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  1. L

    L-Citrulline Supports Vascular and Muscular Benefits of Exercise Training in Older Adults

    Difference between malate and pure l citrulline? seems most studies only use pure L citrulline..I think also taking it on an empty stomac may have a better effect..not sure though..madman may have more input on that? thanks for the input though.. Mark
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    L-Citrulline Supports Vascular and Muscular Benefits of Exercise Training in Older Adults

    Hey Madman, what is your dose of both L arginine and L citrulline daily? I have been taking 3 g of each together, once per day, along with 2.5 g of tadalafil prior to my workout..I do notice more vascularity when doing weights but not much think the dosing is adequat? Or would the...
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    Cialis effect on estrogen

    As long as you are daytime drinking you will benefit dramatically! You are on the right track!
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    Estradiol E2 Testing in Men: Comparison Between Regular and Sensitive E2 Assays

    I’m confused..I thought having a low CRP was a good thing? At least that’s what my doctor tells me..he’s always checking my CRP on every blood test..Any clarifications would be appreciate..
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    Defy is selling Ibutamoren (MK-677) - anybody try it yet?

    i‘ve been doing 1.2 IUs of real growth hormone 6 days on 1 day off prescribed by my doctor for about a year now. It has been life changing for me..I felt like crap on the MK and I did it for a year at 12.5 mg per took about 6 months before I started to notice the effects but it was worth...
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    Oral growth hormone enhancer MK-677 (ibutamoren)

    How old are you? I’m 55 and my IGF-1 was 130 prior to starting TRT (mid range for my age). After starting TRT it went up to 190 (top end for my range)..I then started HGH and it increased my IGF-1 to between 260-270..I feel pretty good at that recovery and healing has been great...
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    Oral growth hormone enhancer MK-677 (ibutamoren)

    How much per month do those other growth hormone releasers cost? I was paying $160.00 per month for MK677 with all the negative sides..the pharmaceutical HGH was $260.00 a month for 1 IU a day with no sides and all the same benefits (they just took a bit longer to notice due to lower dose). The...
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    Oral growth hormone enhancer MK-677 (ibutamoren)

    Interesting..I read your article..maybe a different type of HGH and a lower dose would work for you? What dose did you use previously? Maybe just dose reduction and different brand might benefit? I think the amount recommended in your article is crazy high and will definitely give sides..
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    Oral growth hormone enhancer MK-677 (ibutamoren)

    That’s too bad about the reaction.i take the Sandoz brand and it has had the opposite effect on took the aches and pains of age away, gave me a much improved sleep and has helped a lot of nagging tendon issues..I feel a little thicker around the mid section but I wouldn’t say bloated like...
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    Oral growth hormone enhancer MK-677 (ibutamoren)

    Nelson, have you ever tried pharmaceutical grade HGH, instead of the MK677? I think you would find the benefits of the real HGH far superior to that of the other HGH secretagogues.I’ve tried the MK677 for well over a year and it gave me all sorts of sides/issues..the real HGH gave me all the...
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    Doxazosin restored my morning erections

    I don’t have any pain anymore..but I will look at these shoes for work..I definitely do not want it coming back..thanks..
  12. L

    How long till levels reach optimum?

    Hey Vince what is your TT showing at? Mine, at trough, came back at 1000, with no sides and I feel the best I’ve felt since starting TRT.. all other bloodwork is in range..I’m taking 70 mg every 3.5 days and bloodwork is drawn on day 3 prior to injection..the doc wants my numbers at trough down...
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    Doxazosin restored my morning erections

    That sounds like a pretty good protocol.i shoot 70 mg of T on Saturday evening and Wednesday noon, so I take my blood on Wednesday morning just prior to my last injection would have been Saturday trough at this dose came back at about 1000, so my doc didn’t like that and is...
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    Doxazosin restored my morning erections

    Yes..I take injectable T 60 mg every 3.5 days and 1.2 IUs recumbent growth hormone daily, 6 days a week..I also take 2.5 mg of tadalafil, 3-4 grams of L Argentine and 3-4 grams of L Citralline blood pressure is around 130/80 but my doctor is concerned I may have a mild case of kidney...
  15. L

    Doxazosin restored my morning erections does..I wonder if it would work the same in gene’s nitric oxide stack? He only talks about doxazosin.. I’ll have to ask him I guess. Regards, Mark
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    How long till levels reach optimum?

    10 years? what seems to be the problem?
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    How long till levels reach optimum?

    it's not years but months..TRT will definitely have an effect but wether its positive or negative depends on many factors, including labs and the competency of your doctor..
  18. L

    How long till levels reach optimum?

    Sorry Madman, I just came across this thread and I agree with you 100%..labs are just as important as symptoms or how you feel..I started TRT 1 year ago at 50 mg every 3.5 days..I felt great for the first 3-4 months (total t around 700 at trough) then started to feel horrible..labs showed my tt...
  19. L

    Initial levels correlate to target TT?

    Are your levels measured at the trough? So if I am on an every 3.5 day injection protocol, the measurement would show your numbers at bloodwork taken on day 3 prior to injection Or are you talking after the initial dosing/injection (8-12 hours) measurements?
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    Doxazosin restored my morning erections

    Did u have high blood pressure prior to taking Doxazosin?
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    Doxazosin restored my morning erections

    Yes..well that was his preference..Any idea where to purchase other than ADC and reliableRX? They are out of stock and have been for a while..
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    Doxazosin restored my morning erections

    Not sure..he said something about it is an older medication and the newer ones, like flomax, are better? He also mentioned that when his patients were prescribed it they didn’t tolerate it well..that was his experience..
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    Doxazosin restored my morning erections

    Sorry..I meant 60 mg every 3.5 days test..
  24. L

    Doxazosin restored my morning erections

    Test is .30 mg every 3.5 days..No hcg..estrogen and hematocrit are all good..
  25. L

    Doxazosin restored my morning erections

    Hi guys, Does anyone know where to purchase/source Doxazosin? All day chemist and reliable RX are always out of stock? I take 2.5 mg of cialis daily, 3 grams l Arginine ,3 grams l citrulline, resveratrol, grape seed and red wine extracts..I also include 25 mg of DHEA..I would like to include...
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    Pharmacokinetics and Acceptability of Subcutaneous Injection of Testosterone Undecanoate

    I’ve been doing SC injections since I started using TRT (1year now) with no problems..I use a 30 gauge, 8 mm insulin syringe..I just started shallow IM in the shoulders with the same sized syringe as per Nelson’s suggestions..this was done to add injection far i’ve Had great success...
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    ED Drugs Have Benefits Beyond Treating Erectile Dysfunction

    Yes..I’m on 1.2 IUs 6 days on and 1 day off..I can’t say I’m doing it for the short term effects on this dose but for the long term benefits..that being said, I have noticed a good change in my bloodwork, cholesterol, lipids, sugar etc. is it the HGH, well, nothing else has changed since...
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    ED Drugs Have Benefits Beyond Treating Erectile Dysfunction

    No..I do work out..weights 1 hour one day and cardio one hour the next..7 days a week..eating is higher protein, carbs and lower good fats..I just want the added health benefits from it..I might increase to 5 you suffer any negative sides? I read that there can be some? I haven’t noticed...