Search results

  1. B

    Raloxifene for High E2?

    I have thought about trying a smaller dose. Really curious rather the raloxifene can even lower it. I definitely feel better when E2 is around 40.
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    Raloxifene for High E2?

    Start out with a brief history. Im 56 type 1 diabetic. Have been for 53 years. Been on TRT for 5 years has improved my overall blood glucose and I have sex drive again. 3 years ago i found a pretty good TRT Doc. I'm in Idaho and choices are limited. Last summer 2021 he handed me off to a...
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    Sub Q test injection created painful lump - how to alleviate?

    I think injecting at an angle would depend on length of needle. I use 6mm. Delivering at an angle would make it extremely shallow.
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    Sub Q test injection created painful lump - how to alleviate?

    I do subQ with 31 gauge 6mm syringes but split it up for smaller dose. .25 of the 200mg/ml every 3.5 days. Monday 6 pm friday 6 am. I also inject very very slow. Sometimes I can feel a little bit of lump but never painful and gone within 8 hours. I've been using this for approximately 2 years...
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    Test results and Dr. search

    I agree. That's why I need to find someone that know how to manage all aspects of tty.
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    Test results and Dr. search

    I'd appreciate it if you do find someone. Dr. Just had me stop my testosterone injections cold turkey for 30 days because Hematocrit is to high @ 57% I'm starting to look at flying out of the area if I can find a Dr. that is focused more on TRT
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    Test results and Dr. search

    Thanks for the quick reply Vince. I have always taken my basal insulin at approx 10:00 pm so I take the Cyp at the same time. I could take it in the :am before work or 6:00 pm post work. Any advice is appreciated. Not sure on the estrodiol test. The parameters are. Standard Range6.0 -...
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    Test results and Dr. search

    Long time lurker, Hopefully this is appropriate in the forum content. I've been searching for a good TRT Dr. In the Boise Idaho area. Currently working with big network urologist. He had never heard of subcutaneous protocol but was open to me trying it. I first started with 50mg 2x a week...
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    Forum Newbie Tri mix Newbie

    Just starting out on Tri mix. Battling a few issues. Type 1 diabetic 49 years also taking triamterene hctz 37.5 25 and welbutrin. As well as like many the anxiety and frustration of limp d__k. Recently had UR prescribe Tri mix. If I'm deciphering the mixture correctly it is as follows...