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  1. C

    Sleep... trouble staying asleep, awake at 3 AM daily

    No I sure havent. In fact in recent weeks it has gotten worse. I now am waking at 2:30 wide awake. It doesnt matter what time I go to bed either.
  2. C

    What to do/check next...non-existent libido

    Thank you! You are speaking of the Dr. Marino, or the HCG and upstream? The Dr. Marino post leaves more questions than answers for me. If it were true, TRT would be a short term fix and we would need to cycle off like Steroid users. edit...I just read your reply to the Dr. Marino post ;)
  3. C

    What to do/check next...non-existent libido

    Yesterday I had a good discussion with Melissa over at Defy. We spoke about the many things that need to be in line for ones libido. Including E2, my medications/opiate, a MRI of my lower back, and a Ultrasound of my testicles. She then took this along with my chart to Dr. Saya, then called me...
  4. C

    What to do/check next...non-existent libido

    This makes a lot of sense, as I felt almost euphoric when I began TRT and I was told it was just Placebo. If this is true with the Test desensitizing the dopamine receptors, I would do better on the e3.5d injection than the 3 times per week. I am creating less peaks and valleys by injecting more...
  5. C

    What to do/check next...non-existent libido

    I need to add some information, I am on a opiate as well and this is the cause on my secondary hypogonadism. However now that I am taking testosterone via injections, I wonder if I have been low my entire life. I was late too puberty, never had any real gains when working out. I spent a year...
  6. C

    What to do/check next...non-existent libido

    Fairly certain DHEA played a roll in it yes. HCG doesn't agree with you? When I first began HCG it was amazing, now its just another hole I tear in my skin. Don't believe I've had any unwanted effects from it though.
  7. C

    What to do/check next...non-existent libido

    I was doing fairly good at 70mg e3.5d, and AI three times a week, HCG at 400ui also at e3.5d, no DHEA. The whole point of more frequent injections was to eliminate AI, or hopes of anyway. That hasnt happened though.
  8. C

    What to do/check next...non-existent libido

    Back at home and going back and looking at my labs. On April 26th I did lab work, I felt fine at this point, the labs that were in the OP. After seeing the DHEA at 120 I began to take the DHEA. I took it nightly after dinner and it seemed to help me sleep. From that point I began to slowly...
  9. C

    What to do/check next...non-existent libido

    I think going forward I will do the 48mg 3 times a week as recommended at the follow up. I am experiencing some anxiety again, it came on while heading to the beach about a hour ago. Had to pull over, get wife to drive and everything. I haven't felt that in a long time, and surely didn't miss it...
  10. C

    What to do/check next...non-existent libido

    Its not so much that I feel a lot worse, its that I've felt a whole lot better. And slowly it seems that things are backsliding to the Pre-TRT feelings. Maybe I need to increase instead of decrease the test C like V.C. stated. The whole switching to 3 weekly injections was to eliminate some AI...
  11. C

    What to do/check next...non-existent libido

    Is there a online calculator that gives a T to E ratio? Its seems to be the lower I take my E level, the worse I feel.
  12. C

    What to do/check next...non-existent libido

    So here I am, a good 6-7 months into this TRT and while I tell myself I am good, I am only lying to myself and others. Sure I have lost anxiety, and trust me I am thankful for that, but aside from that I dont see a whole lot of positives. Let me ask some questions, I want to gauge where others...
  13. C

    HCG: How Long Will it Last?

    haha! Dr told me not to hold nothing heavy ;)
  14. C

    HCG: How Long Will it Last?

