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  1. L

    Weight gain/bloat day of injection

    Ok so you’re saying go back to M/W/F but drop from the 25mg to 15mg?
  2. L

    Weight gain/bloat day of injection

    If I dose the diuretic, should I do this when I take the injection? Also I sweated like a pig earlier, ran in 34 degree heat for 90 mins so should have dropped a ton of water? Systemlord - I went 25mg 3 times a week but still happened. How do I combat the aldosterone?
  3. L

    Weight gain/bloat day of injection

    Has anyone experienced this? I always get a big influx of weight 3-4 lbs from morning to night when I take the injection in the morning. In other days I see a 1-2 lbs increase. I’m taking 40mg every Mon/thurs however I had the same issue when I was taking 25mg M/W/F. I know this is only...
  4. L

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    Yes please do as this was a real concern of mine and kept me from going low carb for a long time. I was mostly concerned around fueling for and during races as I usually carb load and then take on 70-80g of carbs every hour for any races over 3 hours and 50g of carbs per hour for 2-3 hour...
  5. L

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    Update: Been a week since taking the .25mg of adex and lowering the dosage to 20mg M/W/F from 25mg. Deffo less bloated and carry less water, down 3kg from this time last week and feel like at better. Less fatigue and morning wood is back and spontaneous erections every now and then as well...
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    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    Thanks for all the detailed responses guys. It is very much appreciated for you to take your time to give your view and your advice to help. By way of an update and my plan based on the advice above. On weds I ended up taking .25mg of adex out of desperation! Got my sensitive estradiol tested...
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    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    Ok will reduce even further and get my bloods checked in a few weeks again to see where we are at
  8. L

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    I wish we had more options over here so I could try different esters but we are stuck with sustanon unless I get it on the black market and then no idea of it’s legit etc…. When you say a mix of long and short, would sust fall into that?
  9. L

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    This is the whole reason I’ve started the thread as it isn’t adding up to me! As I said previously. I’ve cleaned up my diet, cut out alcohol, taken a meal plan to keep me in a calorie deficit. Started all this training in October last year until now and I dropped 116 to 112 in a matter of weeks...
  10. L

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    unfortunately my only option is sustanon as I’m in the Middle East and we only have access to sust or neibido Wouod this still work to drop from 25mg per injection to 15mg?
  11. L

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    Got the more detailed blood tests back. I am on a M/W/F injection schedule and took my 25mg injection on the Monday and had the test on Tuesday and took my injection today. Total Testosterone 9.88ng/ml Free Test 239(2.42%)pg/ml Sensitive Estradiol 49.35pg/ml SHBG 33 nmol/L How do these...
  12. L

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    Thanks, I get a macro counter meal plan delivered which puts me in a deficit at 2000 per day and my BMR is 2400 and I’m easily burning 600-1000 in exercise. I went to see my gastro doctor today as I have Ulcerative Colitis so she has said to go on a strict elimination diet as she feels I’m...
  13. L

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    How much cardio? I run 7-12k 3 times per week. Cycle 40k twice and do a 100k on a sat plus 2 swim sessions? Could add some events on top of the 2X half marathons and half Ironman so far this year?
  14. L

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    Is there anything you’ve managed to solve the issue of the weight around the stomach? Or is it just a case of coming off the trt to solve it?
  15. L

    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    How is everyone still doing in their 50/60mg a week dosage? I’m trying to lower mine as I’m really suffering with stomach fat and not being able to reduce it regardless of diet and amount of exercise. I was started in 250mg a week of sustanon and I’ve come down to 75mg split 25mg M/W/F...
  16. L

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    2 days on Lasix and no reduction in belly volume. Weight has dropped by 2 lbs but have felt pretty shitty today, super fatigued and some heart palpitations. Im not sure if I’m explaining my issue correctly as water weight/bloat or not so have taken a couple of pictures. From this are you able...
  17. L

