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  1. B

    Bloods and Erections

    Cheers to you too!
  2. B

    Bloods and Erections

    My lab used pg/ml for estrogen ng/dl for testosterone Nmol/L for SHBG
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    Bloods and Erections

    It’s different for everyone. Really depends on how YOU feel!!!. Lower the better for SHBG (20-30 range?). That helps your FREE T levels. As for estrogen, maybe 20-40 range. Not all estrogen is bad. We need some.
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    Bloods and Erections

    It’s unlikely you will see better erections with increasing testosterone dosage. Supplement with cialis 5mg daily. This should help. Keep your estrogen and SHBG in check as well.
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    Can High Hematocrit Cause Hypertension?

    Yes it can raise your BP. You can donate 1 unit of blood every 62 days. Although I wouldn’t recommend that often. I donate every 90 days for high hemoglobin and hematocrit. I’m usually around 18 hemoglobin which is approximately 56 hematocrit. It generally drops about 2 - 3 points. You can also...
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    Discouraged with TRT

    Nothing wrong with citrulline added in. I would also break up your test shot to injecting 2x week instead of once. Take half the dose on Monday am and half on Thursday pm. Your free test is not high. Your total test is average. This is more about how you feel. I’ve noticed that I feel the best...
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    Advice on whether or not to start TRT or look for other causes

    Why are you taking a calcium supplement? Did you just have surgery for broken bones or have a recent implant? If not then you shouldn’t be taking calcium supplements they are actually proven to increase heart problems. Try adding K2 supplement with your D3 as it helps absorption and keeps...
  8. B

    Is HCG still available?

    Download the GoodRx app. It will tell you who has the lowest prices around. I highly recommend it to everyone on this forum for other drugs as well. Most pharmacies take the coupon and it’s often lower than the insurance coverage. Not always. In addition, try Sam’s club for pregnyl brand Hcg...
  9. B

    What should I do to get T levels to normal

    You’re better off with a new dr. She’s clueless. My words would have been, “look at my labs, they’re not normal, they’re less than normal. Clearly what you’re doing is not working and I don’t feel good. Change the protocol or refer me elsewhere!” But at least she is doing 100mg week now. When...
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    What should I do to get T levels to normal

    Every 2 weeks injecting?!?! That’s a ridiculous protocol and you should get a new dr. You’re doing more harm than good. Your test level will spike and naturally will go down daily. At 2 weeks you are in a trough or valley. You need weekly or even 2-3x per week injections to avoid peaks and...
  11. B

    Hcg on trt . Best time ?

    U can inject same time but you’ll have more benefit from waiting 12-24 hours. Hcg keeps your natural endocrine system working by triggering the hypothalamus and leydig cells to produce testosterone naturally and keeps your balls normal. Exogenous testosterone turns this off.
  12. B

    Shortness of breath

    You need a chest X-ray. U may have an respiratory infection, bronchitis, blood clot (need ct), an onset of pneumonia, or pleuritis.
  13. B

    No pharmacy around my area has HCG, where to get now?

    I called empower today, 2/8, and I am repeat customer and they said 6-8 weeks for Hcg as they are on back order. Looks like I just missed the last doses they had.
  14. B

    Letting e2 run wild

    High E2 symptoms are gynomastia, lumps in the nipples, swollen extremities, increased body fat, enlarged prostate, and yes mood swings but mood swings happen with changes in testosterone as well. Eat more cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower and take some DIM before you think...
  15. B

    ED, No Libido, Seeing A Urologist Now

    You are correct in saying no to the anti depressant meds. They will make libido and erections worse. You can supplement 5-HTP (mood) and pregnenolone (focus and mood) instead which may help a little. Also try an occasional vitamin b12 injection or sublingual. Aging has an effect on mood, like...
  16. B

    Letting e2 run wild

    Your old dr is right. Your E2 is not the problem. Those are not high E2 symptoms and 45 is nothing. Your problem lies elsewhere. What’s your free T and total T numbers? What’s your SHBG number? Maybe try a daily cialis added to your regimen.
  17. B

