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  1. V

    Should I bother with Thyroid and DHEA Supplementation?

    My estrogen seems to be a little high. Could I reap benefits from DHEA or is it too risky? I am to be taking both A-dex and Nolvadex to combat it but I have not been doing that recently since I havent been injecting. Could they get it under control?
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    Should I bother with Thyroid and DHEA Supplementation?

    Hello everyone. I have been looking to get back on the TRT train after falling off the past few months. I am going to start doing my injections regularly and everything. However I want to know if its really worth it to try and tackle Thyroid and DHEA too? According to my results collected last...
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    Should I bother with figuring out the DHEA Pregnenolone Cortisol puzzle with Test should I choose to use a PED?

    Hello everyone. Recently, I have been trying to figure out why despite taking 200 mg/ml test in 1 ML dosages split twice a week, I still feel like shit a lot of times. On top of regular psychological issues, Im trying to figure out what I could be doing to get to the fabled golden zone that...
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    Test levels LOWER after switching to injections?!

    I kept asking for that method for Thyroid last time. Doctor kept insisting that I didnt need it and that the extra test he would run this time would be enough. I was already there waiting at the office for hours so I didnt feel like arguing.
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    Test levels LOWER after switching to injections?!

    I am pretty new to this. I dont know what Im supposed to feel so I look at the numbers. Overall im still pretty tired a lot though so maybe something needs to be changed. As for when the test was done, my blood was drawn on an injection day but I hadnt injected yet until later that day. I dont...
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    Test levels LOWER after switching to injections?!

    My current protocol is 200 mg a week split between 2 doses. .75 of HCG I take on Mondays and also 1mg of Arimidex. I recently stopped the Arimidex to see how I feel as I was suggested that 1 whole pill a week might be crashing estrogen levels too low making me feel bad. So far I feel neutral for...
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    Test levels LOWER after switching to injections?!

    Alright yeah, title sums it up. Switched to 200 mg/ml a week in July along with HCG. Was formerly doing half a pill of Clomid every day. I stopped as I believed it was worsening my depression. I have 1mg of Arimidex as well was taking once a week but was informed it might be crashing estrogen...
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    Peptides with TRT?

    Well I called the pharmacy and it seems that what the doc gave me was Ipamorelin. Too bad its 125 bucks :rolleyes: I guess Ill have to wait until next paycheck. He also put in Lipo-b injections. What kind of benefit does faster healing supposed to have? Muscle recovery or more endurance?
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    Peptides with TRT?

    How expensive does it usually run? Have you used it?
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    Peptides with TRT?

    I was speaking about general health and wellness here and to help a TRT schedule as ive seen from some clinics.
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    Peptides with TRT?

    Hello again. I was speaking with my doctor today about certain peptides and other things that can help me along with my TRT journey. Along with potential for thyroid in helping shed the extra weight im holding I had spoken about peptides people have added to assist in weight management and...
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    Chest fat or Gynecomastia? Can Test correct it?

    How does one get that and how beneficial is it to being healthy and athletic?
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    Chest fat or Gynecomastia? Can Test correct it?

    I was talking abou exercises. So not even that? Also what is the Testosterone/estradiol ratio and how can I tell that? Additionally, how helpful would other hormonal additions be like HGH or something be to a TRT protocol?
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    Chest fat or Gynecomastia? Can Test correct it?

    Is there any other thing to do otherwise? Any way to target that area to get rid of as much of the fat and stuff as possible?
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    Chest fat or Gynecomastia? Can Test correct it?

    Im located in the Houston area. My TRT doc is Dr. Lipshultz
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    Chest fat or Gynecomastia? Can Test correct it?

    Ok so be gentle pls. I'm working on not being a porker
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    Chest fat or Gynecomastia? Can Test correct it?

    I mean. I'm very self conscious about it...
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    Chest fat or Gynecomastia? Can Test correct it?

    Hello again, sorry for posting so much but I have a lot concerning me atm. To preface, ever since I was a teenager and puberty started to take its toll on me, I have had extra tissue on my chest that has caused me much embarrassment and discomfort in my social life (I hate beaches/pools) and in...
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    Injecting Test with EasyTouch insulin syringe?

    Is it alright if I try to inject a full 200mg dose today to make up for it?
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    Injecting Test with EasyTouch insulin syringe?

    Well, I guess that means I vastly underestimated when injecting the other day lol. I only injected in 5 unit worth of T.
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    Injecting Test with EasyTouch insulin syringe?

    Here are some pictures. Does this help?
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    Injecting Test with EasyTouch insulin syringe?

    I can post pictures right?
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    Injecting Test with EasyTouch insulin syringe?

    Additionally, I wanted to ask if im reading the measurments correctly. Its a 31 gauge needle and the ticks are marked for cc/ml and go in intervals of 10 to 100. I drew Test to the half line between the top and the 10 marker, as I was urged in my last thread about splitting dosages, assuming 10...
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    Injecting Test with EasyTouch insulin syringe?

    Hello everyone. I am just posting this quick question. I am out of longer syringes that would be used to inject myself in the thigh muscle but still have easytouch syringes for my HCG. Theyre thin and short so im not sure they would reach my muscle. Are these syringes sufficient to inject or not?
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    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Im not sure what you mean. Pre-Crash? How would I know my e2 crashed? I think I have trouble discerning what that is. Especially considering that the symptoms can be any number of things affecting me.
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    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Thanks for the anecdote! This is very helpful to me seeing how its benefited another in a similar situation. How do you cut the pills to be .25 mg though?