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    Update. I got Lasix today and have taken a 20mg pill twice 8 hours apart. Will do this for 5 days and see how that goes? Any advice? Is 5 days enough to see if it is working? I have my deeper blood tests on Tuesday so will have more info If the oasis doesnt work then I think my only option...
  18. L

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    Solgar herbal water pills 3 pills per day Picture of the make up of the pills My bloat comes and goes with the injections and my weight goes up and down by 2k-3kg. Will the Arimidex help with the ED and the post injection water and the stomach fat? My biggest issue is no weight loss and no...
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    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    Didn’t mention the other symptoms. Haven’t had an erection for 3 weeks now, no morning wood. I still have a bit of an interest but zero movement down there! Also headaches and tired
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    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    Hey everyone, As you may have seen from my other thread my TRT journey has been anything but smooth and have thought about coming off numerous times. Even actually came off twice to have kids which thankfully went very smoothly. I have been back on since Nov last year but have really struggled...
  21. L

    Back on trt. What’s changed?

    Thanks Systemlord. I have got some insulin syringes and am doing 25mg mon/weds/fri - hopefully this will keep my water and bloating under control
  22. L

    Back on trt. What’s changed?

    Thank you for the continued advice SystemLord. I went back to the doctors today to get the HCG and Clomid and we went through all of the pre TRT blood tests and as my blood was right at the bottom of the reference range of normal - between 2.65-3.05ng/ml in a ref range of 2.79-8.16 on numerous...
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    Back on trt. What’s changed?

    Hey everyone, Thanks for the advice/help on this. I’m going to discontinue the TRT. I just can’t get it dialed in properly and I’m blowing up like a water balloon and now I’m not even getting the benefits. I’m tired and libido has gone. How long after my last sustanon injection should I start...
  24. L

    Back on trt. What’s changed?

    Update - Just left the doctors and the below was what was discussed/prescribed. Omega 3 to reduce the Triglycerides Said my B12 was borderline and could be why I'm exhausted - gave me a b12 shot and a follow up next week and a b12 supplement Wasn't overly concerned about my low iron and just...
  25. L

    Back on trt. What’s changed?

    My test results came back: DHEA 137.8 UG/dl ref range 41-50 70-495 Total Test 4.49 ng/ml ref range 1.75-7.81 Free Test 106(2.37%) pg/ml ref range 2-3% Estradiol 21.35 pg/ml ref range <20-47 Can you advise on if this is good? How does it reflect the low iron etc.. how should I tweak my...
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    Back on trt. What’s changed?

    Hey everyone, Got the first bunch of my blood tests back and below are the tests that came back outside of the reference range. Will get my T levels on Monday. Any advice on the below? Does the low Iron contribute to my feelings of fatigue, low energy, libido and storing belly fat? Creatinine...
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    Back on trt. What’s changed?

    Thank you. When should I take the blood tests? My last injection was Friday
  28. L

    Back on trt. What’s changed?

    Thanks for coming back to me @Systemlord I've sent a message on these points and waiting now, unfortunately in Dubai we are very limited with TRT places and most are just Endo's prescribing and it's difficult to get dialled in. I haven't taken the nolvadex or the AI, just played about with the...
  29. L

    Back on trt. What’s changed?

    @Systemlord I got an email saying you posted referencing my T number of 5.45mg/ml in a ref range of 1.75 - 7.81 saying "you need a high TRT dosage" But I can't find the post here? Could you let me know more details please as in why I need a higher dose and what dose you would suggest? Also...
  30. L

    Back on trt. What’s changed?

    Hey everyone, Just wanted to give an update. Stuck with the 100mg test a week split into 2 injections. Diet has been great, still no alcohol, lots of protein. Been training hard and completed an ironman end of feb and fo the last 6 weeks been cycling around 400/500km a week. However even...
  31. L

    Back on trt. What’s changed?

    Thats the issue I’m trying to treat. I’m not getting leaner, I’m in a calorie deficit. I’m burning between 3500-4500 calories dependent on the training day and yet I’m stuck at the same weight for last 2 months and am just basically soft and watery so I’m wanting to reduce the E2 to reduce the...