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Buy Lab Tests Online
  1. S

    My wellness journey

    I was on the patch for 3 months, and my SHBG has been in the low range prior to beginning Treatment
  2. S

    My wellness journey

    Here are my labs, drawn 12hrs after last patch was applied. Total T. 81 (249-836) PSA. .37. <4.0 SHBG. 15 (17-56) Free T. 2.3 (1.41-16.68) CBC panel all within normal range
  3. S

    My wellness journey

    I was fortunate to have my endo switch me over from the 4mg Androderm patch to 100mg Test cup weekly IM. I started back in January seeking treatment for all my symptoms. Oh and my last blood work on the T was 81? Just turned 46 but having been feeling completely run down for...
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