    What are your experiences with PT-141? (as an aphrodisiac)

    Before u take drugs u don’t need what is your E2 level??? What r your symptoms of what u think is high E2? U can also skip a week of test injections, and take DIM supplements if u r worried about it.
  18. B

    Testosterone 1326 ng/dl at trough - 100mg cypionate, 1.75mg anastrozole (weekly)

    First off, why r u on anastrozole? Why r u taking such high does of it? Your E2 is way too Low for that high of Testosterone. You’re thinking of letting it climb to 30??? That’s nothing. How r u feeling???
  19. B

    Help w/ labs and my E2

    Retest in 6 months. Your E2 is fine. As long as u don’t have symptoms u shouldn’t worry about E2 at all even if it was at 90. Do u have extremity swelling? Gynomastica? Lumps in your nipples? Breast enlargement? If not move on and stop worrying about E2. It’s about how u feel. High E2 is better...
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    IM Testosterone Given SubQ

    Yes some guys use that. I found it rather difficult to draw up with those so I use a larger gauge
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    Defy Medical/Empower Tadalafil ODT

    Download the GoodRx app!!! It gives u the prices of all pharmacies near you and a coupon. Costco has generic cialis (tadalafil) 5mg tabs x 30 for $10. Depending on where you go, the manufacture may be different. I like teva or prasco brand so I go to Walmart for mine. Walmart is $25. I’ll pay...
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    What needle length for IM TRT? Thinking of changing from subQ to IM to feel better

    That’s pretty much what I said... “lean/muscular” vs “skinny scrawny emaciated” either way there is less fat for subq. Same difference
  23. B

    TRT and Fertility

    You’re young to be on TRT. What is your idea of low normal values??? If u have concerns about fertility then you should NOT take Exogenous testosterone. you can do more harm then good. Get your semen analysis done then go from there. Then maybe get on Clomid or Hcg or both as either one will...
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    What needle length for IM TRT? Thinking of changing from subQ to IM to feel better

    Maybe you haven’t dialed in your correct dose for you as everyone is different in what works for them and how they feel. In addition, what else in your life have you looked? Maybe you have depression? Maybe you aren’t drinking enough clean water? This may sound funny but try drinking a gallon of...
  25. B

    IM Testosterone Given SubQ

    Lol. That’s ridiculous. Fire your dr. Another idiot dr. Pls go elsewhere. Yes u can do subq with it. Also get it filled elsewhere and if your insurance doesn’t cover it try GoodRx app. Much cheaper and will tell u where it’s cheapest near u. Tell the pharmacy where u get it filled that u want...
  26. B

    Endocrinologist has me terrified of my blood work

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    Any advice appreciated, new member

    You said you have weight issues? What does that mean? Are you obese? First check labs & Before you do anything including drug treatments get your weight situated and start eating properly before you start taking medication. You may very well cure yourself of many diseases by getting leaner. So...
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    Cialis Not working, Highest Dosage?

    try a different manufacturer of cialis. Also make sure it’s not from India. Prasco labs (USA) makes an authorized generic of cialis. Teva pharmaceuticals from Israel is ok too. You may have to look up the distributor and manufacturer. In addition, try taking a low dose daily whether in am or pm...
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    When HCG is Added to TRT

    You went on a tangent about test injections and that’s not even the subject matter I mentioned. Once again, Clomid doesn’t need to be taken daily. Your own study that you sent even says the protocol I mentioned, NOT DAILY. Here it is... Treatment was initiated with administration of 25 mg of...
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    When HCG is Added to TRT

    There’s nothing irregular about it. Clomid does not need to be taken on a daily basis. There are plenty of studies on CINAHL & PubMED about Clomid for men’s testosterone and fertility with varying dosages. In addition, this was the protocol I changed to from my urologist before I had my baby at...
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    When HCG is Added to TRT

    Ask your urologist about stopping test injections and starting protocol of: 50mg Clomid 3x week (MWF) plus add 500iu HcG 3x week (T,Tr,Sa)