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  1. H

    Pregnyl vs ReliableRX HCG?

    Got my ZyHCG, reliableRX, 2 week delivery instead of 4 weeks expected. Shipped from Germany. Can't wait to try it. Empower's HCG even at low doses gives me back acne (zero back acne from test cyp alone).
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    Pregnyl vs ReliableRX HCG?

    where do you guys buy bac water ?
  3. H

    Oral Minoxidil for Hair Loss

    My barber swears by oral minoxidil 5mg after switching from years of topical. And he keeps mentioning it to me once a month for the last 2 years. I'm seeing mixed reviews online, and that doctors often or sometimes refuse to prescribe it for hairloss. Ordering some online to try. Been on...
  4. H

    Arimidex AI and ingrown hair (neck) with electric shaver

    I think I figured it out. Just leaving it here in case someone would be searching for this. Changes in DHT and/or estrogen can impact skin enough to cause fungal acne, or Malassezia (yeast) folliculitis. Topical ketoconazole (nizoral shampoo, topical finasteride mixtures that are often mixed...
  5. H

    Arimidex AI and ingrown hair (neck) with electric shaver

    interesting thing regarding that "beard chin acne" and hair follicules inflammation: I stopped taking Arimidex (0.125 TIW) mid 2019 after a short trial. And never had beard hair follicles inflammation issues since then. But recently I went on oxandrolone / anavar and same thing is happening...
  6. H

    Pregnyl vs ReliableRX HCG?

    are those real prices? my pregnyl is $260 for a vial
  7. H

    Getting off TRT by Using Enclomiphene

    that was the issue, it only blocks estrogen receptors, not both estrogen and testosterone ones. When the hypothalamus sees high testosterone levels due to endogenous test it stops the signaling to a pituitary gland. Sort of blocking of only estrogen receptors is not enough. So far my experiment...
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    Getting off TRT by Using Enclomiphene

    It's good if it works. Maybe I should have tried with 25mg, my hope was I would get some LH/FSH raised overnight for the blood test. After some research a couple months ago my understanding was that enclo alone for me won't be able to raise me above 500 total testosterone, and if t-cyp gets me...
  9. H

    Getting off TRT by Using Enclomiphene

    I took enclo 12.5mg the other night and went to labcorp in the morning (while on TRT t-cyp). LH and FSH - crickets. You are sure you're not just wasting money on enclo? When not on TRT, the daily enclo 25mg would make my LH and FSH sky high.
  10. H

    Is “Enclomiphene Citrate” going to replace hCG in the USA?

    would it make sense to take enclo right before LH bloodwork then (when on cypionate + enclomiphene) or the day prior? Its half-life is only 10 hours. I'm taking enclomiphene 12.5mg TIW.
  11. H

    Is “Enclomiphene Citrate” going to replace hCG in the USA?

    I need to correct myself June 2021 - Aug 2021: 8 weeks HPTA restart protocol: enclo daily 25mg at the end TT = 550ng/dL [btw: my LH was sky high, something like 25*, when the reference limit is something like 9, 12 or 14 don't remember for sure] Sep 2021 - Oct 2021: all natural! TT down to...
  12. H

    Is “Enclomiphene Citrate” going to replace hCG in the USA?

    Mono enclomiphene raises by TT from 250 ng/dL to 550, been on enclo since June, going to go back to Test Cyp. I heard these days enclo replaced HCG in TRT protocols
  13. H

    enclomiphene or TRT?

    stopped cypionate in May 2021 (40mg TIW) after 3 years on TRT switched to enclomiphene 25mg daily for 8 weeks now on 12.5mg TIW lost muscle mass, strength didn't drop much, love handles came back, appetite is less, eating less thinking to return back to cypionate, I guess these days...
  14. H

    Coming off trt after 3 years

    Dr. Saya just puts me on Enclomiphene with no HCG (still waiting almost two weeks for it from Empower). I had some sporadic HCG use last year here and there, maybe it was enough and HCG is not really that necessary when Enclomiphene is used
  15. H

    Getting off TRT by Using Enclomiphene

    Defy prescribed me Enclomiphene for a restart, same day we sent an order to Empower, and 11 days later it's still being compounded... I checked enclomiphene in Wikipedia today and strangely the article says Enclomiphene was discontinued for any uses April 2021.
  16. H

    700-1000 Total Test (labcorp) fluctuations (same protocol). Puzzled

    Over 40 months of my TRT (dr. Saya) I took probably a dozen+ Total T measurements (used to be obsessed with wasting money on tests). Most of you are probably only doing blood work once in six months or four earlier on. What puzzles me is how often under the exact same protocol my total test...
  17. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Been having thoughts to come off TRT after 40 months on on it. PROS - amazing recovery after squat and deadlifts (not waking up and being in pain like after a car accident for two days in a row) - muscle holds up better when gyms are locked down and having the same usual low appetite CONS -...
  18. H

