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  1. I

    Need fish oil recommendation

    Sure go for the ethyl ester...
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    How Much Fish Oil is Enough?

    Yes, it seems the older you get the better you become at absorbing omega 3's. The 1.2g DHA and 1.8g EPA is what they were taking together, so 3 grams a day overall, when they saw 'saturation' levels of omega 3 in blood plasma. So that means at 3 grams a day you're getting almost as much omega...
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    How Much Fish Oil is Enough?

    Hi Vince, Yes that's a big problem in omega 3 studies, they hardly ever consider dosages, and even less studies consider actually measuring levels of omega 3 in the body. Hopefully this is starting to change. Andy
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    How Much Fish Oil is Enough?

    Hi Chrismez, That dose should see your EPA/AA ratio comfortably over the 0.75% level of significantly reduced cardiac event. Have you ever had your ratio measured?
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    How Much Fish Oil is Enough?

    Hey Fireproof, Thanks for the reference, it's an excellent article. So they look at 3g of omega 3 when there is a mixed EPA/DHA supplement, with 1.2g DHA and 1.8g EPA at reaching blood plasma 'saturation'. However, plasma levels will still keep increasing at higher doses, just the increases...
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    How Much Fish Oil is Enough?

    Hi Guys, I'm looking for some help with a blog post I've written. I realised quite quickly that I'd taken on quite an ambitious project, but... I have tried to collate all the scientific studies I could find to try and find out what dosage of omega 3 is really beneficial for different health...
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    I need Nutrition advice

    Wow, very interesting article. The rest looks good to me, I'd just increase you Meat, Fish and Eggs intake to increase your protein intake. Calorie counting's not so important when you go to a high fat diet, it's getting through that period where you body is adjusting to fat as it's major...
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    I need Nutrition advice

    Sounds like you've already got a lot of protein in there with the beef, fish, chicken and whey. For fibre have you tried potato starch or plantain flour? They are both resistant starches and so good prebiotics, and as they are not absorbed into the body they won't knock you out of ketosis.
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    Need fish oil recommendation

    Awesome! Let me know how it goes...
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    Need fish oil recommendation

    Lol that's some reply! They are right in what they say about prescribed Omega 3 being ethyl ester, Lovaza and the others are ethyl ester. They are also correct in saying that you can't purify triglycerides. All triglyceride fish oil is first converted into ethyl esters to purify it and then...
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    Need fish oil recommendation

    Hi Guys, Great questions, I'll try to answer them as best I can! A 3:2 ratio or 1.5:1 is the natural ratio of EPA to DHA in fish. You may see this ratio in cheaper fish oils because many manufacturers do little to concentrate the fish oil, often only having around 300mg of EPA and DHA per...
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    Need fish oil recommendation

    Hi Pat, Just wondering if you were in someway unhappy with our omega 3? The other fish oils mentioned here with the exception of Nordic Naturals are all ethyl ester fish oils i.e Ocean Blue, Lovaza, Sam's Club, the Vitamin Shop, and Omegavia, (omega via are quite tricky by saying...
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    Article on using the omega 6 faaty acid Arachidonic Acid (AA) to build muslce Mass

    Interesting article on the efficacy of using AA to build muscle. Omega 6 is often thought of as being only bad, but it's not. It's really to much omega 6: omega 3 that creates inflammation, and with modern diets that tend to be much higher in omega 6 that't what you normally get...
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    Hi Guys!

    What an awesome forum! Glad to be here, I'm a science geek and love any opportunity to stay up to date with he latest research! I also run a supplement company, so I'm always in the lookout for new supplements that can really make a difference to people
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    Supplements that lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increase HDL.

    Hen measuring LDL have any of you looked at the size of LDL particles rather than just volume?
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    H. pylori Infection Linked to Metabolic Syndrome

    H pylori is found in 50% of people worldwide, and around 20% of them never notice any adverse side effects, obviously that's no consolation for those that do. 'L 'Bad bacteria' tend to only be bad when there's too much of it
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    Dopamine Drugs Are Turning Parkinson's Patients Into Picassos

    Yep, interesting, I wondered when they might start trying this with patients