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  1. K

    How many of you are on diuretics for water retention on TRT?

    Could going keto help with this? When you go keto your body gets rid of water and electrolytes. Maybe men in TRT need to go keto.
  2. K

    Nodule On Injection Site

    Hi, all! Been injecting TRT for about 4 years now. It has been great. I also inject HCG SQ with no issues. However, with the Cypionate I'm now experiencing a nodule on my left ventrogluteal area. So I stopped using that area. Is there something I can do to get rid of it? Like rolling or deep...
  3. K

    Anyone Using Kisspeptin-10?

    Hello all, HCG is getting harder to get. Or also 3x more expensive if you can get the generic brand. A new clinic in town offers Kisspeptin-10. Is this a good alternative? Has anyone here used it before and care to share your results? Greatly appreciate it.
  4. K

    Where to get HCG nowadays?

    Hello, all Ran out of luck and can't find HCG in my town (Texas) anymore. Nobody carries it! Still in back order nationwide, I've been told. Where can I order HCG from online? Is there a reputable pharmacy out there for HCG? Thanks
  5. K

    No pharmacy around my area has HCG, where to get now?

    It seems there is a huge shortage of HCG, what's the deal? Where can I find it? I don't need it for fertility, but it helps tremendously for testicular atrophy and pain. I don't want to stop taking it.
  6. K

    Lack of Penis Sensitivity

    Not sure if anyone has experienced this, but I noticed sensitivity issues when I started using tadalafil daily. Could it be that? Just thought I mentioned it. That pill does help one last longer.
  7. K

    Tadalafil - Capsules vs Oral Dissolvable

    Awesome, I’ll stay with the same dose and see. How long did it take to see changes in BP? Thanks.
  8. K

    Tadalafil - Capsules vs Oral Dissolvable

    Are you using Cialis for ED or as general health on TRT? I recently started Cialis to see if it would help lower my BP some. I don’t have ED and also taking 5mg per day. Not sure if this is a good dose for me.
  9. K

    Tadalafil - Capsules vs Oral Dissolvable

    Would this work with the regular Ceebis pills?
  10. K

    Where to Buy Cheap Cialis without a Prescription

    So not even the doctor’s name or anything? Thanks
  11. K

    Where to Buy Cheap Cialis without a Prescription

    Oh man. I see. Have you ever tried the regular Cialis? Are you gonna order another batch? It would be interesting to know.
  12. K

    Where to Buy Cheap Cialis without a Prescription

    How do you order from ADC? It asks for a script during checkout. Thanks
  13. K

    Where to Buy Cheap Cialis without a Prescription

    This might be something I will bring to my Doctor. I have been dealing with high blood pressure ever since starting TRT. Running around 150/85. Don’t feel anything though. I lift pretty heavy too and don’t have any issues at the gym. Estradiol is a bit high (48.9), but I don’t have any...
  14. K

    Do I need to draw more when using a vial adapter? Luer lock?

    Hello guys, just changed to another pharmacy and got my T prescription which included a luer lock (vial adapter) so I decided to use it. However, I noticed I had less solution in the syringe when I installed the needle. So I have to draw a bit more when using the luer lock before installing the...
  15. K

    Estrogen and high BP

    I’m curious about this too. I’m currently dealing with high BP in the 145/90 area. Blood work shows normal Hemoglobin (15.6g/dL), Hematocrit (47.6%), total Test (1328ng/dL) a day before injection, free T (34.9pg/mL), Estradiol sensitive (48.9pg/mL), and SHBG (37.3nmol/L). No AI taken and on HCG...
  16. K

    High BLood Pressure, Can’t figure it out. Help

    Thanks for the reply. Did you have any changes in mood or libido with the addition of the AI? I’m not even sure at what dose to start. It scares me to crash my E2. I’m not sure if E2 also fluctuates up and down with the injection time, but i have noticed that my BP is the highest after injection...
  17. K

    High BLood Pressure, Can’t figure it out. Help

    I’ll think about this one. I’m struggling injecting twice as it is. Lol. I’m a chicken. After 14 months you would think I would be used to it already. I’m using a 27ga 1/2” and think that hurts. Smh.
  18. K

    High BLood Pressure, Can’t figure it out. Help

    I will consider this. I have been keeping an eye on my kidney function via blood work and all levels are normal and within range on that aspect. But I’m definitely still concerned for the long term.
  19. K

    High BLood Pressure, Can’t figure it out. Help

    I’m 43 years young. I have never used an AI and was only going to use if I ever had a side effect. Which I never did. I’m talking about things as water retention, gynecomastia, etc. But is higher E2 related to high blood pressure if water retention is not an issue?
  20. K

    High BLood Pressure, Can’t figure it out. Help

    Thanks for the recommendation. By the way, did you ever see the posts about the oil in the test possibly being a caused for high BP? I can’t find it anymore. Someone had said that they changed from cottonseed to grapeseed and lowered their BP. I think a couple of folks said that.
  21. K

    High BLood Pressure, Can’t figure it out. Help

    Ah, I see. I will try a lower dosage and see how it goes. I’m currently at 160mg per week. By how much should it be reduce to notice a difference?
  22. K

    High BLood Pressure, Can’t figure it out. Help

    So, do you think is worth trying an AI even though I don’t have any other effects? Crashing my E2 scares me more than the high BP. How about things like a DIM supplement? Thanks
  23. K

    High BLood Pressure, Can’t figure it out. Help

    Just curious, how much sodium were you taking? How about now? I know some folks are more sensitive to sodium than others, but before TRT I did a ketogenic diet and I had to consume at least 5,000mg of sodium. My BP was perfect. So I figured I’m not sensitive. After starting TRT, I did Keto again...
  24. K

    High BLood Pressure, Can’t figure it out. Help

    I was thinking to increase my magnesium and potassium a bit more. I will try that. I’m currently not using any nitric oxide supplements nor am I using Cialis or Viagra. So far erections have been good. I was reading a bit how possibly beet root powder may help with high BP too. Haven’t tried it...
  25. K

    High BLood Pressure, Can’t figure it out. Help

    Hello all, Having an issue with high BP and trying to figure this about. I have been on TRT for about 14 months now. I’m on 80mg of Test cypionate twice per week (160mg total) and 500IU of HCG twice per week (1,000IU total). Blood work shows normal Hemoglobin (15.6g/dL), Hematocrit (47.6%)...
  26. K

    Risk of thrombophlebitis on TRT?

    Thanks for the link, Vince. My arm is feeling better. No more swelling. Only tended to the touch along the vein. I can now see a bit of bruising along the vein also that seems to be disappearing too. The only thing that is bothersome is the vein is now so tight. I can barely raise my arm above...
  27. K

    Risk of thrombophlebitis on TRT?

    Hello all, I’ve been on TRT for about 8 months and all has been great. Numbers are good and feel great. However, last week I woke up with a red streak down my arm. As the week went by, pain started traveling from armpit/bicep area to wrist. Then a bit of inflammation around forearm and wrist. I...
  28. K

    TRT without AI

    Has anyone here ever used Estro DIM to help with the slightly higher E2? I'm pretty sure it is not as effective as an AI drug, but I wonder if it might help just a bit. I understand this supplement claims to also help free up T. My E2 is at 42 and I feel just fine without any side effects, and...
  29. K

    TRT without AI

    My total T is just above 1,000 and free T at about 21. My E2 runs at 42 and I feel great. No issues whatsoever. I don't take an AI. My SHBG sits around 52 though.