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  1. buggies100

    Dialing in.

    Coastwatcher is right regarding the bulk of men fail due to poor meeical ad ice from dr who do not understand things as they should. My dr start e me on old school 200 mg every two weeks. Took my hct way up there. I educated him on the subject. I now go to defy medical and rhings are far...
  2. buggies100

    Please review bloodwork. Going to urologist tmrw. Hoping to resolve without TRT

    Well, sorry to hear about your Dr appt. i know what it is to have hope of resolution only to kinda get pissed on. Many of us here have similar or even worse stories. My suggestion would be defy medical or prime body. Telemedicine practices with lots of good outcomes
  3. buggies100

    Muscle and weight

    Read “bigger, leaner stronger by michael matthews.. lots of good info in there blows away a bunch of myths as well
  4. buggies100

    Cryotherapy: Miracles For Your Health

    Mark, not to hijack your thread, which has me looking for a local clinic, but what home monitoring device are you using to check Hct? I have been unable to locate anything
  5. buggies100

    Looking for Brachioradialis Tendonitis cure and prevention.

    I had tennis elbow in both elbows after coming back from hunting in Zimbabwae last year. The left was the worst. That was sept and by january and alot of ice, still little improvement. I did a steroid shot in left arm. Good for a week or so and pain returned. I then ventured into dry...
  6. buggies100

    Hello all, and wondering if this is trouble...

    What Vince said. Yes two week protocol is opd school.
  7. buggies100

    Thyroid meds from india?

    We finally got labs back from my AF buddy. All labcorp values total test. 492. 264-916 free t. 16.15. 5-21. 3.29% tsh. 4.13. .45-4.5 free t 4. 1.03. 82-1.77 free t 3. 2.9. 2.0-4.4 dhea sulfate71.4. 71.6-375 hct...
  8. buggies100

    Thyroid meds from india?

    Mr T thanks flr checking i look forward to what you find out at next level vince carter, i feel you are probably correct in your assesment of the situation. Unfortunately my bud is straigjt laced and scared to death. Said about a year ago private medical records are now available to military...
  9. buggies100

    I really need some feedback here boys (bad TRT experience, rapidly getting even worse)

    As stated above, drop both of them and go to defy medical. It may take a few weeks to get in, but go there. Do you have anyblabs from before starting trt? Why did you start in the first place? Who diagnosed that?
  10. buggies100

    Thyroid meds from india?

    Yes Orrin I know we need more, especially kw that I have read so much info, thanks for the links. Unfortunately we will ne limited to what teste he can get at discounted labs. Any ultrasound, physical exam, or biopsy will require a Dr and thus a medical paper trail and likely problems with...
  11. buggies100

    Thyroid meds from india?

    Orrin, We ordered TSH, free t3 and free t4. Thanks for all of the info, I have been reading it all trying to understand. My wife is a nurse practitioner as well , so that helps. Vince I will for sure post labs for discussion. He last had labs done thru military a few years back and his TSH...
  12. buggies100

    Thyroid meds from india?

    We have run labs, due back this week. His previous military labs have consistently been high tsh. This time we ran all the other stuff. The labs can be kept off the radar, meds or even dr diagnosis will be on his record.
  13. buggies100

    Thyroid meds from india?

    Of course I have. As i stated i know little about thyroid meds so i do not know the names of the meds. Thus my question
  14. buggies100

    Thyroid meds from india?

    My nest buddy is in air force, reserves now after years of active duty. He is in need of meds for hypothroid, t3 and t4,something like armor. Problem is he will have to get a medical waiver to do it and stay in reserves. Problem with that is it is a 5 year backlog for waiver. So he would...
  15. buggies100

    Test cypionate cloudy in vial

    Feelinglost, I can still see thru it when held up to light, but barely. I pitched it and will move on to new vial i have. It was more than just a few bubbles.
  16. buggies100

    Test cypionate cloudy in vial

    Vince, what was your procedure in doing this
  17. buggies100

    how long does cialis back pain last?

