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  1. P

    Pain level experience during cystoscopy

    I go to UT Southwestern in Dallas; they know how to do the procedure. Yes, they numb you up well. I still get cysto's every 3 months and tolerate them well. I used to go to a local uro. Trust me the difference between a large medical center and your local uro is like the minor leagues to the pros.
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    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Reliable has Doxazosin in stock the last I looked. Yes, they were out for a long time. I use it Flomax, and Cialis combo. What does EQ stand for as used by Wolverine?
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    Pain level experience during cystoscopy

    I sadly do them often, right now every 3 months to look in the bladder. It's only very uncomfortable when passing through my large prostate gland. No big deal really.
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    PSA of 5.4

    I would retest as you suggested in about 6 weeks, and if still elevated go see a urologist. I've been doing watchful waiting for several years. My last MRI in January was good. As Boss777 said it can go bad quickly, and each person has to decide what eventual treatment is best for them. Lots of...
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    Avoiding Sexual Dysfunction in BPH Surgery

    I asked my doctor about doing an MRI with Urolift and he said it was not an issue. Doing some quick research suggests there are some limitations as to the magnet rating. Frankly all of these procedures are a trade off in one way or another. Urolift should give you a good increase in flow as...
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    Avoiding Sexual Dysfunction in BPH Surgery

    My doc at UTSW in Dallas pushes Urolift and Green light. While they are solutions to BPH, I don't think they are the best. I've considered going to Houston for Focal Laser Ablation (FLA). It will take care of both my low grade PCA and BPH, however it's still not main stream and insurance won't...
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    Cialis versus Flomax in Men with Prostate Enlargement

    Thanks for posting Nelson, very good information here, and great comments. Yes Mountain Man is right very low cost effective Cialis is out there. After 3 biopsy's my gland is a mess, but the Cialis does help. I might try getting back on Flomax and see if it improves anything. I have been...
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    BPH - Enlarged Prostate After being on TRT

    My first thought was mild prostatitis as well. Glad you brought it up. I've had both mild and severe versions of this issue. I'm now off everything except Cialis and Metformin. My urine flow still stinks, but I never liked the side effects of Flomax. Good luck solving your issue! I'm going to...
  9. P

    What do you love and hate about the new ?

    In general I'm not a fan of the new style forums. I feel the older style is more readable and has a better look/feel. However, this is the new forum software and were stuck with it. I appreciate all the hard work that went into this by all. Maybe it will grow on me.
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    SubQ and the needle size

    I have been using this method as well, probably got it from Vince. Minimal discomfort, very easy. I use HCG sub Q however.
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    Are pde5 inhibitors safe long term? Definitely an issue, as are most things we ingest.
  12. P

    SubQ injections* in glute while sitting down?

    Welcome to the forum Wise! There are a ton of threads about injecting. Most here do T via IM and not Subq. Some do it all Subq. It seems the preferred method of HCG is Subq for sure. As far as sitting or standing I can't believe it makes a difference. On the T injection the shoulders or the...
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    As long as the DRE is negative your good to go. I take both Flomax and low dose Cialis, seems to work well.
  14. P

    how long does cialis back pain last?

    I've recently been doing a modified version of Gene's NO stack. Definitely having more back pain issues from the Cialis, and I think due to the stack.
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    SARMs Control Act of 2018

    Yes, more regulation, that's what we need. Soon, your creatine and protein will be regulated.
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    HCG powder Life

    Ouch, good to know. I have some unconstituted HCG that I've had for 6 months. I'll put it in the freezer. It's my backup supply in case my prescription source is late shipping.
  17. P

    Whey Protein and Lactose Intolerant

    I changed to plant based due to stomach issues with whey. The gas is an definitely and issue. I'll try the ISOPURE. Although my stomach issue comes up after quite a while on the whey. Not sure why, I must build up some intolerance to it over time. No issues with plant protein.
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    Shingrix vaccine

    I'm also considering it, but have not yet. Thanks for the post and research you've done on the subject. My wife wants us to go and get it done. 62 here.
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    Shifting the Paradigm of Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Prostate Cancer

    Thank you for posting Madman, I was able to get the entire text. Sweet!
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Hi Dr. Rotman, what are your thoughts, and how do you council your patients who are on TRT and are diagnosed with low grade PCa, and would be eligible for active surveillance. Dr. Morgentaler stated in his book that he does allow some patients to continue TRT, and presents some studies that he...
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    Lithotripsy - what is it and how does it work (kidney stones)

    I'm glad you had that stint removed and all seems well. I almost asked about the pull string as my buddy had one. Hopefully you won't have to endure that again!
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    Lithotripsy - what is it and how does it work (kidney stones)

    Great video, glad your feeling better! Love the technology, simple and effective.
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    Prostate stones - did you know?

    I trust the lithotripsy will be successful, then they just pass I take it. A friend of mind did all this about a year ago, does not sound like much fun. I see one of the treatments for the prostrate calcification is vigorous massage. So vigorous in fact they need to apply anesthetic. I take...
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    Prostate stones - did you know?

    Orrin, I'm sorry your dealing with a kidney stone, ouch! That seems like a big one. Yep, I had never heard of a stone in the prostrate. Oh joy, in theory the only way it could pass would be through ejaculation. I'm thankful they found the cause of your elevated PSA without the fun of a biopsy...
  25. P

    Arsenic, Lead Found in Popular Protein Supplements

    Oh my, I've been using Vega Sport, the whey tends to bother my stomach over time. Thanks for the good info Nelson.
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    PSA came back a little high. Now what?

    Oh yes, definitely the 3T MRI did find several areas of concern. I would certainly recommend that procedure to Nashtide if that is available to him. It sure beats having a biopsy with no guidance. If you have just a tiny bit of PCa the odds of finding it with a hit or miss biopsy are small. I...
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    PSA came back a little high. Now what?

    Orrin, great info. I've read Shippens book, maybe on your recommendation, and now reading "You can Beat Prostrate Cancer", by Marckini. I'll read Morgentalers book next. I was never offered the 4k blood test, and only offered the 3T MRI after 2 previous negative biopsy's. However my first one...
  28. P

    Prostate/high PSA self education resources?

    Your right, I did not realize your PSA was that high. I have read about those high tech test, but I'm not sure who does those. Maybe UT Southwestern here where I am. Denver has a strong medical community, so seek those out. I've had 3 biopsy's, the last one the MRI Fusion one. That one hurt...
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    Prostate/high PSA self education resources?

    The DRE (digital rectal exam) is the most basic and not super invasive test they do. If your doc determines further investigation is needed the only test that they can do that is non-invasive is an MRI of prostrate. I live in the DFW area, and we have a couple of those high definition MRI...
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    TRT and Gout questions

    I had gout before TRT, and basically mine was caused by dehydration mixed with having one or two unfiltered wheat beers. Or any of the unfiltered craft type beers. So if you were dehydrated on V day night, had a couple of beers that could be what triggered it. My uric acid also tested in the...