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  1. Z

    Feel worse with higher test levels

    20mg daily injections
  2. Z

    Feel worse with higher test levels

    I’m seeing a lot more post with people who have test levels above 1000 who feel crappy. Even with everything else in range e2, DHT, prolactin etc. I’ve also have seen post of people almost using microdose amounts and feeling way better. My question is, is this the new thing? Because my doctor...
  3. Z

    DHT really low- makes no sense

    The only other thing I could think of was I just started taking ksm-66 roughly a week before my labs. Around 600mg a day.
  4. Z

    DHT really low- makes no sense

    Yeah- say it does, are there things to increase it? I’ve read proviron does. I have also read articles of men with no DHT and high T and they feel fine
  5. Z

    DHT really low- makes no sense

    So basically what you’re saying is I’m essentially screwed the rest of my life? I’ve seen that some compounding pharmacies (with scripts) can compound DHT cream
  6. Z

    DHT really low- makes no sense

    It’s weird though, because when I did injections my DHT levels were 816pg/ml. I wouldn’t think the enzyme would just randomly disappear.
  7. Z

    DHT really low- makes no sense

    Sorry I also forgot to mention, I was recently prescribed Ritalin, and I take cabergoline for rls at times. And my prolactin was 1. But I thought prolactin that was high was more correlated with DHT decrease. I see dr saya in less then a month. I just hope whatever is going on with my DHT is...
  8. Z

    DHT really low- makes no sense

    I take beta blockers at time for anxiety. That’s the only new med I have taken since my last lab drawn. Sometimes proponalol and sometimes clonidine
  9. Z

    DHT really low- makes no sense

    Not sure what range that is- or test. But that was the method that the clinic used for the range. It wasn’t Labcorp. It was at my local doctors office I did the labs. There range is kind of confusing
  10. Z

    DHT really low- makes no sense

    Weirdly enough though when I did injections a long time ago my DHT was 816pg/ml. I felt the cream would be the main way to increase DHT as well. Sorry but any ideas would be appreciated. My hair is thinning as well which doesn’t make sense either.
  11. Z

    DHT really low- makes no sense

    So I have been feeling pretty crappy lately (down depressed anxious and no libido) and decided to do labs. I had labs done and my t was -1319 E2 sensitive was - 31 Shgb- 42 Free T was 29 But the weirdest one was my dht it came in at 50pg/ml. Which is incredibly low. What makes no sense is I’m on...
  12. Z

    Prolactin crashed

    Hello, I recently started taking cabergoline to help my RLS. I am on hormone therapy. The last few weeks I have noticed I felt pretty crappy. So I got my levels check and one thing I noticed was my my prolactin was undectable. Was wondering if I stop the cabergoline how long it will take for my...
  13. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    I’m taking l-dopa for the withdrawals. But from what I have read it seems like p5p is pretty popular when on therapy.
  14. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    Yeah I was really never taking anything for (possible) high prolactin. I was on 4-6mg daily. What dose are you on ?
  15. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    No, but that’s one thing I was just reading as well. From what I’ve read once the opiates get off your receptors levels can get to normal. The main reason for getting off the subs was because of this whole issue of this horrible balancing act with my hormone therapy.
  16. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    Okay, that makes sense on what you’re saying. Sorry I was just kind of confused. I do wonder if my suboxone has played a role on the ups and downs. I’ve done a couple searches on here and it seems not too many are on it. Along with searches on Reddit about how people felt while on it during HRT
  17. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    I’m sorry but you’re actually wrong about me thinking more T is better. My protocol is 120mgs a week. So it’s not like I am blast 300mgs a week of T in me. But I’m confused with what you’re saying about the T. Are you saying too much can be a bad thing effecting someone with libido issues. Yes I...
  18. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    I feel like everyone thinks AIs are the devil from ive heard. Even on super low doses. “Everyone” is sort of a generalization
  19. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    Total t-1444 Free T 46 Dht- 146 Igf1-180 Dhea-186 E2 sensitive- 46.1 ( I had to re look it up to make sure I was giving the right number) protocol is .8 ED or EOD and 50mg of T cream 2-3 times a week. I am speaking with my new provider on Monday and seeing if a real low dose of an AI might...
  20. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    What are they then? When I looked them up it seemed they were. Water retention as well. Insomnia. I’ve seen a lot of guys on this site TRT to monitor their E2 and keep it at a certain range because of it getting too high. But I asked for you’re guys opinion and you gave it to me that’s fair...
  21. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    My old dr was a dr who was all about not treating E2. He said let it go as high as you want and it won’t be a problem. Well I am seeing a new dr now and my e2 sensitive was 45. My libido has been super low, my anxiety kind of high, also my junk shrivels up to nothing along with my scrotum...
  22. Z

    High Testosterone and anxiety

    Or is that .5 on the syringe
  23. Z

    High Testosterone and anxiety

    10mg daily. That would just be .1 correct?
  24. Z

    High Testosterone and anxiety

    Thank you for the reply. I’m not sure what type was done. But yeah I just will have random bouts of increased anxiety where my heart feels like it’s beating a mile a minute and my mind won’t shut off. I’ve been on TRT for almost 4 years and never had this issue. But I’ve never had levels this...
  25. Z

    High Testosterone and anxiety

    So I got some Of my labs back and the basics are my T was 1477 Free T-47 SHGB was 30 Hemocrit was 51 Hemoglobin was 17 IGF-1 was 180 PSA-0.6 this was done 24 hours after my last injection. I do 25mg everyday. But my question is, my anxiety has been a little on the higher side lately. I know...
  26. Z

    Testosterone Cream and DHT increase

    So I was on cream for about a year and in that year i noticed my anxiety was heightened. I also had other issues as stated of just feeling like crap. Anyways when doing labs, most my dht readings were upwards of 3-400. I was just wondering if that could of have been the culprit of my anxiety...
  27. Z

    Injection locations

    Hello, so I just went back on injections. It’s been over a year and a half since I was on them and sort of forgot the good spots for injecting. I am doing my upper thigh for sub Q. But I remember hearing the stomach was pretty good for sub Q. What was the benefits of sub q over IM? Also my e2...
  28. Z

    Cream question

    You know what’s funny (well not funny) but ironic. Is ive heard of other people saying the same. That the cream early on worked wonders. But then it slowly progressed and stopped working. Because prior to testosterone I had bad anxiety. But when I went on it, it really mellowed me out. I was on...
  29. Z

    Cream question

    So you were on injections, then you went to cream?
  30. Z

    Cream question

    What’s a hybrid approach?