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  1. I

    Test Results: (3) Months on Test Cyp (IM) + HCG (SubQ)

    I spoke to my doctor (who's local) and he said my numbers look great and to stick with (1) IM weekly with the current protocol/regimen of TRT/HCG. He said the other labs aren't really needed (Estradiol [Sensitive] and this SHBG test :confused:). This is my first time experimenting with this...
  2. I

    Test Results: (3) Months on Test Cyp (IM) + HCG (SubQ)

    To this, I was told by my doctor to visit LabCorp 4-5 days after an injection. I had injected 1mL on Sunday and gone in on a Thursday morning.
  3. I

    Test Results: (3) Months on Test Cyp (IM) + HCG (SubQ)

    @Blackhawk thank you for that piece of advice. I'll make sure to bring it up with my Endo. As per the remaining results and the idea of splitting my once a week to twice a week...thoughts?
  4. I

    Test Results: (3) Months on Test Cyp (IM) + HCG (SubQ)

    Edited for accuracy, thank you!
  5. I

    Test Results: (3) Months on Test Cyp (IM) + HCG (SubQ)

    Hi all, First time posting - quick background: I was diagnosed with Low T roughly about a year ago (making me 33yrs old at the time). I exhibited all of the typical symptoms - lethargy, trouble sleeping, ED symptoms, gain in BF, loss of confidence, depression, etc. Did a blood test and my...
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