding hcg, can someone explain e2 conversion?

    able to elaborate at all? i know some things are hard to peg so I understand if you cant. Makes me eager for mine to arrive either way. Still gonna be awhile though, the whole overseas/customs thing relative to the damned covid crap resulted in a ~4 week timetable on shipping. oof.
  12. K

    Adding hcg, can someone explain e2 conversion?

    Thanks for the infusion of optimism. While I'd be lying if i said there wasnt a strong desire to be pharmaceutical free at my age, the reality is that train may have left the building or I might end up spending a bunch of time only to be disappointed or unsatisfied and get back on anyhow. It...
  13. K

    Adding hcg, can someone explain e2 conversion?

    in a perfect world, the addition of hcg would give me my nuts back in form and function and I'd continue on with trt. This is contingent upon being able to restore my testicular function with a dose low enough to make it financially reasonable as I dont have an rx which leaves me paying a...
  14. K

    Adding hcg, can someone explain e2 conversion?

    ok, once again thank you for the solid information. as I'm sure you can surmise - I'm hellbent on not taking an AI, so hoping I can keep things reasonable at perhaps 40mg TE/500mg HCG every 3.5d from an estrogen standpoint. Do you have an opinion on an upfront "blast" of sorts with the hcg to...
  15. K

    Adding hcg, can someone explain e2 conversion?

    So I’ve ordered some hcg among other things (doc won’t rx) in preparation of ceasing trt. I’m going to give it one more shot with the addition of hcg first. Can’t hurt as waking my nuts is gonna be necessary either way. im gonna start at 500mg twice a week when I do my test injections but I’ve...
  16. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    eh, good is subjective right? I've had times where ive been pretty satisfied in most ways, but the tradeoff has always been to reach that point, I require high enough levels of testosterone that I end up with savage hair loss and BPH symptoms. its not been made any easier by the fact I dont...
  17. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    VERY good information, thank you. I learned quite a bit of value from this post alone. As for DHT, I just went over all the labs I have on it and post TRT (dont have any pre trt unfortunately) and it seems to hang around in the 500-600 pg/ml area. Whatever it was before, crossing into the...
  18. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    The prevalence of misinformation thats practically been ingrained in trt users in general is pretty eye opening. I've always tried to make it as "least" imposing on my life as possible. I had a bit of a double whammy. I was an opiate addict years ago and after conquering it, I have a profound...
  19. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    ah, will take a look - thanks for the link. So apart from the ratio of total T that will be free T, shgb has little bearing on anything else it sounds like. Any suggestions on how i can optimize my chances at getting the "pro's" of trt without the assault on my prostate/bph/luts? I imagine...
  20. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    yea, in that regard all I have is what the doctor runs. That being said its always been ran the same way so the number relative to where it is in other cases at least holds relevance relatively speaking. Id argue thats more important than the specific number itself in this regard no? man, if...
  21. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    isnt day ~3 when you would peak anyhow? so if I get a lab done on a monday morning 3.5 days after my last injection (thursday evening) i'd be pretty close to peak?
  22. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    Oh i've had many-a-labs done over the past few years with varying protocols. At current these are my levels at 60mg 2x a week
  23. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    ok, once again thanks again for the reply. Since 60mg 2x a week gets me to 1100 I imagine i'll have to reduce by a fair amount. Perhaps 40mg 2x a week to start. I need to get my TT way down anyhow. While my libido seems to improve the higher I go, unfortunately it brings on some abysmal BPH...
  24. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    Thank you very much for your input. I suppose I'll decrease my test dose a bit and add in the hcg and go from there. Now pre trt when i tested well I tested at almost 500, is that what my testicles best case would output again with hcg? aka i need to reduce my exogenous testosterone enough...
  25. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    Ok, so looking for a little input here. To say im nervous/uncertain about the decision is putting it lightly. This has been bothering me for quite some time. I have ordered 20,000 iu of unmixed hcg, 100mg clomid x50 (will be chopping in half), and 20mg nolvadex x100. What im wondering due...
  26. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    Well like most things, we live and we learn. Too often its the hard way. Always tell the wife, if i got a "do-over" id have the world by the balls. You're brave giving it a go with no help. I've been shut down for 2.5 years straight, i shudder at the thought. At this point its more...
  27. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    yea i saw some youtube vids that based on title seemed to fit the bill, I guess i just put more stock in what people here potentially had/have to say. At the time i started loaning serious thought to this I was in the gym and also couldnt watch youtube vids :P I assumed the general protocol...
  28. K

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    I'm gonna be honest, I'm looking for a protocol to stop TRT without a doctors supervision in case it fails. I don't want to end up in a situation where I can't get back on etc. I have an entire year until my next labs so nows the time. It's been a net loss for me. I may have gained a few...
  29. K

    In a mild panic, did I just OD on anastrazole?

    i think that could be a lot of things. partially what your saying about e-influence for sure. But also dependent on where you were when you started, what your protocol if any was like prior, and most importantly of all, personal affinity/biology. I know all yesterday I was thinking positively...
  30. K

    In a mild panic, did I just OD on anastrazole?

    no hcg unfortunately. baby testicles, but its all good. Im done w/ kids, married, and really wish i didnt have to take anything foreign so the less the better. I did consider taking a fat dose of testosterone to convert more though lol. im still doing -okay- but its early on i guess.
  31. K

    In a mild panic, did I just OD on anastrazole?

    yea, apart from some gnarly night sweats last night - and a bit of a morose feeling/lethargy today, so far so good. of course its my understanding that it takes the brain some time to register changes in E2 so time will tell. im still alive though! so theres that :P