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  1. mooseman109

    New Member -- Will Take All the Advice I Can Get; Initial Questions re Dose

    I started at 200 mg IM every2 weeks, with my pcp. Worked ok but some yo yo. Switched to Defy, based on reviews here, and it has been smooth sailing ever since. While adjusting dosage, my hct goes sky high, I went from 50 mg twice a week to 10 mg everyday and noticed no difference in labs...
  2. mooseman109

    Tadalafil Use in Cardiovascular Disease

    An issue with the drug os it lowers blood pressure. I am several years post heart attack, yes O had some minor ED prior to. So I am on BP meds. Tadalafil lowers my BP below range. Last time I tried a 10 mg pill, BP dropped to 95/58! So it may be good prior to a cardiac event, caution...
  3. mooseman109

    Scrotal gel

    I switched to cream from Empower a few years back. My reasoning, along with DR Calkin, was to try to reduce HCT. I am a super red blood cell producer, so we were looking to reduce that a bit. It had minimal effect. I can not say I joticed any difference in E2 readings. My libido and other...
  4. mooseman109

    Defy recommended Dr, PA or NP from your experience

    I have been with dr. Calkin for a few years and quite happy. He listens to me and treats me not just the lab numbers. We have developed a trust between us. That being said, he is the only one there I have seen, so I do not have reference to compare with others. For me, when I het a Dr I trust...
  5. mooseman109

    Importance of getting a calcium scan to assess the risk of heart disease

    From a widow maker survivor I wish I had done this scan prior to my heart attack. I was 55 and in great shape running 9mph on a treadmill when it happened training for an upcoming Murph. I suggest everyone over 50 get this test. I now have vastly diminished cardiac output.
  6. mooseman109

    Trimix ooops!

    . Well the wife and I were all hot and heavy on the couch today. She said lets take this to the bedroom! BOOM like a good husband I jumped up and ran straight for the trimix and was injected and ready in 3-5 minites while she ws naked in the shower. Here is the ooops, dont forget to pee...
  7. mooseman109

    HCG change from USP to Pregnyl sudden side effects

    I have noticed that pregnyl is stronger than the compounded product. I reduced my dose a bit from the other stuff
  8. mooseman109

    PSA increases over time on Cypionate

    I have been on testosterone for 10 years and my psa has remained at .4 the entire time. Formwhat it is worth
  9. mooseman109

    Was Excel Hacked?

    Happened to me as well. Had to shut down and restart. Everytime I tried to open exelmale it went straight to that website
  10. mooseman109

    Has anyone successfully kept Hematocrit/Hemoglobin low without donating?

    I was on losartan for years after my heart attack for a couple years. Unfortunately, it did not lower my hct at all! I was really hoping, but we are all different
  11. mooseman109

    Expired Trimex

    My dose of .10 for new stuff had to go up to .2 after about 3-4 months. Dr told me it would weaken over time
  12. mooseman109

    Pain In The Testicles Could Be EPIDIDYMITIS

    I have had this twice. Took a long round of doxycycline to clear it up
  13. mooseman109

    Hcg quality question

    I use pregnyl brand and have success
  14. mooseman109

    My hematocrit went from 55.5 to 47.5 after one blood donation

    I did all of that and still struggle to stay below 53-55. Had tests done for mylomas and poly vera, all negative. Keep my dose low and just donate every 10-12 weeks
  15. mooseman109

    Hematocrit on gel vs injections

    I am 10 years into this journey. I have always been a RBC making machine. My HCT was almost 50 before TRT. I started on Androgel, way too expensive at the time. Bumped to test C injections 200 mg every 2 weeks. I was dumb like alot of us were in the beginning. I played around with multiple...
  16. mooseman109

    First time Trimix ER visit

    I started trimix, Dr Calkins said go a .05 and work up to .12. I went with that and .05 gave me enough wood but not great. Went to .08 and it was better. Then .10 amd pretty darn good. Not hang a towel on it hard, but good enough for nice long multi position roll in the hay. Mine is 3...
  17. mooseman109

    Vince's Labs from 4/15/24

    Vince, the great numbers and low hct are why we don't like you lol! In all seriousness, that is fantastic, glad all is working for you and thanks for all your info. Rock on mate!
  18. mooseman109

    Traveling with TRT

    I just take my bottle and appropriate amount of syringes with me
  19. mooseman109

    Xyosted and Rosuvastin

    20 is what I take. My total chose stays 100-120
  20. mooseman109

    You're past fertility concerns; do you take T alone or add HCG?

    I have been on TRT for 10 years. At first went to PCP and was T only, he did not know about hcg. After a number of years things shrunk up but all else was good. Switched to defy, they out me in hcg from Empower. No effect. Tried it off and on for a few years. A year ago we decided to give...
  21. mooseman109

    Xyosted and Rosuvastin

    I had a major MI in 2018, 100% occlusion of lad. Running 9 mph on treadmill training for the murph. BP, cholesterol and everything was great. Bad genetics I guess. I have been in low dose rosuvastatin for 5 years. I experience no muscle weakness. It does not bother my work outs. Now...
  22. mooseman109

    Cost Plus Drugs

    I use them for all my meds, toms of savings and very organized. Some of the brand mew meds they do not have. I recommend them highly
  23. mooseman109

    Fire ants sensation all over my body!

    You are correct. It is a starting point in my opinion. Going to the dr he is going to start isolating things as well, just trying to get ahead of that curve
  24. mooseman109

    Fire ants sensation all over my body!

    A simple test would be to jump off your teat injections for a week and expose yoirself to the trigger situation. Simple quick elimination test
  25. mooseman109

    Wife has hard time reaching orgasm

    Toys are grear. My uses them regularly and we use them together. Her entire bedside drawer is full o them. The clit suckers do not work for her. But I agree let her play with some. I would suggest encourage her to do it on her own while you are not aroumd. That will take awy alot of...
  26. mooseman109

    Wife has hard time reaching orgasm

    Defy medical has a product called Scream Cream. She would have to be a patient to get it prescribed. It helped my wife whn she ws in menopause
  27. mooseman109

    ED Treatment

    I recently switched over to tri mix. I hd been 50 mg of viagra for years an hour before go time. It was a PIA having to work around meals and just the timing of things. Had some heart drug changes, Entresto and sotolol, added around Christmas. Drops my BP to 90/60 range when i take a...
  28. mooseman109

    trans scrotal application working

    I am 3 clicks for last. 2 years. Been good. I went to 2 clicks hoping to stave off donating blood. Did not work on either front. Libido and energy dropped red blod cells remained high
  29. mooseman109


    Add to that list reduced penile sensitivity, at least that happens to me
  30. mooseman109

    First Time User of Trimix, recommended 50 Units! I'm worried

    I just had a consult with Defy today about starting. I will start t .05