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  1. Kirk001

    Approaching Six Weeks and I Feel Nothing

    Will be getting a bunch of labwork done soon and will post results, thanks.
  2. Kirk001

    Approaching Six Weeks and I Feel Nothing

    Ok T labwork is back. Pre-treatment levels: Total Testosterone 297 ng/dL (264 - 916) and Free Testosterone 8.3 pg/mL (8.7 - 25.1) Levels today: Total Testosterone 1052.3 and Free Testosterone 36.2 So I was near the bottom or below the Labcorp ranges to start with, and now I'm over the high...
  3. Kirk001

    Approaching Six Weeks and I Feel Nothing

    Yeah once they get back to me I will get some testing done. But I feel now pretty much like I did before I started treatment. My pre-treatment E2 was relatively low anyway I guess, 14.5 pg/mL (8.0 - 35.0). After about a month on Clomid it was up to 24 and I had bad estrogenic side effects.
  4. Kirk001

    What Happens When Max TRT Dose Isn’t Enough?

    Yep. Waiting to hear what are the minimum labs I need before I test my current levels... don't want to do more than I have to right now since I will have a bunch coming up at 90 days regardless. You tested T and E and did a nurse consultation?
  5. Kirk001

    What Happens When Max TRT Dose Isn’t Enough?

    I was comparing my initial protocol with your initial protocol. I'm about 7 weeks in... contacted them about a week ago to see how I go about making an adjustment and I'm waiting to hear back.
  6. Kirk001

    Started TRT today - Protocol and Dose. Updated with Labs 25/10/18

    If you're doing twice weekly T injections, it would make sense to do HCG as well twice weekly at the same time. If you're concerned about the cost of HCG maybe do 500 IU per shot... that's still a pretty good dose. And yes, to start at 200mg/week of test is starting at the high end (or what some...
  7. Kirk001

    What Happens When Max TRT Dose Isn’t Enough?

    Yeah hopefully the higher doses will do it for you man. I'm in a similar boat, I am feeling nothing at steady state on my first TRT protocol... less test cyp than you but more HCG (60 mg and 500 IU twice weekly).
  8. Kirk001

    How will DHEA supplementation effect me?

    Did it make you sleepy when you used to take it in the morning? Because like you I started out taking it in the morning and I figured if it made me sleepy I'd switch to taking it at night, but I didn't notice that happening so I've stuck with mornings.
  9. Kirk001

    Approaching Six Weeks and I Feel Nothing

    I'm 47 days into this protocol... steady state at 40 days... so at this point if the amount in my system is neither increasing nor decreasing, I should be feeling something if I was going to feel something on this protocol, right? Re: the anastrozole it was a holdover from my time on...
  10. Kirk001

    Approaching Six Weeks and I Feel Nothing

    Is this odd? I'm 5 1/2 weeks into my first injection protocol and I feel nothing. I'm on 60mg test cyp and 500 IU HCG, twice weekly. Also 0.250mg anastrozole twice weekly. Most recent SHBG number before starting injections was 35.7 nmol/L (16.5 - 55.9). But this was before I did a month of...
  11. Kirk001

    Clomid and Gyno

    Similar thing happened to me on Clomid, and I was not not a high does just 15mg per day. Since stopping Clomid and switching to TRT, and also being a lot more aggressive with anastrozole, the burning and swollen feel are gone.
  12. Kirk001

    Oregon Doctor Suspended for TRT

    That info was not in the article genius
  13. Kirk001

    Trying to avoid AI

    I would just tell your provider that based on the information you've seen you don't think an E2 of 32 is problematic with no estrogenic symptoms. If you want to make her happy you could get some to take as-needed, and then not take it unless you got symptoms.
  14. Kirk001

    Anyone doing SubQ for TRT

    I really don't know whether I'm doing sub-q or shallow IM for T injections. I'm aiming for IM but I'm not sure the needles I have are long enough at 0.5" ... if I wanted to be sure I was getting into the muscle I'd probably get longer needles... but I'm not sure I really care.
  15. Kirk001

    Oregon Doctor Suspended for TRT

    Ok yeah I didn't read that document... maybe this doc was a bit sloppy and/or reckless. But I think my point still stands... the thing that everyone who hears about this is going to see is that news article, or maybe some local tv news show that will be similar to the article. And most of what...
  16. Kirk001

    Just started with defy and doing good.

    E2 under 5 on the sensitive test is pretty low lol. Glad to hear things are looking up with Defy and good luck
  17. Kirk001

    Just getting started

    Yeah and hopefully you won't even need them. Good luck
  18. Kirk001

    Clomiphene and Anxiety / Negative Thoughts

    Well, I did 30 days on clomiphene and then stopped to transition to TRT. I got labs done a little early, on day 21, because by then I was almost certain I wanted to discontinue taking it. Total Testosterone went from 297 pre-treatment to 959 at day 21. Assuming this rate of increase continued...
  19. Kirk001

    Deciding on what protocol to change to

    Is fertility not a concern for you? Because if I recall the main argument against those smaller, more frequent HCG doses is that it would not be sufficient to keep the sperm happy. You make me want to try some pregnenolone lol. Are you testing for that or no? Because I believe that test is...
  20. Kirk001

    What do you love and hate about the new ?

    Looks good :) One issue for me... I have a lot of watched threads (well over 100). With the old site design, the first thing I would do after logging in is to look for which of my watched threads had new posts. I can't figure out an easy way to do that with the new design. Now I go to my...
  21. Kirk001

    Most Recent Post Date

    Ah nice, that is a feature I definitely like as well
  22. Kirk001

    Most Recent Post Date

    I guess this has been fixed? Or dnfuss were you using a certain browser? I am viewing the site in Firefox and this feature is here. From the main Forums page, on the right side by each category it shows the user who made the most recent post and when that post was made, just like on the old site.
  23. Kirk001

    Whoever Said Changing your Protocol Sucks was Right On, When does it End?

    I mean it wouldn't hurt to wait, except you lose time. Some of us are impatient! lol
  24. Kirk001

    Trying Clomid 12.5mg every other day

    Your natural T production will be boosted by Clomid, and if you come off it then your levels will return to whatever your normal baseline was. (Although your baseline is probably low, which is why you're trying Clomid.) There are a number of potential side effects with Clomid but they are...
  25. Kirk001

    Just started with defy and doing good.

    What kind of protocol(s) did the first place have you on?
  26. Kirk001

    Oregon Doctor Suspended for TRT

    Situations like this? Based on that article this doctor has done nothing wrong! (Except maybe for using a sub-optimal delivery system like pellets. But that hardly justifies stripping her medical license and depriving all her patients of their treatments, which they are unlikely to get anywhere...
  27. Kirk001

    Just getting started

    Waiting to take it is fine, but based on my experience I would advocate that guys starting out go ahead and get a scrip for an AI and at least get some pills to have on hand, just in case. They're not very expensive and if you don't use them, so be it... I've had some nasty side effects from the...
  28. Kirk001

    Whoever Said Changing your Protocol Sucks was Right On, When does it End?

    Why? Half-life of HCG is 2 days, so steady state is reached in 10 days.