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  1. P

    taking Prohormone while on TRT

    Hey guys maybe I can bring this talk back to taking prohormones while on TRT. I have a bottle off the current 1 4 Andro that is being sold AFTER the ban. Its non methylated. The brand is Iron Mag Labs 1 andro and Iron Mag Labs 4 andro. I have a bottle of each and have been considering taking it...
  2. P

    Possible Estrogen Crash? No Feeling From 200mg Injection Anymore?

    Vince: Those levels were when i took .25mg 2-3x per week because i had just started my AI and was lowering my estrogen. Now its just .25mg once a week.
  3. P

    Possible Estrogen Crash? No Feeling From 200mg Injection Anymore?

    You are right so I ordered full labs from discount, should be testing next week and results 5-7 days after that.
  4. P

    Possible Estrogen Crash? No Feeling From 200mg Injection Anymore?

    I took some iron and b12 multi vitamins to help my hemocrit production and iron levels. Started feeling better. Im sticking with 200mg per week TEST with .25mg arimidex 24hours after injection. I ordered full labs from discountlabs and will test on Monday or Tuesday. I will post results as soon...
  5. P

    Possible Estrogen Crash? No Feeling From 200mg Injection Anymore?

    I will try to keep things short... About 6-7weeks ago I was reviewing my labs with my doc. Labs were taken day of weekly shot of 200mg before injection. .25 arimidex 2-3x per week. Total T - 1048 ng/dl (264-916) Free T - 23.8 pg/ml (9.5-25.5) DHEA 228 ug/dl (138-475) LH <0.2 mIU/ml (1.7-8.6)...
  6. P

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Hi! New member to the forum, long time reader. I have been on my trt journey since April. Had lots of ups and downs, mainly downs. I'm at the point where I feel I am almost dialed in. Question is: my ball sack usually is very high and tight except the first 1-2 days after my weekly injection...
  7. P

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Hi! New member to the forum, long time reader. I have been on my trt journey since April. Had lots of ups and downs, mainly downs. I'm at the point where I feel I am almost dialed in. Question is: my ball sack usually is very high and tight except the first 1-2 days after my weekly injection...
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