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  1. K

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Hey guys, just curious for those experienced members who have been using Gene's Stack. I started taking Ceebis once again after reading this thread and was wondering how everybody went about it starting out. I will probably only use the L-arginine and L-Citriline portions of it with Ceebis...
  2. K

    How to stop taking TRT

    I also have been off for a few months as well and I feel great. Surprisingly, I have not dealt with low moods or a decrease in strength at the gym. You hear so many horror stories about guys coming off, but that wasn't the case for me. Perhaps it was because I never really felt the true benefits...
  3. K

    Clomid Questions? When to Stop

    No, I don't expect the Clomid to bring me back to normal levels. I just wanted my system to jump start so that my testes could begin to work on their own again. I was thinking of going cold turkey like you, but was afraid of the sides. Well the sides I'm experiencing now is what I thought I'd...
  4. K

    Clomid Questions? When to Stop

    To be honest my pre-TRT baseline felt just like my TRT baseline so that wouldn't hurt. I just want to make sure that I'm not messing up my restart by abandoning the Clomid too early. I have never been on Clomid this long. My endo took me off it when she prescribed me 25mg per day. That was...
  5. K

    Clomid Questions? When to Stop

    Hello all, My HPTA restart began 6 weeks ago without a problem. HCG mono for 3 weeks followed by Clomid 12.5mg EOD for 6 weeks. I believe I'm in my 3rd week of Clomid and I've just now started to feel bad on it. My anxiety level is starting to slowly creep up and so is a feeling of depression...
  6. K

    Low T and depression. could depression tank testosterone?

    I don't know if it can cause Low T, but depression and anxiety can cause Low T like symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, lack of motivation, and anxiety.
  7. K

    How to stop taking TRT

    This totally depends on you. I can speak from experience in that I have suffered a general mild anxiety throughout my entire life. The type of anxiety I had never really interfered with life. I was never hiding under a table or refusing to go to work or school. Mine was an anxiety that I felt...
  8. K

    How to stop taking TRT

    Amen, same for me as well. TRT did nothing for me. The only time I was able to start feeling better again was with a low dose SSRI. For some it works, for others it doesn't. It's just like TRT.
  9. K

    Dizzines and Sex problems

    It does sound like performance anxiety which I have been struggling with for years. The only thing that helps with that is therapy and possibly an antidepressant which helped me tremendously with anxiety. I know many will say that it will kill your libido, but for people with anxiety like myself...
  10. K

    Post TRT labs...what to check?

    Silver Surfer, I'm assuming he probably either felt a loss of strength and muscle, vigor, or possibly depressive symptoms. For me, it was totally libido which never improved which stunk due to the time, money, and effort it took to try to get right.
  11. K

    Post TRT labs...what to check?

    BigBamBoo, how is everything going. I'm stopping TRT as well. This is my first week off and so far I feel no different. I'm doing the HPTA restart with Defy, did you do that or you just went cold turkey like you said?
  12. K

    HPT Restart, what should I expect?

    Yes, you're right. Since I had a bad reaction to Clomid before I think I'll start conservatively with EOD.
  13. K

    HPT Restart, what should I expect?

    Perhaps I would try that if fertility weren't a priority, but it is.
  14. K

    HPT Restart, what should I expect?

    It was recommended that I try the 12.5 mg per day, but if it is too much then I'll move EOD like you said. I do have AI prescription as well if E side effects get bad. I do not want to have hot flashes like a menopausal woman again. I was never diagnosed as primary or secondary so I have no idea...
  15. K

    HPT Restart, what should I expect?

    Well my mood didn't suck before TRT. Anxiety kills my mood. What I'm more concerned about is hot flashes and fatigue. Before Defy and before HCG monotherapy my endo had me on Clomid 25mg a day and I was having like 6 hot flashes a day. I'm hoping since this dosage is 12.5 mg that I'll be able...
  16. K

    HPT Restart, what should I expect?

    Hello everybody. After a lot of thinking I have decided to get off TRT. Like many before me I started TRT because of low libido. No matter how low or high the dosage I have not been able to feel the benefits in regards to libido. Fertility is really important to me so I'm willing to move on and...
  17. K

    Why Can't I Tolerate TRT From a Mental Standpoint?

    This is an interesting post. I have never seen men receive TRT and then suddenly have mood/mental issues. For me, myself, and I, TRT has done absolutely nothing to improve my libido which is why I started in the first place. However, during this TRT journey I realized that it was my low level...
  18. K

    Clomid to testosterone replacement therapy

    I know for me anytime I had a drastic change in my regimen that I started getting anxiety and symptoms of depression. It would last a day or so, but I still got them. It's probably related to estrogen since I also have a lot of body fat. I had anxiety anyway, but the change just made it more...
  19. K

    TRT erection issues

    I want to piggy back on this post. I've been on TRT for more than a year now and so far the only thing that has been effective for me as far as giving me confidence in the bedroom is taking my antidepressant. Antidepressants usually lower libido, but my libido was as low as it could be before...
  20. K

    Getting off TRT after 2 years

    Why did you quit? Did you start for libido as well?
  21. K

    Getting off TRT after 2 years

    Hmm, I guess she's the initiator and provocateur.
  22. K

    Getting off TRT after 2 years

    Well it won't help with libido though, but at least it'll help me remain fertile. That darn libido though, will I ever crack this mystery?
  23. K

    Getting off TRT after 2 years

    Thanks for the suggestion. Congratulations on your new pregnancy. Hopefully I'll have some good news like that in the near future. I have read about FSH on prior posts so I plan to talk to the doctor about it, however my only concern with FSH is how pricey it is. I think I recall it being like...
  24. K

    6 weeks clean & sober! Stopped TRT.

    Yes, I wish I was in that boat, lol.
  25. K

    6 weeks clean & sober! Stopped TRT.

    BigBamBoo, just wondering how you're doing now. I'm strongly considering getting off testosterone as well. I've received little to no benefits on it. I started because I had and still have no libido. It's been like this for me ever since I gained weight out of college. It's been a struggle to...
  26. K

    Getting off TRT after 2 years

    This is a great thread, thanks for starting it. I'm strongly considering getting off TRT as well. The only reason I started TRT was to regain a libido I had lost from 20's. My pre TRT TT levels was 396 which was taken when I was 41 years old. I tried HCG monotherapy to keep my fertility which is...
  27. K

    What's the best pinning schedule for this SHBG?

    Yeah, I think I'm going to lay off the AI for now. I'll see how I react, but I do not want my joints hurting and feeling miserable again after taking them too close together when I first started.
  28. K

    What's the best pinning schedule for this SHBG?

    For now I'm going to the M/W/F split until I talk to the doctor after our 90 day follow up labs. It makes the most sense since I take HCG 3x per week. My only concern is how to use the AI when in the past using it so close together in dates dropped my E2 too low.
  29. K

    What's the best pinning schedule for this SHBG?

    This is very encouraging. I think I might switch to EOD. Do you take HCG as well? I'm taking it for fertility purposes. I'm wondering how many guys on here take both and inject once using Nelson Vergel's method.
  30. K

    What's the best pinning schedule for this SHBG?

    That's really interesting. Thanks for sharing. It looks like you have the same SHGB as mine or close to it. My Free T must be higher as well in order to get the sexual benefits I'm looking for.
  31. K

    What's the best pinning schedule for this SHBG?

    I've been on this protocol for longer than 6 weeks I believe. And yes, the Free T usually sits there at 17.