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  1. D

    Help with my TRT treatment

    Updated with E2 and FT3 Total test. 1128ng/dL 225-975 Shbg 21.1nmol/L 13.3-89.5 Test free index >120% Psa 0.31ng/ml 0.0-4.0 B12 390pg/ml 250-1100 Folate 18.1ng/ml 2.8-20.0 D3 61ng/ml 30-100 Tsh 2.46uIU/ml 0.35-5.00 Ft4 0.9ng/dL 0.58-1.90 Ft3 2.9pg/ml 2.3-4.2 Estradiol 68pg/ml <40
  2. D

    Help with my TRT treatment

    Ranges added Total test. 1128ng/dL 225-975 Shbg 21.1nmol/L 13.3-89.5 Test free index >120% Psa 0.31ng/ml 0.0-4.0 B12 390pg/ml 250-1100 Folate 18.1ng/ml 2.8-20.0 D3 61ng/ml 30-100 Tsh 2.46uIU/ml 0.35-5.00 Ft4 0.9ng/dL 0.58-1.90
  3. D

    Help with my TRT treatment

    I agree with the ft4 being low and tsh a bit high. Waiting on the ft3 to come back but I suspect it will be low also. May need to look into a NDT. As far as my T symptoms go, I feel a ton better, libido and energy is great. I am seeing more acne but no signs of gyno or much bloating. I have...
  4. D

    Help with my TRT treatment

    Updated labs after adjusting dose from 100mg/wk to 140mg/wk. stopped the AI and have been supplanting with 5000iu d3 and 1000mg b12 daily. Total test. 1128ng/dL Shbg 21.1nmol/L Test free index >120% Psa 0.31 B12 390 Folate 18.1 D3 61 Tsh 2.46 Ft4 0.9 Still waiting on estradiol and ft3...
  5. D

    Help with my TRT treatment

    I agree my next labs aren’t until may
  6. D

    Help with my TRT treatment

    I think at this point i will stop the AI and increase the Test Cyp to 140mg/wk and see what my labs end up as.
  7. D

    Help with my TRT treatment

    Looking at my labs again I think all my Estradiol test were not the sensitive assay. I am concerned that maybe I shouldn't even be taking the AI. Is it possible that the reason I am not feeling the positive effects is that my true E2 is low?
  8. D

    Help with my TRT treatment

    The local TRT doc I worked with is definitely working with the current studies that we commonly see on these forums, I will need to get an appointment with him, just stuck on what to do for the time being.
  9. D

    Help with my TRT treatment

    I agree, and I am concerned the diagnosis of primary is incorrect seeing as my LH and FSH were not elevted at my baseline labs. So my issue is do I stop the Test and try Clomid as a standalone or adjust my Test slightly and attempt to get Hcg from the TRT doc I trust.
  10. D

    Help with my TRT treatment

    Hello all, I have been reading and researching TRT with the help of forums such as this along with reading the different protocols of some of the most well-respected clinicians in hormone therapy. I wanted to post my situation to see if anyone with solid knowledge of hormone therapy to give me...