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  1. B

    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    Thought I'd share my recent ferritin numbers. No donations or iron supplementation during this period. 1/10/2023 - 150mg Test Cyp Weekly (MWF) - Ferritin 16 3/1/2023 - End of Enclomiphene (No Test) - Ferritin 102 3/30/2023 - 84mg Test Cyp Weekly (daily shots) - Ferritin 26 Crazy how quickly...
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    Daily protocol from 150mg total /3x week

    Sorry, just saw your reply. I'm injecting Sub-q (abdomen), Test Cyp comes from Empower Pharmacy (i'm sure it's the same that nearly everyone with Defy uses).
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    Daily protocol from 150mg total /3x week

    Also on my MWF protocol I have been drawing labs on Monday mornings before my next shot. So it's 3 days of no testosterone, not sure how much lower that puts me vs. doing it on like a Friday before my shot which would only be 2 full days. Basically a full extra day for levels to drop below the...
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    Daily protocol from 150mg total /3x week

    Yeah, did a sleep study 1 1/2 years ago. Mild apnea, use an APAP. Although important to note I didn't display any sleep apnea symptoms except increased HCT (no snoring, felt rested, didn't wake up during the night, breathe through nose, etc.). I stopped TRT completely for 9 months at one point...
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    Daily protocol from 150mg total /3x week

    Right, your success was part of the reason I wanted to go to daily shots. Just trying to determine the correct dosage because 12 didn’t seem to cut it. I’m thinking of going on to my old MWF protocol so I can feel like a person again and then trying the dailies. Maybe start at 20mg daily (140mg...
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    Daily protocol from 150mg total /3x week

    HCT issues. If I take enough test to get to those levels, my body turns into a blood factory, lol. Trying to find the balance
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    Daily protocol from 150mg total /3x week

    Thanks for replying! I was put on an ai from the beginning of trt with defy. Before trt I had a urologist put me on 50mg Clomid daily. I made it a month, e2 was 60 10 days after my last dose of the Clomid and I was a basket case. Highest I’ve had my estrogen on trt was around 38 e2 sensitive...
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    Daily protocol from 150mg total /3x week

    Also interesting info regarding ferritin. Here are my results from the past 3 labs I had. 1/10/2023 - 150mg Test Cyp Weekly - Ferritin 16 3/1/2023 - End of Enclomiphene (No Test) - Ferritin 102 3/30/2023 - 84mg Test Cyp Weekly (daily shots) - Ferritin 26 No blood donations during that time at...
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    Daily protocol from 150mg total /3x week

    Appreciate the response. I'm pretty sensitive to even moderately high E2 (could be due to low SHBG = higher free E2) and feel best in the low 20s, high teens. I'm not sure if I just aromatize more than most but even when I did a 9 month reset (no test/HCG at all) my T dropped to 282, Free T was...
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    Daily protocol from 150mg total /3x week

    Any other suggestions? @Cataceous @Vince I've read alot of your posts and I know you two are big proponents of daily dosing. 150mg Test Cyp /3 MWF +.125 Anastrozole x3 MWF over the past couple years typically puts me around: Testosterone - 500-600 ng/dL Free Test (Direct) - 18-22 pg/mL...
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    Daily protocol from 150mg total /3x week

    Really appreciate the response. I was pretty sure I was dehydrated for those labs. Had more labs done after 6 weeks of the enclomiphene debacle (so about 7 weeks of no injections). I really tried to stay well hydrated for those and they were as follows: RBC - 6.59 High Hemoglobin - 16.6...
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    Daily protocol from 150mg total /3x week

    I have been on 50mg Test Cyp x3 weekly (150mg total M,W,F) with x3 .125 anastrozole (M,W,F) for several years now through Defy. I've always felt "ok" on it, not great but better than pre-TRT. I've had issues with high HCT and low ferritin from frequent blood donations so wanted to try and...
  13. B

    Big and Tall TRT dosage

    That's a monster dose. I am 6'8 around 260 (was 334 a little less than a year ago). My protocol up until recently was 150mg Test Cyp divided into 3 doses weekly. That put me around 600 trough and towards the upper end of FT on the Labcorp range with a SHBG around 17.