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  1. G

    Quitting TRT after low dosage of T

    Hi. I have quit TRT after a year of low dosage of T (50 MG a week), which was with some HCG type testicle stimulating therapy. Do I still need clomid and anestosole TRT quitting therapy if a week after quitting my LH is 17 (1-25 norm) and my FT is 6 (9-21)? My pre trt FT had been 9.
  2. G

    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    Do you inject less than 50 mg of T per week? If so, how do you feel? What were/is your lab results before/after you started TRT? I am on 60 mg with high FT, T and E2. I am considering 50 mg, or even less. I'm on Enathate.
  3. G

    Failing TRT

    Yes, mine is a primary case. Before TRT my LH and FSH had been more than double of the upper threshold (25). F had been 8 pg/ml and T 8 nmol/L - low for my age.
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    Failing TRT

    I made some research with herbs and homeopathy to stimulate both pituitary and if possible even the testicles. It seems to work. For example, Tribulus if considered as a pituitary stimulant.
  5. G

    Failing TRT

    Let me repost it. I need to hear what the others think about it: Now I need a guidance. Let me remind you I have been on TRT for about 4 months now. I began with 35 mg twice a week on Enathate. As my Estradiol (regular one, not sensitive) was above the limit, and my Free T was great, I decided...
  6. G

    Failing TRT

    Well, before TRT I had had lower libido and poor erections. From that point of view, I feel better. I don't know, whether it is the best I can achieve. But, as you see, Ts and E2 are too high and seem to cancel each other...
  7. G

    Failing TRT

    Now I need a guidance. Let me remind you I have been on TRT for about 4 months now. I began with 35 mg twice a week on Enathate. As my Estradiol (regular one, not sensitive) was above the limit, and my Free T was great, I decided to go for EOD 17.5 mg, which is just 60 mg a week! It cant be...
  8. G

    Failing TRT

    I have not checked TT after week 6
  9. G

    Failing TRT

    Would you lower weekly total as well? Well I may try say 20 mg EOD
  10. G

    Failing TRT

    I have received FT results from the same date I have E2 (not sensitive): FT 24.1 pg/ml (5.01-27.78) Estradiol 49.3 pg/ml (11.3-43.2). These were taken 24 hours before next injection (lab was closed the next day). I'm on the 11th week of TRT. I inject 35mg twice a week. I have gained weight and...
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    Failing TRT

    I would ideally avoid injecting daily/EOD and AI. May Estradiol reduce on its own with time. Its just 70 mg of T weekly.
  12. G

    Failing TRT

    Hello, I started TRT 11 weeks ago. My protocol is 35 mg of T Enanthate twice a week (Wednesday evening and Sunday morning). Initially I felt quite fine and even libido came earlier than expected (in 4 weeks). My lab results after 6 weeks (a few hours before next injection) were as follows: FT...
  13. G

    50 mg/per week protocol

    Right. Natesto not available in my area...
  14. G

    50 mg/per week protocol

    I mean 50 mg a week (in total) to avoid shutting down pituitary
  15. G

    50 mg/per week protocol

    Has anyone experimented with 50mg per week cyp/eth? According to this article, shared on this forum, it may be worth a try:
  16. G

    T Propionate protocol

    I have had a short term experience with T Prop and felt much stronger libido with IM. SubQ was much less effective
  17. G

    T Propionate protocol

    Hello there. What is your experience with T Propionate in terms of protocol, side effects, efficiency? I am wondering what dosage to start with and when I can expect libido, mental state and erections to improve. I would also like to know how to get off it if it does not work well.
  18. G

    FDA-Approved Oral Testosterone: Jatenzo (Testosterone Undecanoate)

    Is it different from Andriol? Fast results are great. Injections work very slowly...
  19. G

    FDA-Approved Oral Testosterone: Jatenzo (Testosterone Undecanoate)

    Is Jatenzo considered to be safe for liver? As I know, there were some issues with Andriol.
  20. G

    Gel vs injections

    Well both. But I may not be able to find creams here? Do you prefer creams?
  21. G

    Gel vs injections

    Did you move from taking the T gel to injections (apart from skin irritation) or the way around? If so, why?
  22. G

    Quitting gel TRT

    Is it easier/faster to quit TRT with gel than with injections? Can one expect faster results with TRT using gel?
  23. G

    testosterone gel and the liver

    Do you know if testosterone gel is milder on the liver than injections? As we know, the oily injections may not be harmless for the liver.
  24. G

    High estradiol after the gel

    Hi. After a month of being on the gel (a sachet a I did not feel any better. I checked my hormones and testosterone jumped to the upper third but estradiol has reached the maximum. Sensitive estradiol is not available here. It's a regular one. I am a primary T deficiency case. What does it...
  25. G

    Impaired/small testicles and TRT

    Have you had a success with TRT with small testicles/small sperm count? The testicles were impaired before puberty and are small (a third of normal size for the age of 40 years) and the sperm count is low. I fear TRT will further reduce the count and the therapy will be counterproductive. Its a...
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    Stopping TRT for a month

    I you felt fine off-TRT, why did you resume TRT then? Did it worsen after 3 months?
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    About to start Clomid (22M)

    Hence, there is less/no need for armidex if one takes 12.5 mg instead of 50 mg in a TRT withdrawal protocol?
  28. G

    Can You Restart Solely & only with Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)?

    When you restarted, how soon did you feel better (ED, libido, mood etc)?
  29. G

    HPT Restart, what should I expect?

    When you restarted TRT, how soon did you feel better (ED, mood etc)? Did it take as long as when you first started TRT?
  30. G

    About to start Clomid (22M)

    As I read, TRT withdrawal protocol includes 50 mg of Clomid every day. Isn't 12.5 mg EOD too little? How to Stop Testosterone Safely and Possibly Reset Your Hormonal Axis - ExcelMale
  31. G

    off/on TRT

    What would be the starting point? As I know it free T3.