    How does 125IU of HCG ED affect hormones production while on TRT?

    before TRT I had perfect back skin all my life I believe, never much facial acne. I only ever had CRP, which was within normal range. Yes, was assuming skin redness which was never on my back before was due to elevated estrogen (elevated due to HCG or high total t / free t). Looks like it's...
  19. H

    How does 125IU of HCG ED affect hormones production while on TRT?

    been prescribed HCG 300 IU x 3 a week from early beginning since starting always had either back acne or back redness stopped HCG completely thinking it would reduce E2 and inflammation would go away inflammation disappeared eventually took 500 HCG once, back started getting some tiny...
  20. H

    UARS, suspecting ADHD. TRT uncovered dissatisfaction with my job

    I just read here that someone's ADHD intensified after getting on TRT. And someone else got depression after starting Arimidex. Sounds similar to me in both cases. Just came of Arimidex and HCG after discussing that with Defy. COBRA I expected would be 800 a month, have to confirm with HR...
  21. H

    UARS, suspecting ADHD. TRT uncovered dissatisfaction with my job

    I believe something happened what I was afraid off. After starting TRT I became more and more dissatisfied with my job as time went on. In June I turned 35 and a mid life crisis hit me, I wanna retire, go to a gym, talk to women, but I have enough savings to last only two years without touching...
  22. H

    Arimidex AI and ingrown hair (neck) with electric shaver

    we decided with Dr. Saya to drop HCG as an experiment and drop AI. I'm down to 32mg test cyp x 3 x week since mid September, and might go a bit up to compensate for dropping HCG.
  23. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    funny thing happened my sleep apnea are not detectable anymore by an in-lap sleep study (Philadelphia, Jefferson Sleep Center) Sleep apnea was detected (AHI 14 three days in a row) right before I started TRT by a home sleep study. Now I have UARS instead which seem to be never mentioned on...
  24. H

    Arimidex AI and ingrown hair (neck) with electric shaver

    Hey, just saw your message, I'm on 300 IU HCG thrice weekly Not even sure if HCG does anything positive, not seeing big difference
  25. H

    Arimidex AI and ingrown hair (neck) with electric shaver

    that's another thing, how could I be so sensitive to 0.125mg x twice a week, it's not just a random number, I took E2 sensitive test FOUR times during summer once a month, it always comes back 19.5-20 barely fluctuates
  26. H

    Arimidex AI and ingrown hair (neck) with electric shaver

    I might talk to Defy about going lower on total T, to 500-600 maybe, to keep E2 in check, chest acne looks ugly, gets scratched (back and chest acne), libido is not good maybe because of E2 (I'm low SHBG 19-20, skinny / slim, no metabolic syndrome, just unlucky I guess)
  27. H

    Arimidex AI and ingrown hair (neck) with electric shaver

    I've had a panasonic $300 electric shaver for 7 years. After I started Arimidex in April I'm getting frequent 1-2 reddish bumps (not open, pretty large, painful, inflamed) on my neck under chin (I only shave neck, electric) every other week or two. I guess those are ingrown hairs, I guess...
  28. H

    Arimidex messes up lipids

    Before TRT my sensitive E2 was 8-12 (regular E2 test: undetectable E2, <5) With TRT, whether it's 22mg x 3 x week, 20mg x 3 x week or 18mg x 3 x week, my E2 was at (sky-rocketed) 40-49. Gave me back acne and chest acne. And libido (main reason for starting TRT) was not much there (better than...
  29. H

    Arimidex messes up lipids

    Triglycerides (before TRT over 4 years, E2 was 8): 84, 115, 157 (dirty bulking), 104 (cutting) Triglycerides over 9 months of TRT: 119, 114 (April) Triglycerides after 4 months of Arimidex: 197 (September) Arimidex dosage (tiny): 0.125mg x twice a week Test Cyp: 36mg x trice a week HDL is...
  30. H

    DHEA/Pregnenolone cream before drawing blood or not

    Just called them. They want it to be applied 1-2 hours before drawing blood!
  31. H

    DHEA/Pregnenolone cream before drawing blood or not

    I forgot again and couldn't find searching if DHEA / Pregnenolone cream should be taken before morning before drawing blood. DHEA/Pregnenolone cream is mainly for thyroid performance (Reverse T3 on blood work) Last time I confirmed with Dr. Saya that DHEA/Pregnenolone cream should be taken on...