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  1. R

    Following Up- Blood tesf results. 28M

    For me it would be a tough call based on your age. I had very similar numbers to you when I started but I was 39 and already had kids. That was 3 years ago and it's been amazing for me. Whatever you do you need a new doctor. The fact that you had ED, fatigue, and low motivation and your doctor...
  2. R

    IM or SubQ

    I started out SQ and would get a lump that was uncomfortable almost every injection. Did that for about 6 weeks and decided to move to IM. Since then no issue. I didn't do SQ long enough to see my levels on it. I do 40mg every other day and have been between 1000 and 1200 for total T and around...
  3. R

    COVID-19 - Anyone stopping TRT as a precaution?

    Higher death rate in men means stop taking testosterone?
  4. R

    Should I take Anastrozole

    I do believe that a lot of the symptoms that people have with E2 are a result of a sudden change and if they were to ride them out often times they would go away. Everyone is different obviously but others have mentioned having that experience as well.
  5. R

    Too Much Penis Sensitivity Getting in the Way of Sex

    I have about as much free time as one could wish for but I'm not sure I could justify an extra 30 min a day of stretching my penis.
  6. R

    SubQ experience?

    A lot of people here have had success with subq. I personally got hard lumps that lasted for 2-3 days every time I did subq no matter where I did them which was 3 times a week for about a month. I switched to IM and no issue.
  7. R

    Trt not working that well, 2.5 years now

    I was under the impression that high prolactin would be a cause of your symptoms and yours is high at least from what you have listed Also, I don't get the whole no fap thing. What specifically is that supposed to accomplish?
  8. R

    Hematocrit increased on EOD protocol

    I have seen changes in both directions from around 45 to 48 within a few days even before I started testosterone. I wouldn't think anything of it. That number is fine.
  9. R

    No muscles soreness after working out ?

    Before TRT my heavy leg day would make me sore for 4 days. After a few months on TRT the same workout wouldn't make me sore at all. A year ago after taking a couple months off after injury I did legs first day back and literally could not walk into my house when I was done. Woke up the next day...
  10. R

    Looking for a poll and feedback from folks who are “dialed in”

    No, I was originally told taking DHEA would be benificial as I am in the middle of the range but I have not done so. I have thought about taking pregnenolone but I think it would be best to get it tested first. I have a couple things I take from time to time but I'm not good about taking them...
  11. R

    Looking for a poll and feedback from folks who are “dialed in”

    Maybe it's early in the game but I started over 2 years ago and have felt dialed in for almost all of that time. I started on 150mg a week split m/w/f. I also started with hcg. But have since stopped taking it. Started with 0.125 anastrazole m/w/f. After about 5 months I had a sudden episode of...
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    So some of the guys in the study were taking 160mg twice a week. Why even bother doing the study. Everyone on earth could have told you that guys taking 320mg a week would have higher hematocrit.
  13. R

    Worse ED after weight lifting or intense exercise

    If you're really tired it makes sense you wouldn't perform as well and/or have a harder time getting into it.
  14. R

    Ed on trt new labs

    The way it works out is if you have 200mg/ml and you take half of a ml that half ml contains 100mg. If that is the case then you wouldn't be the first person to make that mistake. It does seem that you would run out about twice as fast as expected however before needing a refill.
  15. R

    Ed on trt new labs

    If your testosterone is 200mg/ml like many use and you are taking 0.5ml twice a week then you would be taking twice as much testosterone as you think you are taking.
  16. R

    High estradiol symptoms?

    I wouldn't do anything too drastic. If you just started taking testosterone possibly your numbers will settle. Mine went up out of the gate and I had water retention and sweats and stuff but have since settled. I also take 150mg a week with no AI. When you see your doctor, talk to him about...
  17. R

    150mg a week 1686 39 hours after my 1st injection

    Why not find a doctor who wants to have your labs checked prior to injection? And also, why not split the dose up into multiple injections per week. If you simply started with the 150mg a week you started out and took 75mg twice a week and did your labs just prior to injection your numbers would...
  18. R

    How to travel with Testosterone and HCG?

    So far I have always put my syringes and needles in my carry on bag. Has anyone had an issue with this or is that good to go? I'm making a quick stop over in El Salvador soon and I feel like every time I go through security there they open my bag. Haven't traveled through since starting TRT.
  19. R

    Semen volume and Nitric oxide

    Any further information on phosphatidylcholine for ejaculate volume would be seriously appreciated. The one negative effect I have had from TRT is lack of ejaculate volume and even though it's a minor issue it would be great to not have it.
  20. R

    Injections per week

    I would think your best bet would be to go back to 70mg twice a week since you were feeling great when thats what you were doing.
  21. R

    Thinking of going back to twice weekly injections-- your thoughts? And trying to judge the right TRT regimen when you have a venous leak

    Were you having symptoms with your E2 in the high 30's and low 40's? A lot of guys have no issues at those levels.
  22. R

    Aspirated in thigh and drew in blood

    A healthy relationship with medications and needles includes understsnding how to properly administer your medication and the risks associated with doing it incorrectly. You have indicated in your post that you don't have either of those things.
  23. R

    Thinking of going back to twice weekly injections-- your thoughts? And trying to judge the right TRT regimen when you have a venous leak

    How exactly is a venous leak diagnosed? I ask because I have no idea and I suspect that unless it is diagnosed with some sort of imaging or study vs just your doctor telling you that's your problem that it might not be the case. If you are taking 150mg of T cypionate on Monday and your E2...
  24. R

    How long does it take to get to pre TRT levels!?

    You might be able to go back to where you would today had you never started but the idea of going back to where you were 6 years ago makes no sense. You wouldn't be 6 years younger today even if you never went on testosterone.
  25. R

    TRT faster recovery?

    Before starting TRT 2 years ago my total T was 470 and free T was 6. I would do legs and be sore for 3-4 days. Started taking 150mg a week of Testosterone and by 8 weeks in I could do legs hard as ever and when I wake up the next day I can barely tell I worked out. And I'm talking about the kind...
  26. R

    Night sweats anxious and using anastrazole. Dosing guidance

    Gotta get labs. Also, I think anytime someone is having E2 issues and taking HCG they should try without HCG to see if that changes anything. I personally felt OK with HCG but I always felt like I was bloated when I took it. 6 months ago I stopped taking my HCG as well as my AI. I had labs taken...
  27. R

    Feeling tired in the Afternoon

    Is this new after starting TRT? I personally would crash a lot of days before starting Testosterone. Then for about a year after I went on TRT I didn't get tired or nap at all. But lately I do have some days where I get tired in the afternoon. My issue might simply be on those days I'm expending...
  28. R

    Feeling tired in the Afternoon

    Do you wake up feeling good and then all of the sudden crash in the afternoon or you're tired all day but it gets worse as the day goes on?
  29. R

    Estradiol at 55.8 (range 8-35). What should I do?

    I agree with this. Probably too early to be getting labs if you started 5 weeks ago.
  30. R

    Libido and E2

    I would think if you were about the same before TRT, there's a good chance it's not related to your E2. A common theme here is that TRT does not always solve your particular problem. I personally have only had one time in my life where I didn't have much libido. I was doing something in my...
  31. R

    Libido and E2

    If you went on the AI and your libido came back for good it would be an easy call. But since you take the AI and are good for a couple weeks and then bad again it's hard to say that taking the AI is the solution. If you only need to drop a little maybe try dropping your dose like you mentioned...