    Is HCG really that unstable where having it in the refrigerator door will lead to breakdown/loss of potency? There are many posts/articles on both side of the HCG storage. Just wondering what real people have to say, not some blogger looking to attract clicks for the web page.
  15. C

    Bloated and Swollen on Testosterone: What Tests to Run

    I dont see DHT testing on any of my labs. Did you request this test, or was it ordered due to symptoms? I personally have gained 10-15 lbs of what I believe to be water retention.
  16. C

    PSA levels & TRT

    mine went from a 1.3 pre-TRT to 1.6 after TRT for 6 months. nobody has mentioned anything yet. but given your situation, I would get further testing for sure.
  17. C

    oral DHEA causes depression

    curious on what everyone is calling "low DHEA" levels. for me personally without DHEA I average 125, this is within the range, but not by much 102 - 416 for my age (42). I take mine 25mg compounded by Hallandale at night, bout 2 hours before bed time. While i think I sleep better with it, I also...
  18. C

    Kidney Stones from Armidex

    Good to know, thanks I always figured it was due to the slowing of cancer growth.
  19. C

    Kidney Stones from Armidex

    found a study, only 4 out of 4,395 had a kidney stone while using the drug. guess i need to look elswhere
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    Kidney Stones from Armidex

    [solved] Kidney Stones from Armidex Armidex is not likey to cause any kidney stones, Armidex is not a chemotherapy drug as I thought it was. Of 4.300+ Armidex users, only 4 had developed stones, 3 of them woman, and one man. Chances are Armidex had nothing to do with it. So last weekend I...
  21. C

    Thoughts on new protocol

    I feel OK, libido could be better, it seems to come and go when ever it pleases. I do have what I feel are some E2 sides, water retention, mild acne in chest area, can have mood swings. Being where I was pre TRT, I feel amazing! I am trying to lower E2 just a bit, and by doing more freq...
  22. C

    Fatigue on shot day

    your E2 was rather low as well, Sensitive e2- 12 (8-35). this can cause the fatigue you described. do you have dry skin, any joint pains, or maybe seem to be urinating more often?
  23. C

    Thoughts on new protocol

    I actually wanted to switch to a daily injection. Been following the few threads here that pertain to daily and like the results I've read. The only reason I didnt try to go that route is I am still fairly new at Defy, this was my first 6 month review. Depending on how the 3 times per week goes...
  24. C

    Thoughts on new protocol

    48 mg 3 times a week. its 24 on the syringe, nice catch. thanks, editing now
  25. C

    Thoughts on new protocol

    Would like to get some thoughts/opinions on my new protocol. I will start by listing previous protocol and the labs from latest blood work. I felt pretty good here, injections were e3.5d, I wanted to move to a Mon-Wed-Fri injections rather than raise my AI as E2 was slightly high. Test CYP 70mg...
  26. C

    New Defy Medical Patient - Please Critique Protocol

    You can get on the Defy website and fill out the contact us with any questions you have. I have always sent a email too [email protected] with ATTN Medical and the email will be sent to medical staff. You can also call them, either way they are extremely helpful and will address all concerns...
  27. C

    A question about daily injections of testosterone.

    I have the same issue. Pre TRT I weighed in at 235 or so, now I am 250-255! I even seem to be eating less than before TRT. Being fatigued all the time I would eat more thinking I needed the calories/food to combat the fatigue. I have a appt/follow-up at Defy early next month. I plan to ask about...
  28. C

    Will HCG Help Me Lower My Test Dose?

    HCG mimics the LH hormone, therefore the HCG is telling the testicles to produce Testosterone. This is why the testicles stay a normal size while using HCG with T. someone please correct me if I am incorrect.
  29. C

    High/Low E2 Causing Lower Back/Spine Issues?

    I wanted to update this, I hate to see a thread left "open". Someone may have this same scenario in the future and this may help. I began my Physical Therapy a few days ago. The therapist was able to explain in detail as to what has happened, as well as what is happening. In short my disc IS...
  30. C

    Anxiety - Hormone Related?

    Before TRT I was getting horrible anxiety attacks, mainly while out in public. It would begin with me worrying about people looking at me or my family, then progress into the feeling of not being able to breathe. I would get cold and clammy, start sweating on the brow, and would be overcome with...
  31. C

    DHEA timing?

    I was taking DHEA in the AM and noticed a few hours later I began to feel groggy. I stopped taking DHEA completely and this issue went away. I then read that taking at night may be a better solution for me, tried it and now have zero issues with the DHEA. I am using 25mg that were compounded by...