    Mine was 10-14 days taking same dose.
  18. buggies100

    Test cypionate cloudy in vial

    Thanks, the vial has not been opened that long, due to changing dr and comimg off test last spring i had a surplus. Still have an unooened bottle here that is 4 months old. At my current doseage a bottle lasts 22weeks
  19. buggies100

    Trying to get back to dialed in on my old protocol and issues with HCG

    Mn that is frustrating. Seems as if every dr i have seen wants to change me around and tweak my protocol, whne things are good. I have stopped just jumping through the hoops after 5years in this journey. One thing i have found is things move slowly, kinda like what you say. I do not even...
  20. buggies100

    Pre workout supplements

    I, like othrs here have mentioned, do not use otc ones which are over loaded with caffiene. I drink a cup of will brinks coffe reciepe a bit modified. I add a scoop of choc whry protein to it to help hide coffee flavor, i know i know LOL. Citrulene, and creatine. I ided to buy all the...
  21. buggies100

    Test cypionate cloudy in vial

    I am currently using a bottle of test cypionate, 10ml bottle from Costco. I figure it is around a year old and i have about 50% left. I noticed the other day it appears a bit more cloudy than other bottles i have had. I inject hcg at the same time, drawing up hcg first then testosterone...
  22. buggies100

    E3.5D vs M W F injections

    I inject Sun pm, tues pm and thirs pm, no issues. I do not have time or flexibility to tey to do some morning some afternoon. I just moved to 25 mg each injection, this is up from 20mg each injection i had been doing for a year. Trying to bump my free T up, itis lower third range thipcally...
  23. buggies100

    Erection issues after starting TRT

    I also am with defy and have nit taken an AI. They mentioned it as a possibility if needed, i said no. No big deal.
  24. buggies100

    Poll-What would you rate your TRT experience?

    I will ne 5years in September.. 5 for me. It hasbeen life changing. Has it been full of ups and downs? Absolutely! Was good for 2-3years on original protocol then hct got out of hand and had to reset and develop new protocol. Still fine tuning that. But definitely a5from where iwas prior
  25. buggies100

    Dhea results

    So dr calkin wamted me to start dhea last dec during my intial consult. I was in the 20 percentile. He chnahed up my protocol increased my dose frequency amd added hcg. So i was hesitiant to make all of those chanhes at one time. I have been slowy adopting them so i could rule out any...
  26. buggies100

    Weight Gain on TRT - Should I Be Concerned?

    What is your lean body mass like now after lifting some? I mean do you have less fat on your body, do your clothes fit looser, tighter or same. I have put on 7-8 pounds over the last 3-4months, but yet have less fat. I have a hard time pinching an inch anywhere when i inject. I do not...
  27. buggies100

    For the older guys or someone recovering from injury

    I love doing heavy sets, with reps at 4-5 and failure on set. It produces great gains, until......... It just has not been as good for elbows and shoulders. So I have moved over to 8-10 reps with lighter weight obviously. The other thing I have done to lighten the load and yet be effective...
  28. buggies100

    Greetings from TN. Beginning my journey with TRT

    Welcome. You are in a good place here. Tons of info. Do not expect over night miracles, go slow and be patient. It is a journey.
  29. buggies100

    Viagra vs Cialis?

    I had the headaches and back pain for 7-10days after i first started. I do 5 mg daily. You could go down to 2.5 daily and see. If i take 10 mg i will het headache and stuffy nose. Now with the 5 i do not notice
  30. buggies100

    any ideas

    Yeah, afgter a hard work out, which most of them are, mine looks like I ma back in middle school. An hour or 2 later back to normal. So no working out before getting naked with the GF!!!
  31. buggies100

    Chasing the Testosterone high —

    HA, a lot of truth there. I first went from 275 to almost 1000. I was chasing my wife naked everywhere. At first she thought it was great, but then she was like, we are not 20 anymore and I have to go to work!!! I was punching holes in the walls mad too easy. So we backed off and sex was...