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  1. A

    A not so brief history

    Makes a lot of sense. Test should take around 40 days to stabilize, according to my calculations between my first injection and the last full blood test 21 days passed. So yeah, it should be higher now. This how I plan to continue: This week: I already shoot 125mg in monday, so no more shoots...
  2. A

    Manage E2 without sensitive test.

    When trying to dial in, how often do you make changes? I try to do 1 change every 2 weeks, at most. And how big of a change?
  3. A

    Manage E2 without sensitive test.

    A general question: Why all the preference for high estradiol instead of low? I understand that crashing it is an absolute nightmare and living in hell. But it’s not permanent, on the other side gyno it actually is and you need surgery to really cure it.
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    A not so brief history

    It was before Anastrozole. From my point of view it was when I change from IM to Sub-Q and at the same time from 250 once per week to 125 x 2/wk. It would be around that blood test, I was feeling weird around the nipple area a little puffiness, so I change to sub-q for a week while I searched...
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    Manage E2 without sensitive test.

    The symptoms: It started with a kinda itchy / kinda little pain in nipples. A lot of oiliness all over, especially shoulders and face (need to wash my face 3 to 4 times a day), with increasing acne. Feeling tired, needing to sleep + 10hs a day. Really weird and incredible strong cravings, some...
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    A not so brief history

    Hello people So here is the history of my journey: On november 2017 I went to the doc, the symptoms where extreme fatigue, really extreme. The doc order some blood samples and everything was perfect, most solid health he has ever seen, so he gave me some vitamins. I took the vitamins and went...
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    Manage E2 without sensitive test.

    Hello, Basically: there is no sensitive E2 test in my country. Last week I did two blood tests for e2 in two different labs, the difference was WAY too high. First test (CLIA, no electro): 47 pg/ml <80 pg/ml Second test (ECLIA): 81.8 pg/ml 25.8-60.7 pg/ml Both where on the same...